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Presentation on theme: "VOCABULARY UNIT 1 AP SENIORS."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROSELYTE  (n.) One who has been converted from one religious belief or opinion to another, a convert

3 disciple; follower; zealot; convert
Proselyte synonyms disciple; follower; zealot; convert

4 In context Only recently becoming a(n) ~ of this religion, I can understand why some long- term believers doubt my faith.

5 RAILLERY (n.) Good-natured teasing or ridicule

6 Raillery synonyms teasing; banter; persiflage; kidding

7 In context The ~ done by my girlfriends after I told about my disastrous date was all in good fun.

8 HIDEBOUND  (adj.) Stubbornly prejudiced, narrow- minded or inflexible, especially in opinions

9 Hidebound synonyms opinionated; dogmatic; narrow-minded; bias

10 In context The ~ guidance counselor did more harm than good in directing students' futures - his opinion was that all women should be housewives.

11 CATERWAUL  (n.) A shrill, noisy howl or cry; (v.) To howl or have an argument that sounds like a cat in heat

12 Caterwaul synonyms bicker; quarrel; wail; cry

13 In context The neighbors had to ~ during the argument with each other just to be heard; they were wailing after a while!

14 QUASI- (adj.) Resembling in some manner but not actually; (adv.) Partly, somewhat, or to some degree

15 Quasi- synonyms almost; semi; pseudo; partly

16 In context A(n) ~-situation would be one in which it resembles something else but isn't quite so.

17 OBLIVIOUS  (adj.) Forgetful; Lacking consciousness or awareness of

18 Oblivious synonyms ignorant; unknowing; unaware; incognizant

19 In context Sometimes it helps to be ~ to the faults of others because then it's easier to remain friends!

20 VIGNETTE (n.) A brief description or literary sketch; A picture or illustration that fades away at the edges; A decorative design or illustration used on title or chapter pages in a book

21 Vignette synonyms sketch; description; illustration; adumbration

22 In context I saw a(n) ~ of the new action movie and it looks awesome so I can't wait to see it.

23 POLTROON (n.) A complete coward

24 Poltroon synonyms coward; chicken; craven; yellowbelly

25 In context My brother, the ~, wouldn't even walk down the street when a dog was in a yard - such a chicken!

26 EFFETE (adj.) Lacking energy or vigor and worn out and unable to produce

27 Effete synonyms exhausted; tired; enfeebled; enervated

28 In context The ~ dancer who was 70 was just too exhausted to produce good dance moves.

29 MIRAGE (n.) An illusion that has no substance or reality, usually seen in the desert or at sea

30 Mirage synonyms phantasm; hallucination; delusion; vision

31 In context On their Atlantic cruise they saw a(n) ~ on the water that looked like a pirate's ship; they were SURE it was real!

32 LITURGY (n.) A ritual of public worship, such as in a religious service

33 Liturgy synonyms worship; ritual; service; ceremony

34 In context The ~ used in a Lutheran service promotes mercy, forgiveness and hope.

35  FAIT ACCOMPLI (n.) A deed or fact that is already done and seemingly cannot be reversed

36 Fait Accompli synonyms
reality; certainty; truth; fact

37 In context The ~ of her decision seemed unchangeable and she would be forced to live with that reality.

38 BELLWETHER  (n.) One that serves as a leader or indicates future trends

39 Bellwether synonyms guide; beacon; leader; shepherd

40 In context My brother was convinced in high school that he was the ~ of the fashions that passed within the school halls.

41 RIBALD (adj.) Language or speech that is vulgar, mocking, coarse, abusive or irreverent

42 Ribald synonyms vulgar; indecent; salacious; obscene

43 In context To "swear like a sailor" usually means to use ~ language or conversation.

44 SUPINE  (adj.) Lying on one's back with frontside upward; Listless; Apathetic

45 Supine synonyms lazy; inactive; remiss; lethargic

46 In context In yoga, a person lies ~ and does leglifts or stomach crunches.

47 CHIMERICAL (adj.) Highly unrealistic or imaginary or improbable

48 Chimerical synonyms unrealistic; dreamy; fanciful; quixotic

49 In context The ~ scheme of my best friend to get out of her final exam was so unlikely that even she doubted it would work.

50 MORASS  (n.) An area of low, wet ground or a troublesome situation in which one is trapped or entangled

51 Morass synonyms lowland; quagmire; swamp; bog

52 In context As I sank into the swampy ~ near the hiking path, I realized I would soon be in a heck of a situation!

53 HIERARCHY  (n.) A system in which things or people are ranked above one another

54 Hierarchy synonyms classification; division; class; grouping

55 In context In our school, the popularity ~ was ranked by how much cash each student spent on clothes!

56 NOISOME  (adj.) Very offensive or disgusting, particularly to the sense of smell; Something harmful or injurious to one's health

57 Noisome synonyms offensive; atrocious; repulsive; loathsome

58 In context The ~ air that lingers around the sewer pipes is enough to make anyone gag.


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