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Using Excel to Construct Basic Tools for Understanding Variation

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1 Using Excel to Construct Basic Tools for Understanding Variation
14 min for software practice Wave 42 Week 2, September 10, 2016 Run Charts (HCDG, Chp 3) Pareto Analysis (IH Chapter 31) Frequency Plots (IH Chapter 32) Scatterplots (IH Chapter 33)

2 The Fundamental SPC Tool Kit!
Frequency Plot Run Chart Pareto Chart Excel Line Chart Excel Data Analysis Histogram Excel Data Analysis Histogram – Pareto option Scatterplot Two-way Table Shewhart Charts (later) . Excel Format Cells - Borders Excel Scatter Chart

3 Go to W2 Database Final.xls
If you do not have data analysis add in Go to W2 Database Final.xls first sheet should be called “Tools Practice”


5 “Case Study 1 Safety Data” to construct each of the 4 chart types
Construct Each of the Four Charts Use data in 2nd worksheet called “Case Study 1 Safety Data” to construct each of the 4 chart types

6 Histogram in Excel Decide on your histogram data
Decide what you want the cells—Bins—to be Go to the Data Tab on the upper ribbon Then select Data Analysis within the Data Tab Now select the Histogram option which gives you a box within which you design your histogram Choose your Input Range and Bin Range Check the Chart Output box To revise the look of the graph, highlight graph and check out Format tab Label clearly

7 Pareto Chart in Excel Decide on your Pareto Chart data
Set up bins that correspond to the Code of the categories Go to the Data Tab on the Excel ribbon Then select Data Analysis within the Data Tab Now select Histogram (yes Histogram!) Choose your Input Range and Bin Range Check the Pareto (Sorted Histogram) box Check the Cumulative Percentage box Check the Chart Output box Finally revise the look of the graph using the Format tab Label well Change title, check vertical scales (% should not exceed 100%)

8 Run Chart in Excel Highlight first 2 columns (‘Month’ & ‘% of Admissions with an ADE’) Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon Select Line Chart (choose the one with dots) Now you need to add a Median to your chart (you will need to add a new column to your data set) Use the formula ‘=median(B2:B31)’ to work out the Median value Right click on your chart and click on Select Data Add a new series for your median column Give your series a name and specify the Series Values To improve your chart, use the Format tab To improve the data lines on your chart, right click on your data line and select Format Data Series

9 Scatter Plot in Excel Highlight two columns of data you believe may have relationship which you want to explore Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon Select Scatter Plot Check to see if X axis is an independent variable Finally revise the look of the graph using the Format tab Label clearly

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