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Everything you need to know!

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1 Everything you need to know!
Year 5 Everything you need to know!

2 (until October half term)
Teaching Staff (until October half term) 5JB Miss Bone (Monday to Wednesday) Mrs Jonwood (Wednesday to Friday) 5S Miss Stark

3 (after October half term)
Teaching Staff (after October half term) 5JB Miss Bone (Monday to Wednesday, Thursday morning and Friday morning) Mrs Lane (Thursday and Friday afternoons) 5S Miss Stark

4 Support Staff Mrs Lane Mrs Nowakowska Mrs Rowbottom

5 Specialist Staff Mr Barclay - Computing Mr Mackenzie – Outdoor P.E.

6 Learning in Year 5 Autumn Term 1
To kick off Year 5, we are taking our learning to the other side of the world and doing a project on Hawaii! In Geography, we will be revising the world’s continents in order to locate Hawaii. We will then focus on its environmental regions, key physical (rivers, mountains, volcanoes etc.) and human characteristics (types of settlement and land use). In Design and Technology we will be preparing and cooking a traditional Hawaiian pineapple cake recipe. In Art, we will be looking at the significance of totem poles and creating our own. In Music, we will be developing our understanding of staff and other musical notations, by learning to play the ukulele.

7 Learning in Year 5 Autumn Term 1
Outside of our mathematical project lessons, we will be looking at number and place value and then moving on to the four number operations, using increasingly larger numbers. Around AD, Polynesians found the Hawaiian Islands in voyaging canoes. In Literacy, we will be looking at the story of Disney’s Moana, the story a Polynesian chief’s daughter, who is chosen by the ocean itself to reunite a mystical relic with a goddess. The ancient Hawaiians, like most indigenous peoples, felt a deep connection with nature and explained everything from the creation of the Earth to the lava flowing from their volcanoes through the stories of their gods and goddesses. We will be using them as inspiration to write our own myth, with a focus on the setting.

8 Learning in Year 5 Autumn Term 1
We are also starting the year by learning about different kinds of forces in Science. We will be looking at what it means when forces are balanced and unbalanced, what gravity is, as well as working scientifically by carrying out investigations into air resistance, water resistance and friction. In P.E., we will start the term by developing our flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance in gymnastic lessons. In Computing ? In Religious Education this term, we will be focusing on the way different religions worship and in Spanish we will be learning the parts of the face, as well as learning about Day of the Dead, which is celebrated in Mexico (our focus country for Year 5). We look forward to inviting you to share in the children’s hard work for their project outcome, once they have decided how they would like to present their learning. Check the website for updates and photos. You can also follow us on for updates from the classroom!

9 Timetable

10 Timetable P.E. P.E. kits needs to be in school on Mondays (for gymnastics or dance indoors) and on Wednesdays (for outdoor P.E.). Library Our library slot will be on Monday, where the children can choose to change their books. The children can also visit the library at lunchtime break.

11 Timetable We will sometimes be taking the children outside for their learning – down to the dell, the pond area, the field or the playground. Please ensure the children have appropriate outdoor clothing (wellies and hooded raincoats) in school at all times. When the seasons change and it starts to get cold, please ensure they bring hats, scarves and gloves too.

12 Home Learning Learning Logs
Learning Log tasks will be set on every third Friday and are due in on a Friday, when they will have the opportunity to share their work with their class. They should spend about 30 minutes a week on the task and the final product should reflect this.

13 Home Learning Literacy Spelling
Spelling home learning will be given on a fortnightly basis in spelling books. It continues to take a ‘menu’ format, where they can choose from a selection of activities. They should spend an equivalent to 30 minutes a week on the activities and the final product should reflect this.

14 Home Learning Literacy Spelling
The children will be focusing on 10 of the Years 5 and 6 statutory words per fortnight. They are not required to use these in their home learning, but please feel free to take a paper copy of these words, should you want to work on them at home with your child. The Years 3 and 4 statutory words are also included. They will be tested on a selection of these words, along with the spelling rules, at the end of each term.

15 Home Learning Literacy Reading
Reading to an adult, and then being questioned on their reading, is very important. Children need to read at home every day, and have their record signed by an adult at least three times per week. Reading records will be collected and checked every Friday. Please feel free to take a copy of a Year 5 ‘recommended reading’ list, as well as some examples of questions that you could ask your child about their reading.

16 Home Learning Maths Mathletics will be set on Fridays after school and should be completed by the following Friday morning. Children should spend about half an hour on Mathletics a week – if they have completed their tasks, they can use live Mathletics, Rainforest Maths or ‘Times Table Toons’, all of which can be accessed via the Mathletics website.

17 Lunch Slightly later lunch time than last year – eating at 1.15pm.
The children may bring in an extra sandwich or more fruit and vegetable for their snack at break time, as they are eating later. Please ensure no nuts or kiwi fruits in their morning snack.

18 Independence Moving to upper Key Stage 2 is a chance for your child to become more independent. Please encourage your child to pack their own bag and organise themselves for school.

19 Queries If you would like to speak to us regarding your child please call the school office or speak to us at the end of the day to arrange a time.

20 Any Questions?


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