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Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended December 31, 2000

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1 Unibanco´s Consolidated Results for the Period Ended December 31, 2000
Conference Call - February 20, 2001

2 Contents Financial Summary Competitive Positioning Concluding Remarks

3 Results and Capitalization
Financial Summary Results and Capitalization 2000 1999 % Net income (R$ million) Earnings/1000 shares Net worth (R$ million) 5,504 4, ROAE ROAA BIS Ratio - Central Bank 16.5% 17.5%

4 General Purpose Lending
Financial Summary Loan Growth In R$ million Year % change Quarter % Dec/99 Sep/00 Dec/00 General Purpose Lending 10,254 8,389 7,178 22.2% 42.9% Trade Finance 3,802 3,070 3,557 23.8% 6.9% Subtotal 14,056 11,459 10,735 22.7% 30.9% Personal Loans 3,398 2,762 2,130 23.0% 59.5% Real Estate 507 441 436 15.0% 16.3% Leasing 931 769 950 21.1% -2.0% Credit Cards - Balanced growth, rigor on creditworthiness (growth below market average) - Maintain tight filter for behaviour scoring models and wholesale credit processes - Total 34,5% ano - Orgânico (18,4) Aquisições (16,1) - Total 23,6% ano - Orgânico (8,8) Aquisições (14,8) - Market Growth Estimated 35% growth of total loans in the private sector - TRADE - mesmo nível em $ do início do ano 2,367 1,773 1,560 33.5% 51.7% Subtotal 7,203 5,745 5,076 25.4% 41.9% Total 21,259 17,204 15,811 23.6% 34.5%

5 Financial Summary Loan Breakdown R$ 15,811 million R$ 21,259 million
December 1999 December 2000 Retail Banking 32% Large Corporate 41% Private 1% Credicard and Fininvest 10% Corporate Middle Market 16% 49% 24% 8% 17% 2% Change in the Mix From To Retail % 42% Wholesale % 58% R$ 15,811 million R$ 21,259 million

6 Bandeirantes + 50% Fininvest Deposits/Loans up from 55% to 63% QoQ
Financial Summary Deposits In R$ million In R$ million Bandeirantes + 50% Fininvest Organic Growth Dec/00 Sep/00 Growth Demand Deposits 2,392 1, Savings Deposits 3,706 2,688 1, Interbank Deposits Time Deposits 7,053 4,995 2,058 1, Total Deposits 13,350 9,468 3,882 2,340 1,542 Deposits/Loans up from 55% to 63% QoQ

7 Financial Summary Funding Dec/00 Sep/00 Dec/99 29,640 20,975 18,527
In R$ million Quarter % change Year % change Dec/00 Sep/00 Dec/99 Funding in local currency 29,640 20,975 18,527 41.3% 60.0% Funding in foreign currency 10,250 8,001 9,064 28.1% 13.1% Total funding 39,890 28,976 27,591 37.7% 44.6% Assets under management 20,467 17,238 13,423 18.7% 52.5% Total Customer Funds 60,357 46,214 41,014 30.6% 47.2% 29,703 30,826 34,322 41,014 60,327 96 97 98 99 2000 Foreign currency % do total % do total Foreign currency in US$ = 6.0% Total funding (third line) was up 44.6% for the year in spite of a relatively modest growth of 13.1% in dollar funding, as demand for US dollar loans initially drop to subsequently increase. CAGR of 19.4%, 103.1% in 4 years

8 Financial Summary Fee Income Total 470 405 16.0 1,640 1,449 13.2 4Q00
In R$ million 4Q00 3Q00 % 2000 1999 % Tariffs and comissions Credit Cards Asset Management (11.3) Total 470 405 16.0 1,640 1,449 13.2 1,640 1,449 1,368 1,244 Speech: In spite of decrease in fee income from asset management, and narrowing spreads, fee income grew 13.2% YoY. We expect a reversal of trends in asset management in 2001, due to gains in share in the retail market, organic growth and also acquisitions Bandeirantes e Fininvest - brought 6%, ou R$ 25 MM (1 month-December) Valores absolutos: Bandeirantes - R$ 19 MM, Fininvest R$ 6 MM Specify - growth after year after Nacional acquisition - consolidation of Band and Fininv only 1 month Fees cash management Other banking products Credit car fees - billings 21% Market - # Cards UBB % (Market 18.4%) UBB billing % - Credicard S/A billing % CAGR of 16.1%, 81.4% in 4 years 904 Bandeirantes and Fininvest contributed R$ 25 million in fees in Dec/2000. 96 97 98 99 2000

9 (1) Excludes impacts of Banco Bandeirantes and 50% of Fininvest
Financial Summary Personnel and Administrative Expenses 96 97 98 99 2000 3,002 1,837 Acquisitions of Bandeirantes, Fininvest and Credibanco contributed R$ 90 million to total expenses Other newly consolidated companies (Cibrasec, Serasa, contributed R$ 32 million to total expenses 5.6% increase in expenses YoY excluding both factors mentioned above 2,771 2,682 2,632 2,727 1,628 1,674 1,485 1,575 1,165 1,143 1,053 1,147 1,107 Fees/Personnel Exp.(%) Fees/Total Expenses.(%) Cost Asset Ratio(1) 2000 1999 1996 Reasoning for increase in expenses - Collective bargaining agreement - Marketing - Data Processing Migração Bandeirantes Integration of a total of 469 branches will begin in early April with 1 branch will be migrated to Unibanco´s IT systems. This process will take place during a period of 6 months, with a peak of 50 branches being migrated every 15 days. Personnel Adm. Expenses (1) Excludes impacts of Banco Bandeirantes and 50% of Fininvest

10 Financial Summary Credit Quality AA A B C D - H 22,148 17,833 17,327
9% In R$ million 10% 17,833 17,327 10% 8% 8% 10% 12% 10% 30% 9% 28% 27% 80% 82% 81% Speech: In spite of the 25% loan growth in the quarter, of which almost 2/3 were from the acquisitions of Bandeirantes and Fininvest, loans classified AA- B went from 80% in June to 81% by year end. D-H went up R$ MM in absolute terms, from 8.3 to 9.2 in relative terms which consumed R$ 1,317 MM in provisions in the 4th quarter, 65% of total outstanding. Free provision of R$ 170 MM represent a more conservative provision than the minimum required by the Central Bank in each classification. Bandeirantes´ total D-H portfolio of R$ is 1.6% of Unibanco´s total portfolio 50% of Fininvest D-H portfolio of R$ is 0.5% Unibanco´s total portfolio Unibanco´s total D-H portfolio grew R$ 120 million QoQ, representing 0.5% of portfolio Free provisions of R$ 170 million above minimum requirements 41% 44% 44% 2Q00 3Q00 4Q00 AA A B C D - H

11 Gross financial intermediation = 276 + 650 (Gross do PR) = 926
Financial Summary Consolidated Income Statement In R$ million 4Q00 3Q00 4Q99 2000 1999 Gross Profit from Financial Intermediation ,501 3,348 Provisions for Losses (net of recovery) (276) (260) (71) (859) (870) Fee Income ,640 1,449 Personnel & Admin. Expenses (892) (734) (715) (3,001) (2,727) Other 78 (48) (254) (112) (303) Income Before Tax & Profit Sharing , Net Income Provision for loan losses net of recovery = Provision - loan recovery ( )=276 (neg) Gross financial intermediation = (Gross do PR) = 926 4t00 3t00 4t

12 # of Clients (in million)
Competitive Positioning - Retail Banking Client Base and Distribution Network 1,623 64 7.7 462 3.0 1,080 0.7 3.7 1,017 3.5 1,097 4.0 CSB - Corporate Site Branches ISB - In Store Branches Organic Growth Contativa million clients in 3 years. In 2000, already 66 new branches, 135 CSB, 58 ISB Investments R$ 181 million Expense Growth R$ 199 million Fininvest - Increase customer base by 18% p.ª 52 new branches in 2001 Increase cross selling New products introduction 98 99 2000 98 99 2000 # of Clients (in million) Points of Sale Unibanco Unibanco branches/CSB/ISB Bandeirantes Bandeirantes branches/CSB Fininvest Fininvest Network

13 19.9% Competitive Positioning - Retail Banking
Customer Base - Market Share 10,000 7,500 4,450 3,600 2,500 1,500 700 25 50 18 30 35 37 40 45 55 60 65 70 Age Income Source: Brazil IBGE (PNAD) - All sources Young Affluent Affluent Successful Beginner Upper Middle Family Older Up-scale Middle Family Middle Core Young Mass Market Mass Market Younger Lower Older Lower 19.9% from 2.1% to 10.8%

14 # 1 in Credit Cards in Latin America
Competitive Positioning - Credit Cards 2000 1999 Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) 100% Cartão Unibanco 3,326 7 2,512 2,550 6 2,033 100% Fininvest 534 1 1,802 336 1 1,237 100% Bandeirantes 287 1 109 - - - Subtotal 4,147 9 4,423 2,886 7 3,270 In the credit card arena, transaction volume by 100% owned Unibanco companies was up 43.7%, from R$ 2.9 to R$ 4.1 billion, with a 2% gain in market share from 7% to 9%. For Credicard, while market share dropped, coincidentally 2%, from 31% to 29%, volume was also up, some 15% from R$ 12,8 to R$ 14,6 billion. 33% Credicard 14,671 29 7,240 12,781 31 6,408 # 1 in Credit Cards in Latin America

15 Competitive Positioning - Wholesale Banking
in R$ billion 3.1 2.9 98 99 2000 3.8 3.6 2.4 1.7 98 99 2000 BNDES Onlendings Trade Financing 5.6 12.4 4.4 In wholesale, measured by R$ volumes, growth was indeed significant:29% in BNDES onlendings, 24% in total loans, 27% in private banking portfolios. Trade financing volumes were up only 6% as a result of softer demand for US dollars borrowings. 10.0 9.1 4.0 98 99 2000 98 99 2000 Total Loans Private Banking Portfolio

16 Competitive Positioning - Wholesale Banking
Ranked #3 in disbursements of BNDES onlendings; entered 2001 as financial advisor to 37 projects demanding R$ 11 billion in financing Maintained share in excess of 8% of trade financing Capital Markets/Syndicated Lending: lead managed transaction totaling R$ 8.5 billion, up from R$ 7.4 billion in 1999 M&A: completed 11 advisory mandates; earned Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2000 Expanded middle market presence: increased client base and geographic presence Particularly well positioned for increased volumes in capital markets activities for large corporates, credit for the middle market, and advisory and convenience/cash management services to both segments.

17 Competitive Positioning Insurance
1,519 1,454 1,075 997 1,150 379 349 369 98 99 00 1,346 108.0 108.3 106.5 104.7 105.0 101.2 98 99 00 Unibanco AIG Market Insurance (Unibanco, AIG, Trevo) Pension Plans Combined Ratio (%) Premiums Written 31% Auto Life and accidents 27% Health 6% Property 14% 10% 8% 4% Others CTPL Marine cargo 61.6 62.7 61.9 66.3 68.9 68.0 98 99 00 Unibanco AIG Market Claims (%) Combined ratio Premiums earned - (operating expenses + administrative expenses + selling expenses)/Premiums earned Our combined ratio is one of the lowest in the market, due to our efforts in restructuring and changing the product mix Pension Plans Market expansion 40% (doubtful) Unibanco AIG Previdência grew 6% More competition in Corporate funds, where the company is the leader 4th in premiums written 3rd in technical reserves Unibanco AIG Seguros Projection of expanding premiums written in 15% again in 2001. (2000=15% - Market grew around 13%) Premiums Written by Segment Brazilian Insurance Industry Life and accidents Auto 33% 20% Premiums Written by Segment Unibanco AIG Seguros 9% 24% Others 5% Health 2% 7% CTPL Marine Cargo Property CTPL - Compulsory Third Party Liability

18 Competitive Positioning Asset Management
Market Share Management fees Assets under management in R$ billion 10,175 13,423 20,467 18,697 1,770 6% 5% 4% 2.66% 1.88% 1.41% 98 99 2000 98 99 2000 98 99 2000 Unibanco Bandeirantes Distribution Channels Retail 41 35 Corporate 5 16 Private 7 8 Inst Invest 47 41 Focus on distribution Lever retail volumes from organic growth and acquisitions Focus on performance Maintain solid position in institutional/ corporate segment and increase of volumes in Private

19 Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets
Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets 1990 Multiple 1-Bradesco 2.9x 2-Itaú 2.3x 3-Santander Banespa 2.3x 4-Bamerindus 1.6x 5-Unibanco 6-Econômico 0.9x 7-Nacional 0.8x 8-Real 0.7x Challenges: end of inflation growth / scale efficiency / quality capitalization

20 Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets
Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets 1990 2000 Multiple Multiple 1-Bradesco 2.9x 2-Itaú 2.3x 3-Santander Banespa 2.3x 4-Bamerindus 1.6x 5-Unibanco 6-Econômico 0.9x 7-Nacional 0.8x 8-ABN Real 0.7x 1-Bradesco (1) 1.8x 2-Itaú (2) 1.3x 3-Santander Banespa (2) 1.2x 4-Unibanco (1) 1.0x 5- ABN Real (3) 0.7x 6-Safra (3) 0.4x 7-HSBC Bamerindus (3) 0.4x 8-BBVA Econômico (3) 0.2x Challenges: declining spreads growth / scale efficiency / quality We were the 5th largest, but far from the largest peers which were 2,5 to 3,5 times bigger than us, and closer to the peers which came behind us. One decade after, we are the 4th largest, ranked by assets, but very close to the 3rd one, Santander, with much smaller differences to the larger ones, and much higher differences to the small ones. 2000 was a year of Investment, Resctructuring and “mudança de patamar”. All these actions were taken in order to leverage a group of revenues through all the segments in which Unibanco participates. (1) As of December, (2) As of September, (3) As of June,2000

21 The Credit Opportunity
Concluding Remarks The Credit Opportunity December 2000 BIS 16.5% Assets R$ 51.5 billion Loans R$ 21.3 billion Forecast: Potential Leverage in 5th year 5 years ROAE BIS Ratio 20% Average Loan Growth (R$ 31.6 Billion) R$ 10.2 billion 18% 12.4% If we grow 20%, we will get to indexes near to what Chile was in 1994. Credit as lever for whole spectrum of revenues of a well balanced universal banking franchise

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