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Il mercato biologico nella trappola della sostenibilità?

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Presentation on theme: "Il mercato biologico nella trappola della sostenibilità?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Il mercato biologico nella trappola della sostenibilità?
Il biologico fra produttivita e sostenibilità Il mercato biologico nella trappola della sostenibilità? Consorzio il Biologico Bologna, SANA, Gerald A. Herrmann Director, Organic Services GmbH 1

2 The Principles of Organic Farming

3 Definition of Organic Agriculture
Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.

4 Dimensions of Sustainability

5 Does the consumer understand the organic definition?
The organic message? Does the consumer understand the organic definition? No! The message is too complex to understand the multifaceted benefits organic is delivering Yes! When kept simple: there is at least one organic logo…

6 Competing with ‘single’ focus programmes
Complex, regulated, “harmonized” Simpler message, not regulated Plus thousands of additional organizations’ and companies’ label

7 Criteria for purchasing food
No prophylactic use of antibiotics Taste Animal husbandry Freshness, ripeness Health aspect Price – benefit ratio No synthetic pesticides Source: Ökobarometer 2003 … and where is organic?

8 Criteria for purchasing food
Source: Ökobarometer 2003 … and where is organic?

9 Importance of additional label information
Importance of additional information on organic products’ labels Which additional information is important for you? (only persons who are currently buying organic products) Identification of regional provenience Fair Trade Identification of sustainable production Animal friendly Positive climate assessment No opinion Source: BMELV, Ökobarometer: 2012

10 Challenging communication
It is challenging to communicate the complex message of organic, including so many aspects: soil, feeding and free range of animals, no pesticides, food miles, social, traceability, low number of additives etc. It is comparably easy and simple to advocate for one (or a reduced number) strong aspect of sustainability.

11 Will „sustainable“ last?
Consumers have a vague understanding of sustainability only – they do not cope with its complexity! The ‘market’ and companies are using this confusion to their benefit by using single or only few sustainability criteria ‘greenwashing’ leading to an erosion in credibility of sustainable claims will sustainability last for long? will sustainability help organic or on the contrary reduce its credibility and market standing?

12 Two options for organic
Penetrate the organic message. The organic claim is only complemented by other arguments. Communication can be kept simple! Organic Biodiversity Carbon neutral Water footprint Green building Social Sustainable Most probable a good strategy for brand companies!

13 Two options for organic
Organic and sustainable are equally important, respectively organic is even a subset of sustainability. Thus, the organic company differentiates itself from other (non-sustainable) companies and from non-organic companies claiming to be sustainable. This may however backlash: the organic message may get lost! Communication is complex and tricky! Sustainability organic

14 Organic must penetrate its core message, values and benefits!
My personal opinion Organic must penetrate its core message, values and benefits! Communication must be simple! Organic must become more sustainable: Organic must close its loopholes, respectively its weak points regarding organic principles and its sustainability If not, organic will drown in the big sea of sustainability!

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