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Algorithms for Large Data Sets

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1 Algorithms for Large Data Sets
Ziv Bar-Yossef Lecture 7 April 20, 2005

2 Rank Aggregation

3 Outline The rank aggregation problem Applications Desired properties
Arrow’s impossibility theorem Rank aggregation methods

4 The Rank Aggregation Problem
m candidates (a.k.a. “alternatives”) M = {1,…,m}: set of candidates n voters (a.k.a. “agents” or “judges”) N = {1,…,n}: set of voters Each voter i, has an ranking i on M i(a) < i(b) means i-th voter prefers a to b Ranking may be a total or partial order The rank aggregation problem: Combine 1,…,n into a single ranking  on M, which represents the “social choice” of the voters. Rank aggregation function: f(1,…,n) =   may be a total or partial order

5 Examples m small, n large: elections (multi-party parliament, academies, boards,...) m modest, n small: program committees, sports m large, n small: meta-search, travel plans, restaurant selection

6 Applications to Web Search
Meta search Combine results of different search engines into a better overall ranking Combat spam Spam results unlikely to rank high in aggregate ranking, even though they can rank high in one or two search engines. Search for multiple terms AND: bad recall OR: bad precision Complex boolean queries: too complicated for average user Solution: search for small subsets of terms and aggregate results Combine multiple ranking functions Use different ranking functions (e.g., VSM, PageRank, HITS, …) and aggregate them into a single function

7 Applications to Databases
Rank items in a database according to multiple criteria Ex: Choose a restaurant by cuisine, distance, price, quality, etc. Ex: Choose a flight ticket by price, # of stops, date and time, frequent flier bonuses, etc.

8 Desired Properties: Unanimity
Unanimity (a.k.a. Pareto optimality): If all voters prefer candidate a to candidate b (i.e., i(a) < i(b) for all i), then also  should prefer a to b (i.e., (a) < (b)). a c b a:b = 3:0

9 Desired Properties: Condorcet
Condorcet Criterion [Condorcet, 1785]: Condorcet winner: a candidate a, which is preferred by most voters to any other candidate b (i.e., for all b, # of i s.t. i(a) < i(b) is at least n/2). Condorcet criterion: If Condorcet winner exists,  should rank it first (i.e., (a) = 1). c b a c b a a:b = 2:1, a:c = 2:1 No Condorcet winner

10 Desired Properties: XCC
Extended Condorcet Criterion (XCC): If most voters prefer candidate a to candidate b (i.e., # of i s.t. i(a) < i(b) is at least n/2), then also  should prefer a to b (i.e., (a) < (b)). Not always realizable c b a c b a (a) < (b) < (c) Not realizable

11 XCC and Spam [Dwork et al. 2001]
Definition: a page p is said “spam” to a ranking , if there is a page q ranked lower than p, which most human evaluators will think should be ranked higher than p. Assumption: for any two pages p,q, majority of human evaluators agrees with majority of search engine rankings on the order of p,q. Conclusion: Spam pages are always “Condorcet losers” If rank aggregation function respects XCC, it eliminates spam.

12 Desired Properties: Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives
Relative order of a and b in  should depend only on relative order of a and b in 1,…,n. Ex: if i = (a b c) changes to (a c b), relative order of a,b in  should not change.

13 Desired Properties: Neutrality and Anonymity
No candidate should be favored to others. If two candidates switch positions in 1,…,n, they should switch positions also in . Anonymity No voter should be favored to others. If two voters switch their orderings,  should remain the same.

14 Desired Properties: Monotonicity and Consistency
If the ranking of a candidate is improved by a voter, its ranking in  can only improve. Consistency If voters are split into two disjoint sets, S and T, and both the aggregation of voters in S and the aggregation of voters in T prefer a to b, then also the aggregation of all voters should prefer a to b.

15 Dictatorship and Democracy
Dictatorship: f(1,…,n) = i Democracy (a.k.a. Majoritian aggregation): Use extended Condorcet Criterion to rank candidates. Always works for m = 2. Not always realizable for m ≥ 3. Theorem [May, 1952]: For m = 2, Democracy is the only rank aggregation function which is monotone, neutral, and anonymous.

16 Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem [Arrow, 1951]
Theorem: If m ≥ 3, then the only rank aggregation function that is unanimous and independent from irrelevant alternatives is dictatorship. Won Nobel prize (1972)

17 Positional Rank Aggregation Methods
Plurality score(a) = # of voters who chose a as #1 : order candidates by decreasing scores Top-k approval score(a) = # of voters who chose a as one of the top k Borda’s rule [Borda, 1781] score(a) = i i(a) : order candidates by increasing scores Violate independence from irrelevant alternatives

18 Positional Methods: Example
b c a d Borda Top-2 Approval Plurality =10 2 a =9 3 1 b =10 c =11 d

19 Optimal Rank Aggregation
d: distance measure among rankings Definition: The optimal rank aggregation for 1,…,n w.r.t. d is the ranking  which minimizes i d(,i). 1 n 2

20 Distance Measures Kendall tau distance (a.k.a. “bubble sort distance”)
K(,) = # of pairs of candidates (a,b) on which  and  disagree Ex: K( (a b c d), (a d c b)) = = 3 Spearman footrule distance F(,) = a |(a) - (a)| Ex: F((a b c d), (a d c b)) = = 4

21 Kemeny Optimal Aggregation [Kemeny 1959]
Optimal aggregation w.r.t. Kendall-tau distance Theorem [Young & Levenglick, 1978] [Truchon 1998]: Kemeny optimal aggregation is the only rank aggregation function, which is neutral, consistent, and satisfies the Extended Condorcet principle. Effective for fighting spam Generative model: * is the “correct” ranking 1,…,n are generated from  by swapping every pair with probability < ½. Then: Kemeny optimal aggregation gives the maximum likelihood  given 1,…,n. [Young 1988]

22 Complexity of Kemeny Optimal Aggregation
NP-hard, even for n = 4 [Dwork et al. 2001] In P, for n = 2. Unknown for n = 3. Can be approximated using Spearman footrule: Proposition [Diaconis-Graham]: K(,) ≤ F(,) ≤ 2 K(,) What is the complexity of footrule optimal aggregation?

23 Footrule Optimal Aggregation
Theorem [Dwork et al. 2001] Footrule optimal aggregation can be computed in polynomial time. Proof Want to find  which minimizes i a |(a) - i(a)| Define a weight bipartite graph G = (L,R,W) as follows: L = M (the candidates) R = {1,…,m}: the available ranks W(a,r) = i |r - i(a)| A matching in G = ranking Cost of a matching: i a |(a) - i(a)| Hence, reduced to finding a minimum cost matching in a bipartite graph

24 Local Kemenization [Dwork et al. 2001]
Definition: A ranking  is locally Kemeny optimal aggregation for 1,…,n if there is no other ranking ’, which: Can be obtained from  by flipping one pair Satisfies i K(’, i) < i K(,i) Features: Every Kemeny optimal aggregation is also locally Kemeny optimal, but converse is not necessarily true. Locally Kemeny optimal aggregations satisfy XCC. Locally Kemeny optimal aggregations can be computed in O(n m log m) time.

25 Markov Chain Techniques [Dwork et al. 2001]
Markov Chain states = candidates Transitions depend on the voter rankings Basic idea: probabilistically switch to a “better” candidate Final ranking: induced by stationary distribution

26 Four MC Methods Current state is candidate a.
MC1: Choose uniformly from multiset of all candidates that were ranked at least as high as a by some voter. Probability to stay at a: ~ average rank of a. MC2: Choose a voter i u.a.r. and pick u.a.r. from among the candidates that the i-th voter ranked at least as high as a. MC3: Choose a voter i u.a.r. and pick u.a.r. a candidate b. If i-th voter ranked b higher than a, go to b. Otherwise, stay in a. MC4: Choose a candidate b u.a.r. If most voters ranked b higher than a, go to b. Otherwise, stay in a. Rank of a ~ # of “pairwise contests” a wins.

27 End of Lecture 7

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