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Portfolio Committee on Labour
Strategic Plan Annual Work Plan 2012 – 2013 Portfolio Committee on Labour : 18 April 2012 Overall Responsibility: Director General: Mr NPT Nhleko DoL Strategic Plan
TABLE OF CONTENTS Mandate Vision Mission Programmes/Branches
Key Result Areas MTSF Priorities Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services Programme 3: Public Employment Services Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations Planned Policy Initiatives DG Priority Projects DoL Strategic Plan
MANDATE Aim: To regulate the South African Labour Market for a sustainable economy. Legislation: The Department of Labour is responsible for the following legislation: Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 NEDLAC Act, 1994 Labour Relations Act, 1995, as amended Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, as amended Employment Equity Act, 1998 Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 as amended Unemployment Insurance Contributions Act, 2002. DoL Strategic Plan
VISION The Department of Labour will strive for a labour market which is conducive to investment, economic growth, employment creation and Decent Work DoL Strategic Plan
MISSION Regulate the South African labour market for a sustainable economy through: Appropriate legislation & regulation Inspection, compliance monitoring and enforcement Protection of human rights Provision of Employment Services Promoting equity Social and income protection Social dialogue. DoL Strategic Plan
PROGRAMMES / BRANCHES Programme 1: Administration
Chief Operations Officer Internal Audit Risk Management Security Services Communication Human Resources Management Chief Information Officer Legal Services Chief Financial Officer Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES) Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES) Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (LP & IR) DoL Strategic Plan
KEY RESULT AREAS (KRA) The Strategic Plan (2012–2017) consists of the following Key Result Areas (KRA’s): KRA 1: Contribution to Employment Creation KRA 2: Promote Equity in the Labour Market KRA 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers KRA 4: Strengthening Multilateral and Bilateral Relations KRA 5: Strengthening Social Protection KRA 6: Promoting Sound Labour Relations KRA 7: Monitoring the Impact of Legislation KRA 8: Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Department DoL Strategic Plan
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS THE DEPARTMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES PROGRAMME 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Outputs: 4.1 Making our growth more labour absorbing 4.2. Reducing youth unemployment 4.3. Raising our international competitiveness 4.4. Analysing the cost structure of the SA economy 4.5. Reviewing support for small business 4.6. Expanding our Public Works Programme 1: Contribution to employment creation 2: Promote equity in the labour market 3: Protecting vulnerable workers 5: Strengthening social protection 6: Promoting sound labour relations 7: Monitoring the impact of legislation IES PES LP & IR DoL Strategic Plan
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS THE DEPARTMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES PROGRAMME 11: Creating a better South Africa and contributing to a better and safer Africa in a better world. 4: Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations LP & IR 12: An efficient, effective and development orientated public service and an empowered and inclusive citizenship Output: 12.1 Service delivery quality and access 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department ADMIN DoL Strategic Plan
Programme purpose and measurable objectives on pages 13 - 21
Programme 1: Administration Programme purpose and measurable objectives on pages DoL Strategic Plan
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 12 Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 1.1 Improve organizational performance Fully functional performance management system implemented to comply 100% with prescripts Management Performance capability (MPAT) self-assessment conducted by end November 2012 Conduct performance management capability assessment by end of Nov 2012 1.2 Improve service delivery access and quality Number service delivery points accessible in line with geographic norms and standards Conduct accessibility study in line with geographic norms and standards with an implementation plan DoL Strategic Plan
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 12 Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 1.4 Communication Plan/Strategy implemented Popularise research work produced by RME for public to have clearer understanding of the role played by the department in the Labour Market Launch publication Annual Labour Market Bulletin Annual Industrial Action Report Job opportunity and unemployment in the SA Labour Market 1.5 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Human Resource Plan implemented Percentage of women, youth and people with disabilities employed in line with the EE Plan 40% women employed in Senior Management Service (SMS), 48% youth and 4% people with disabilities employed in Department of Labour by 31 March 2013 Fill all vacancies within a specified period of time Vacancy rate reduced to below 7% by 31 March 2013 DoL Strategic Plan
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 12 Strategic Objective 8: Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Department OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 1.6 ICT Strategy developed and implemented Implementation of the new ICT strategy 50% strategic plan components implemented 1.7 PPP ICT contract effectively managed Exit and services transfer plan developed and implemented Completion of handover by PPP service provider and close-out of PPP 1.8 Improved Supply Chain Management and procurement 95% of payments effected within 30 days of receipt of invoice Payments effected within 30days of receipt of invoice DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (IES)
Programme purpose and measurable objectives on pages DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 2: Promote equity in the labour market OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 2.1 Employment Equity implementation and enforcement mechanisms strengthened to ensure transformation of the labour market Percentage of employers complying with their EE Plans to reflect demographics of the country in all occupational categories 80% of 240 employers inspected to comply with legislation DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 3: Protecting vulnerable workers OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 2.2 Improved capacity to monitor and enforce compliance with labour legislation and decent work principles 80% of workplaces inspected and audited (targeting problematic sectors) comply with labour legislation within 90 days of inspection or audit 80% of workplaces inspected /audited to comply within 90 days of inspection or audit Conduct two advocacy sessions focusing on problematic sectors forestry and hospitality sectors Two Seminars to be held in the targeted problematic sectors- i.e. forestry and hospitality Develop and implement a training program for shop stewards Percentage of labour complaints resolved within specific number of days of receipt at Registration Services Resolve 70% of received complaints within 14 days. DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 5: Strengthening social protection OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 2.3 Occupational Health and Safety implementation and enforcement mechanisms strengthened Percentage in reduction in incidents in four high risk sectors : Iron and Steel Construction Chemical Agriculture/Forestry Reduce incidents in the four high risk sectors by at least 2% compared to 2011/12 Percentage of workplaces inspected and audited (targeting high risk sectors) complying with labour legislation within 90 days of inspection or audit 80% of workplaces inspected or audited in high risks sectors to comply DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 2: Inspection and Enforcement Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objectives 6: Strengthening social protection OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Targets 2.4 Occupational Health and Safety implementation and enforcement mechanism strengthened Percentage reduction in over exposure of workers to silica dust 200 workplaces inspected i.e. WC (100) and KZN (100) to reduce exposure to silica dust by 2% Number of education and advocacy sessions conducted focusing on identified high risk sectors conducted to improve compliance with the legislation 4 Seminars in the following sectors Iron and Steel Chemical 1 National OHS Conference to be held 1 Advocacy campaign to create awareness on workers rights Percentage reduction in noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) in the Iron and Steel Industry Conduct base line study on the extent of noise induce hearing loss in the Iron and Steel Industry Develop a preventative strategy based on findings DoL Strategic Plan DoL Strategic Plan
Public Employment Services
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (PES) Programme purpose and measurable objectives on pages 30-35 DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to employment creation KEY OUTPUT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012 – 13 TARGETS 3.1 Public Employment Service legislation, related regulations and guidelines developed. Employment Service (ES) legislation, related regulations and guideline in place Employment Service Act ,regulations and guidelines in place. PEA and Career Guidance guidelines 3.2 PES initiatives and interventions communicated through various media channels PES advocacy campaigns conducted at National and Provincial level At least one PES national and two major provincial advocacy campaigns, conducted annually 3.3 Work-seekers registered on the system Increase number of work-seekers registered in different categories on ESSA reporting work-seekers registered on the system DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to employment creation KEY OUTPUT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012 – 13 TARGETS 3.4 Work seekers profiled Percentage of work-seekers registered on the system profiled 80% of work-seekers registering on the system are profiled within 60 days of registration 3.5 Work seekers placed in opportunities and referred to other services Increase number of work-seekers placed/referred to opportunities and other services work-seekers referred and placed. Placement Referrals DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to employment creation KEY OUTPUT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012 – 13 TARGETS 3.6 Employers provided with specialised services Increased number of employers registering vacancies on ESSA per annum Increase number of Employment Agencies registered Number of request for recommendation of work permits responded to migrant Increase number of companies / employers registering vacancies on ESSA by 1000, by end of March 2013 Increase number of existing private employment agencies registered by the Department, from to by end of March 2013 All applications for migrant work permit received processed within 30 working days DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAM PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012 – 13 TARGETS 3.7 Special employment opportunities provided to eligible people with disabilities Approved policy and legal framework for Service Products factories Increase sale of goods from Service Products leading to more intake of people with disabilities into SEF Management structure established, systems developed, piloting conducted Increase sales by 5% leading to more people with disabilities employed in SEF by Mach 2013 3.8 Products and services of assisted companies are world class and competitive Increased number of companies assisted to facilitate constructive dialogue between social partners, managers and workers, to improve productivity, per annum 200 companies assisted DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 3: Public Employment Services (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 1: Contribution to employment creation KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PROGRAM PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 2012 – 13 TARGETS 3.9 Capacitated SMMEs contribute to sustainable employment creation Increased number of SMME managers trained and assisted to manage matters related to intellectual property 3 500 SMME managers trained and capacitated 3.10 Jobs saved in distressed companies Number of jobs saved through social plan interventions jobs saved DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (LP & IR)
Programme purpose and measurable objectives on page 36-45 DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 2 & 3: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Promote Equity in the Labour Market OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS TARGETS 4.1 Sectoral determinations published for emerging vulnerable workers Review existing sectoral determinations Publish an amended SD with minimum wages for 1 sector by June 2012 Review and publish 5 Sectoral determinations by January 2013 Investigate new areas for setting sectoral determinations Investigate 6 sectors with a view to establish SD’s by March 2013 4.2 Small Business Determination reviewed Amend Ministerial Determination Small Business Ministerial Determination amended by end of March 2013 4.3 Employment Equity implementation and enforcement mechanisms strengthened Code of Good Practice and Technical Assistance guidelines on HIV and AIDS reviewed and amended. HIV and AIDS Code and technical assistance guidelines amended by June 2012 Income Differentials assessed to determine race and gender disparities in salaries 30 Income Differentials assessed to determine race and gender disparities in salaries by March 2013 DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 11 Strategic Objectives 4: Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2012 – 2013 TARGETS 4.4 Participation in the ILO Governing Body and the International Labour Conference ensured Develop South Africa’s position documents on agenda items for ILO meetings. South Africa’s position documents on the agenda items for ILO GB and ILC developed and submitted by May 2012. 4.5 Relations strengthened with fraternal countries Memorandum is reviewed and signed Review signed Memorandum with Namibia ,Lesotho, Swaziland , China and Algeria by March 2013 MOU with Brazil signed by March 2013 4.6 Participation in the African Union Labour and Social Affairs Commission (AULSAC), African Regional Labour Administration Centre (ARLAC) and the SADC Employment and Labour Sector (ELS) Develop South Africa’s position documents on agenda items for AULSAC ,ARLAC and SADC-ELS Develop briefing documents for ARLAC Governing Council by May 2012 and Develop briefing documents for SADC ELS by April 2012 DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 6: Promote Sound Labour Relations OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2012 – 2013 TARGETS 4.7 Implement South Africa’s Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) Projects in priority output areas identified, agreed on with social partners, implemented and reported on. Monitor implementation of the DWCP and submit quarterly reports. 4.8 Manage the implementation of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. Labour Relations Act amended The Bill submitted to Cabinet 4.9 Employment Equity implementation and enforcement mechanisms strengthened. Employment Equity Act (EEA) amended. NEDLAC Engagement finalised on the EEA Amendments by November 2012 4.10 Manage the implementation of the Basic conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) BCEA amended Bill submitted to Cabinet DoL Strategic Plan
Programme 4: Labour Policy and Industrial Relations (Cont)
SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOME 4 Strategic Objective 7: Monitoring the impact of Legislation OUTPUTS KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2012 – 2013 TARGETS 4.11 Changing labour market trends will be detected, reported and implications for the Department’s interventions explored Annual Labour Market Review produced and labour market trends analyzed and linked to DoL interventions. Annual Labour Market Review developed and disseminated by March 2013 The following Labour market trends reports completed and published by September 2012: Industrial Action, Annual Labour Market Bulletin, JOI and Unemployment 4 briefing reports on QLFS by April, July, October and January 2013 Ministerial briefing reports produced upon release of key labour market issues. 4.12 Research on the impact of legislation conducted. Research reports produced and disseminated. Disseminate 2 completed Research Reports by March 2013. RME agenda developed and approved by March 2013 DoL Strategic Plan
Amendment of the Unemployment Insurance Act No. 63 of These changes relate to improvements of benefits and administrative changes regarding submission of information by employers to the Fund. Promulgate the Employment Services Act. Employment Services Act, Regulations & Guidelines developed & implemented. Amendment of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act: Develop a rehabilitation, re-integration and return-to-work policy for injured and diseased workers to ensure integration with other South African Policies and Programmes. Repealing of the OHS Act, 85 of 1993. This relates to repealed the OHSA in order to ensure that: Employers develop and implement a health and safety management system Penalties issued to employers are increased Inspectors are enabled to issues prescribed fines on the spot Amendment of the Employment Equity Act Amendment of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act Amendment of the Labour Relations Act DoL Strategic Plan
DG PRIOIRITY PROJECTS Redefine Public Employment Services
Re-orientation of Content of Inspection and Enforcement Services Turn-around of the Compensation Fund Turn-around of the Shelter Employment Factories Turn-around of the Financial Management System (Value for Money approach) Capacity building of the Office of the CIO Turn-around of the Corporate Services DoL Strategic Plan
DoL Strategic Plan 2012 -2013 Budget Allocation
Thank you DoL Strategic Plan
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