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Images from Patterson-Hennessy Book

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1 Images from Patterson-Hennessy Book
Machines that introduced pipelining and instruction-level parallelism. Clockwise from top: IBM Stretch, IBM 360/91, and CDC 6600 Images from Patterson-Hennessy Book

2 COMP 740: Computer Architecture and Implementation
Montek Singh Oct 17-19, 2016 Topic: Instruction-Level Parallelism II (Dynamic Scheduling: Scoreboarding)

3 Outline A more complex pipeline, the MIPS R4000 Dynamic scheduling
Look at the effects of memory with longer latency Also long floating-point instructions Dynamic scheduling Scoreboarding

4 Short case study: MIPS R4000
More complex than basic MIPS From early 90s, just before SGI bought MIPS Superpipelined Approx. 2 instructions per cycle Caches were pipelined Which is what most of the book’s discussion is about R4000 – 100MHz, 1.3M transistors, 2 levels of cache R4400 – up to 250 MHz, larger caches Key attributes to focus on: longer memory latency instruction fetches and memory loads take longer longer floating-point operations

5 Address calculation, branching
Pipeline Diagram Key difference: multiple cycles for memory access Deeper pipeline will lead to more hazards More complex forwarding Longer branch delays Decode Address calculation, branching Figure C.41 The eight-stage pipeline structure of the R4000 uses pipelined instruction and data caches. The pipe stages are labeled and their detailed function is described in the text. The vertical dashed lines represent the stage boundaries as well as the location of pipeline latches. The instruction is actually available at the end of IS, but the tag check is done in RF, while the registers are fetched. Thus, we show the instruction memory as operating through RF. The TC stage is needed for data memory access, since we cannot write the data into the register until we know whether the cache access was a hit or not.

6 Forwarding, 2 cycle delay

7 Loads: 2 cycle delay After a load: 2 instructions are affected
cannot forward memory value for 2 cycles only 3rd instruction can receive forwarded value in time Figure C.42 The structure of the R4000 integer pipeline leads to a 2-cycle load delay. A 2-cycle delay is possible because the data value is available at the end of DS and can be bypassed. If the tag check in TC indicates a miss, the pipeline is backed up a cycle, when the correct data are available.

8 Or a 2 cycle stall ADD stalled for R1 for 2 cycles
SUB uses forwarded value OR uses values from register

9 Branch hazards Branch Delay = 3 Cycles
branch is completed in ALU cycle (i.e., PC updated) one branch delay slot, plus 2 predict-not-taken Figure C.44 The basic branch delay is 3 cycles, since the condition evaluation is performed during EX.

10 Predicted not Taken If branch taken
stall for 2 cycles beyond delay slot

11 8 Stages in FP pipeline Stages are used one or more times, depending on instruction

12 Some FP Instructions Note latencies and initiation intervals
Individual stages may result in structural hazards

13 Structural Hazard Example 1
Units needed at same time highlighted

14 Structural Hazard Example 2
The shorter ADD instruction clears the pipeline fast so doesn’t stall MUL

15 Structural Hazard Example 3
Notice how these long instructions can have long-lasting effects

16 Performance CPI for base case (1.0), and with stalls
Left 4 programs integer Cache effects not included Load stalls – 2 cycles now Branch stalls now more expensive FP result is a RAW hazard Structural not a big problem

17 What Do We Have So Far? Multiple instructions in flight at one time
If data hazard, no new instructions issue until hazard cleared (stall) Could minimize stalls by reordering instructions static scheduling a smart complier could reorder instructions to minimize stall using a detailed description of the architecture dynamic scheduling … next topic or, add hardware to do this at run time

18 Out of Order Execution With dynamic scheduling, we can do out of order execution Execute instructions with no dependencies Implies out of order completion Today discuss one method: scoreboarding So far, instructions issued in order Later we’ll look at out of order issue

19 Decode Stage Split the ID stage into 2 stages 1st = issue stage
decode and check for structural hazards 2nd = read operand stage wait until operands available, read and proceed

20 Scoreboarding Use a new hardware unit called the scoreboard
hardware data structure Keeps track of dependencies, and executes out of order… … operands become available First used on CDC 6600 16 functional units

21 MIPS with Scoreboard Complex EX stage Each functional unit has
2 inputs 1 output

22 What is a Scoreboard? A Scoreboard is a table maintained by the hardware: keeps track of instructions being fetched, issued, executed… keeps track of the resources (functional units and operands) they use/need keeps track of which instructions modify which registers uses this information to dynamically schedule instructions very similar to a pen and paper calculation simple step-by-step procedure easily implemented in hardware

23 Dynamic Scheduling with a Scoreboard
Original development in CDC 6600 Simplified example in HP5 for MIPS FP operations Using neither renaming nor forwarding Values always move from registers to function units, and from function units back to registers However, write-back of results happen as soon as possible, not in a statically scheduled slot Out-of-order completion can give rise to WAR and WAW hazards Remember: machine “knows” original program order (needed for hazard detection) Machine model 2 FP multipliers (10 cycles), 1 FP adder (2 cycles), 1 FP divider (40 cycles), all non-pipelined 1 integer unit for everything else (incl. memory references)

24 New Worry: WAR Hazards Didn’t exist before, because read occurred early Example DIV.D F0, F2, F4 ADD.D F10, F0, F8 SUB.D F8, F8, F14 ADD could easily stall for DIV’s F0 If SUB allowed to execute, then ADD might use wrong value for F8 SUB has a WAR hazard with ADD through register F8!

25 Scoreboard Implications
Out-of-order completion  WAW, WAR hazards? for WAW: stall in Issue until previous write completes for WAR: stall in Write Result until previous read completes Need to have multiple instructions in execution phase  multiple execution units or pipelined execution units Scoreboard keeps track of dependences, state of operations Scoreboard replaces ID, EX, WB with 4 stages

26 New Stages The fetch is same, others have changed.
Let’s look at them one by one Fetch Issue Read Operands EX WB

27 Issue If Then an instruction is issued Moves to “read operands” stage
Fetch Issue Read Operands EX WB If the required functional unit is available, and no other unit is pending a write to same register Then an instruction is issued Moves to “read operands” stage The register restriction prevents WAW hazards

28 Read Operands By now, the functional unit is assigned
Fetch Issue Read Operands EX WB By now, the functional unit is assigned If operands are available, allows functional unit to read operands from register file This design has no forwarding So one extra cycle of latency

29 EX Has more functional units Memory access is during EX cycle
Fetch Issue Read Operands EX WB Has more functional units Memory access is during EX cycle Notifies scoreboard when done

30 Write Result Prevent WAR hazards In this case
Fetch Issue Read Operands EX WB Prevent WAR hazards In this case DIV.D F0, F2, F4 ADD.D F10, F0, F8 SUB.D F8, F8, F14 Will stall the WB of the SUB.D until ADD.D reads F8

31 Components of Scoreboard
Hardware data structure Look at pieces, one by one Instructions (in order) listed on top left

32 Instruction Status All but last issued (ADD is waiting in Issue stage)
First LD complete MUL, SUB waiting for register F2 (LD) DIV waiting for F0 (result of MUL)

33 Status of Each Functional Unit
Fi is destination; j, k sources Q lists producers of inputs R column indicates that input registers are ready, but not yet read (set to No after read)

34 Register Result Shows which unit is producing which register
Needed by Issue stage

35 Later in Execution LD and SUB (fast ops) have completed
ADD and MUL in process DIV waiting for MUL to write F0

36 Almost Done DIV about ready to write
Most everything complete and pipeline almost flushed

37 Cost of Extra Performance
Scoreboard hardware Extra functional units Extra buses Which may result in structural hazard Hardware needs to assign buses Performance depends on Amount of parallelism in code sequence Window size of the scoreboard Size of basic block (i.e., code without branches), … next

38 Status – Our Pipeline Now
Can execute instructions out of order Have not discussed out of order issue Could extend our scoreboarding to do this Still, the opportunities in basic block limited Basic blocks tend to be short Would like to issue past branches

39 Next We’ll first look at techniques to increase issue potential
Compiler techniques Then look at branch prediction Look at Tomasulo’s algorithm for dynamic scheduling

40 Self-Study Material Summary of scoreboarding algorithm
One long scoreboarding example Formal logic equations for scoreboarding logic

41 Four Stages of Scoreboard Control
Issue: decode instr. & check for structural hazards (ID1) If functional unit is free and no WAW hazard with other active instruction … … scoreboard issues the instruction to the functional unit and updates its internal data structure. If a structural or WAW hazard exists … … instruction issue stalls unless there is buffering between fetch and issue, no further instructions can issue until these hazards are cleared. Read operands: wait until no data hazards, then read (ID2) A source operand is available if no earlier issued active instruction is going to write it. When all source operands are available … … scoreboard tells the functional unit to proceed to read the operands from registers and begin execution. Thus, scoreboard resolves RAW hazards dynamically in this step instructions may be sent into execution out of order

42 Four Stages of Scoreboard Control (cont.)
Execution: operate on operands The functional unit begins execution upon receiving operands When result is ready, it notifies the scoreboard Write Result: finish execution (WB) Once scoreboard is aware that functional unit has completed execution, scoreboard checks for WAR hazards. If no WAR hazard … … it writes results If WAR hazard … … it stalls the completing instruction Example: DIV.D F0,F2,F4 ADD.D F10,F0,F8 SUB.D F8,F8,F14 CDC 6600 scoreboard would stall SUB.D until ADD.D reads ops

43 Three Parts of the Scoreboard
Instruction status: Which of 4 steps instruction is in Functional unit (FU) status: Indicates state of FU Nine fields for each functional unit Busy: Indicates whether the unit is busy or not Op: Operation to perform in the unit (e.g., + or -) Fi: Destination register Fj, Fk: Source registers Qj, Qk: Functional units producing source registers Fj, Fk Rj, Rk: Flags indicating when Fj, Fk are ready Register result status: Indicates which functional unit will write each register, if any blank when no pending instructions will write that register

44 Scoreboard Example Cycle 0

45 Scoreboard Example Cycle 1
First LD issues

46 Scoreboard Example Cycle 2
Structural hazard on Integer unit; second LD stalls in IF stage

47 Scoreboard Example Cycle 3
Second LD is still stalled

48 Scoreboard Example Cycle 4
Second LD still stalled; first LD done

49 Scoreboard Example Cycle 5
Second LD issues as the structural hazard on Integer unit has cleared

50 Scoreboard Example Cycle 6
MULT issues

51 Scoreboard Example Cycle 7
SUBD issues; MULT stalled on LD

52 Scoreboard Example Cycle 8a
DIVD issues; SUBD stalled on LD

53 Scoreboard Example Cycle 8b
LD writes F2; MULT and SUBD enabled

54 Scoreboard Example Cycle 9
MULT and SUBD read operands and enter execution

55 Scoreboard Example Cycle 10
Structural hazard on Add unit stalls the final ADDD

56 Scoreboard Example Cycle 11
SUBD and MULT are still in execution

57 Scoreboard Example Cycle 12
SUBD writes results; Add unit free; structural hazard resolves

58 Scoreboard Example Cycle 13
Note WAR hazard between DIVD and ADDD

59 Scoreboard Example Cycle 14
MULT still executing; DIVD stalled on F0 (RAW hazard)

60 Scoreboard Example Cycle 15
MULT still executing

61 Scoreboard Example Cycle 16
ADDD completes execution, ready to write result into F6

62 Scoreboard Example Cycle 17
WAR hazard : ADDD stalls in Write Result stage

63 Scoreboard Example Cycle 18
DIVD stalled (RAW hazard on F0), ADDD stalled (WAR hazard on F6)

64 Scoreboard Example Cycle 19
MULT completes execution

65 Scoreboard Example Cycle 20
MULT writes result; DIVD can proceed to read operands at next cycle

66 Scoreboard Example Cycle 21
DIVD reads operands; WAR hazard on F6 is resolved

67 Scoreboard Example Cycle 22
Divide! ADDD completes writing of result

68 Scoreboard Example Cycle 61
DIVD completes execution; ready to write result

69 Scoreboard Summary CDC designers measured performance improvement of 1.7 for compiled FORTRAN code, 2.5 for assembly No pipeline scheduling in software Slow memory (no cache) Limitations of 6600 scoreboard No forwarding Limited to instructions in basic block (small issue window) Number of functional units (structural hazards) Wait for WAR hazards Prevent WAW hazards

70 Scoreboard: Bookkeeping Actions
Instruction Status Wait Until Bookkeeping Issue Not Busy[FU] and not Result[D] Busy[FU]yes; Op[FU]op; Fi[FU]D; Fj[FU]S1; Fk[FU]S2; Qj[FU]Result[S1]; Qk[FU]Result[S2]; Rjnot Qj; Rknot Qk; Result[D]FU Read Operands Rj and Rk RjNo; RkNo; Qj0; Qk0 Execution Complete Functional unit done Write Result  f ((Fj[f]≠Fi[FU] or Rj[f]=No) & (Fk[f]≠Fi[FU] or Rk[f]=No))  f (if Qj[f]=FU then Rj[f]yes);  f (if Qk[f]=FU then Rk[f]yes); Result[Fi[FU]]0; Busy[FU]No;

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