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Welcome to S3 Options Information Session
Meldrum Academy
Purpose of the Evening Broad General Education and Senior Phase
Making good choices The Choice Process Learner journeys Questions.
Two main stages in Scottish Education
Broad General Education (from age 3 to the end of S3) Senior Phase (from S4 to S6 – but could be in school or college)
Broad General Education
From age 3 to the end of S3. To equip young people with the breadth and depth of education to thrive in the future. Spans the key aspects of learning and development and expresses theses major skills and attributes as Experiences and Outcomes (E&Os). Broad and balanced yet allows for choice and personalisation. S1-S3 lays strong foundations for more specialised learning, qualifications and lifelong learning in the senior phase and beyond. S1-S3 should keep options open for the senior phase
Inspection Report “The S1 to S3 curriculum is designed very well to improve young people’s skills for learning, life and work. This includes effective approaches to developing young people’s literacy and numeracy skills and health and well being across their learning. New approaches and courses are in place in curriculum areas to provide young people with opportunities to progress in their learning.”
Senior phase at Meldrum Academy
High quality learning and teaching Wide range of courses and levels on offer Flexibility in the courses through college links and arrangements with other schools Considerable personal support Wide range of events, programmes, competitions and extra curricular activities Opportunities to give something back
Senior Phase At this stage most young people with take National Qualifications. Pupils moving into S4 will choose up to 6 courses at the end of S3. Courses are generally one year long. There are options of courses available through NESCOL (Aberdeen, Ellon, Fraserburgh)
Combined Senior Phase The school timetable is setup so that S4, S5 and S6 can have the same choice of subjects. e.g. an Accounting National 5 class may contain pupils from S4, S5 and S6. A wider range of courses and levels including new courses and subjects.
Qualifications Courses will lead to National Qualifications awarded by the SQA. Pupils will follow courses and in some cases sit at exams, at a level most appropriate to their own level of achievement and ability. National 1,2,3 National 4 National 5 National 6 (Higher) National 7 (Advanced Higher)
Building up qualifications
Pupil build up a portfolio of qualifications, achievements and experiences. Greater focus on partnerships with colleges and universities, CLD, relevant work experience, other schools and volunteering in and out of school. Greater focus on wider achievements both in and out of school. Portfolio continues to be developed and added to after pupils have left school at work, college or university
Inspection Report “The curriculum from S4 to S6 provides an appropriately broad range of options which meet the varied needs of young people.” “The curriculum is very well enhanced by strong partnership working, including the Parent Council and a very wide range of partner organisations which broaden young people’s experiences.” “Over the last three years almost all young people have left school to enter further and higher education, training or employment.”
Options Process & Making ‘Good’ Choices
S3,4,5 Options Options Forms are in the process of being issued to pupils through their PSE classes. Pupils will have discussions regarding school courses with their class teacher or Principal Teacher of the subjects in which they are interested. Information on all courses offered and the school/college link courses is available to pupils and parents on the Meldrum Academy Blog. Discussion will take place in PSE classes, in individual pupil interviews, with class teachers and Principal Teachers and of course with family and friends.
S4 Curriculum Compulsory Subjects: English and Mathematics.
Compulsory Core: PE, PSE and RMPS. Option Choices: FOUR subjects. Order of Preference important. NESCOL courses complementing school options.
NESCOL – School College Links
Young people can study a range of both school and College qualifications at the same time Choosing a School Link course will require pupils to attend a College Campus or another school and involve independent travelling. Young people will be well equipped for moving on to either College, University or direct to employment having developed some of the essential skills required.
NESCOL – School College Links
When being taught by a College lecturer young people will be treated like a College student. College is an adult learning environment and they expect the same adult behaviour of school pupils as they do of their full time students. Will mean missing some school classes – so additional commitment to catching up on missed work is essential.
NESCOL – School College Links
Skills for Work – one day courses – SCQF Level 5 Construction Crafts Early Education & Childcare Engineering Introduction to Working in the Community Young Women into Energy Skills for Work – one day courses – SCQF Level 4 Beauty Therapy Hairdressing Introduction to Vehicle Technology
Informed Choices Pupils should make well-informed decisions based on what is good for them and their future and not what their friends are doing. Young people get their information from a number of sources. Parents are the No 1 valued source of advice and information. But how can you assist in making informed choices? My world of work for parents
Learner Journey
Sue’s journey S4 English Level 5 French Level 5 History Level 5
Music level 5 Maths Level 5 Chemistry Level 5 Enjoys languages and music, thought about taking two languages but kept her options open with a science subject. Plays trumpet in school groups and hopes to pass an audition for North Aberdeenshire Orchestra.
Sue’s journey S5 English N5 French N5 History N5 Music N5 Maths N5
Chemistry N5 English Higher French Higher History Higher Music Higher Spanish Level 4/5 Languages are a key strength. Made very good progress in English and History. Decides to add a second language – Spanish, starting from scratch but will do Higher in S6. Plays in school and Aberdeenshire orchestras.
Sue’s journey to study Languages at University
English N5 French N5 History N5 Music N5 Maths N5 Chemistry N5 English Higher French Higher History Higher Music Higher Spanish Level 4/5 Spanish Higher French Advanced Higher Music Advanced Higher Prefect, Depute House Captain, school & Aberdeenshire orchestra, buddy in French classes, Rotary Club sponsor Euroscola to Brussels, part-time employment as a distillery guide
Alan’s journey English N5 N4 Maths N4 N5 Numeracy
Computing N4 Maths N4 N5 Numeracy Graph Comm N5 Craft Skills (Wood) N5 Skills for Work Construction NESCOLLevel 4 Alan has worked on a farm at weekends. He thinks that he would like to leave school at the end of S4 and go to college and take a course in agriculture. Alan has enjoyed technical subjects and maths. In S4 he attends a local college for one day per week and takes the Skills for Work Construction. He has a work experience placement with Aberdeenshire Council Grounds Maintenance team. Alan works with Skills Development Scotland and secures a modern apprenticeship with a local agricultural company.
Stephen’s journey English N5 Graph Comm N5 Physics N5
Skills for Work College Engineerring Maths N5 Design and Manf. N5 Maths Higher Graph Comm Higher Physics Higher College HNC Engineer College HNC Engineer In S3 Stephen thought that he could would like to work as a mechanical engineer. In S4 he chose to spend one day a week at local college on practical course. He enjoyed college and joined the H+ scheme in S5. He did Higher maths and the school supported him with classes in Engineering maths for the HNC. He made a presentation to local employers as part of a business engagement evening and then was successful in getting and Oil and Gas Industry apprenticeship with OGTAP (Opito) at Edinburgh College.
Lauren’s journey EnglishAccessN3 Music N3
Supported Study Maths N3 Skills for Work Child Care College Steps to Work N3/4 Hospitality N3 Literacy N4 Music N4 Child Care College Maths Personal Finance Level 4 Hospitality N4 Lauren has a range of additional educational support needs. She is very hard working and responsible. Lauren enjoys the RDA sessions. In S4 Lauren attended a local FE college and studied Skills for Work Child Care at N4. She enjoyed this and decided to follow this course at the next level in S5 with a view to leaving school at the end of S5 to study Child Care on a full time basis. In addition, in S5 Lauren represented the school in the Taste of Grampian competition and had work experience in a creche.
Jo’s journey English Level 5 Biology Level 5 Physics Level 5
Maths Level 5 French Level 5 Chemistry level 5 English Higher Biology Higher Physics Higher Maths Higher ChemistryHigher French Higher Biology Advanced Higher ChemstryAdvanced Higher Jo wanted to study medicine and chose three science subjects in S4 and followed these through into S5. She undertook the required medical work experience and volunteered in a local care home. Jo was a prefect, house captain and number buddy. She completed the silver DoE and will complete the Gold Award at university.
Anne’s journey English Level 5 French Level 5 Business Man. Level 5
Maths Level 5 Accounts& Financ. Level 5 Chemistry level 5 English 2-yr Higher College NC course College NC course Maths Higher Accounts & Fin. Higher College HNC English Higher French Higher Anne really enjoyed the Business & Finance course in S3 and this gives her a direction for S4. In S5 she attend a local college for one day on the H+ course. She proves to be an excellent student and gains an HNC by the end of S6. Anne is a prefect and helps produce a community newsletter. Anne is offered entry to year 3 at university to study a business course (under the 2+2 scheme) but opts for yr 2 entry and takes Business with a European Language French.
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