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Cargo Overseas surveyor gmbh & co. kg

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Presentation on theme: "Cargo Overseas surveyor gmbh & co. kg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cargo Overseas surveyor gmbh & co. kg
Publically appointed and independent sworn Marine & Cargo Surveyor

2 Our Benefits Cargo Preparation of stowage plans
Lashing calculation with Visual Cargo Care Project Cargo and supervision of cargo operation Heavy Lift

3 Our benefits Surveys Bunker On/Off Hire – Survey
General Condition Survey Calculation of cargo amounts via Draft Survey and Ullage measurement Examination of Hatch Cover Tightness with Ultra Sonic (Sherlog System) Inland waterway craft calibration service Hatchcover- and Cargo supervision Stowage- and Lashing Certificates Issuing of vessel valuations Handling of Havarie-, Cargo- and Stowage damages

4 Our benefits offshore Shipment of wind energy components,
specially Tripods and Monopiles Construction- and operation manuals Method Statements Vessel Coordination Safety-, technical and certification inspections

5 Our benefits others Flag State Control (Antigua & Barbuda)
Timecharter: taking over and delivery Sea-Towage (Approbation) Supply of temporary workers (certificated)

6 Our benefits Presentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

7 Offshore Cargo Operation

8 Offshore Manuals Construction Manual for Nordsee One (RWE)
Method statements

9 Offshore Vessel coordination
Supervision of vessel/helicopter traffic Coordination Optimization of work flow Follow up Documentation

10 Our benefits Presentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

11 Project Cargo Developing Pre-Stowage plan
Lash calculation (IMO & DNV compliant) Supervision of cargo operation Supervision of stowage-, lashing- and welding works Preparation of final stowage plan

12 Project Cargo stowageplan development

13 Project Cargo Lashing Calculation with Visual Cargo Care

14 Project Cargo Supervision of cargo operation

15 Our benefits PrEsentation
Offshore Project cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

16 On/Off – Hire Survey Inspection before start and end of charter
Survey of vessels condition Determination of damages caused during time of charter Documentation

17 On/Off – hire survey Survey of vessels condition

18 On/Off – Hire Survey Determination of damages

19 On/off – hire Survey Documentation

20 Our benefits Presentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

21 Hatch Cover Tightness Inspection of Hatch Covers and its components
Measurement with ultra sonic (Sherlog System) Analysis Documentation

22 Hatch Cover Tightness Inspection

23 Hatch Cover Tightness Ultra sonic measurement
Ultra Sonic Transmitter Hatch Cover Tightness Ultra sonic measurement Display Use of directional microphone

24 Hatch Cover Tightness Analysis

25 Hatch Cover Tightness Documentation
Documentation of all leaks and damages Issuing hatch cover certificate

26 Our benefits PrEsentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

27 Handling of Havarie Damages

28 Our benefits PrEsentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

29 Flag state control Antigua & Barbuda
Inspection of vessel’s documentation & certificates Engine room- and bridge inspection Examination of safety and security arrangement Checking vessel‘s accommodation area (Provision, Cabins, etc.)

30 Flag state control Antigua & Barbuda

31 Our benefits PrEsentation
Offshore Project Cargo On/Off – Hire Survey Hatch Cover Tightness Havarie Flag State Control Sea-Towage

32 Sea-Towage Approbation

33 Projects selection Offshore Windpark „Global Tech 1“ (Vessel Coordination) Offshore Windpark „Alpha Ventus“ (Sea-Towage) Offshore Windpark „Nordsee One“ (Construction Manual) Offshore Windpark „Baltic 1“ (Person-,Vehicle-, Anchor monitoring) Offshore Windpark „Nordsee Ost“ (Heavy Lift Engineering, Marine Logistics, Vessel Coordination) Wesertunnel (Project Cargo)

34 Thank you for your attention!
Captain Alois Schäfer Captain Joachim Schlieps Cargo Overseas Surveyor GmbH & Co. KG Ringstraße Emden Germany Tel: +49 (0)4921 – Fax: +49 (0)4921 –

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