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COSA Committee Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "COSA Committee Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 COSA Committee Meeting
June 22-23 Amy Stillings Industry Economist Office of Renewable Energy Programs

2 Understanding Potential Economic Impacts to Commercial Fishing from Offshore Wind Energy Development
BOEM Information Need: Methodology & identification of cumulative impacts from construction and operation plans (COP) of multiple projects Date Information is Required: FY 2019

3 Background Relationship with Previous Work/Efforts:
Space-Use Conflict Study (2012) Socio-Economic Impact to Fisheries (2017) Relationship with Concurrent/Future Efforts: Exploration of other data and methodologies with NOAA and state agencies

4 Study Objectives Develop and implement a vetted methodology to understand potential costs and benefits of vessels adjusting fishing locations. This tool should be flexible to allow the modification of input parameters surrounding: Scenarios related to gear compatibility, biomass changes, mitigation options Fisheries, port, gear type, vessel size, and individual permit level Site specific COP level and cumulatively

5 Methods Assess adequacy of existing spatially-explicit fisheries revenue datasets Develop an impact model that would consider coast-wide fishing behavior under cumulative scenarios Conduct workshops with fishing industry to vet methodology and results

6 Relationship to Strategic Science Questions
Cumulative effects assessments addressed Social science used to inform impacts on the human environment

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