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Geometry Origami - Fox What shape are you beginning with?

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Origami - Fox What shape are you beginning with?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Origami - Fox What shape are you beginning with?
Fold along one diagonal of the square (colored side out).

2 Repeat on the other side.
Geometry Origami - Fox Take the vertex at one of the non-right angles and fold it down to meet the vertex at the right angle. Repeat on the other side.

3 Geometry Origami - Fox Turn the square so that 2 of the edges are parallel to you and 2 are perpendicular to you. The “flaps” should be facing up, so you can see them.

4 Geometry Origami - Fox Fold along the diagonal of the square. Fold back, so that the flaps are facing away from you. You should now have a right triangle. Turn the triangle so the right angle is on the right. The open edge should be facing right, and the folded edge should be parallel to you.

5 Can you see the trapezoid?
Geometry Origami - Fox Imagine a line that is parallel to the open edge, and a little more than a cm to the left of the open edge. Fold along this line. Can you see the trapezoid?

6 Geometry Origami - Fox From the bottom, pick up one layer of the trapezoid and fold it to the right.

7 Fold the fox’s nose down.
Geometry Origami - Fox Fold the fox’s nose down.

8 Geometry Origami - Fox Find the largest triangle on the fox. The vertex in line with the fox’s feet will make his tail. Fold a small portion of it up.

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