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‘Playing Safe’.

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Presentation on theme: "‘Playing Safe’."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘Playing Safe’

2 What will you be playing in Summer?
Playing in the park Playing in the woods Swimming in the river Hanging out with friends Games Riding bikes / scooters

3 PARKS Not using the equipment properly Causing damage
Speaking to strangers Petting strange dogs

4 WOODS Climbing high trees Running away + getting lost
Damaging the environment Leaving litter

5 SWIMMING Swimming in rivers or streams Swimming with clothes on
Paddling without a grown-up

6 Hanging Out Sitting on garden walls Going in peoples gardens
Playing on building sites or railways Starting fires Throwing things at cars

7 Games Playing ‘chicken’ Playing dares Playing tag in the road
Hurting animals Bullying

8 Bikes / Scooters Riding without a helmet Riding near cars
Riding on gardens and drives

9 Tips for Playing Safe… Always tell someone where you are
Play where it is safe – if you are not sure if you should be playing there…you probably shouldn’t! Keep safe in the sun, wear a hat and drink lots of water If people do things you don’t think is right….don’t join in Be considerate to others and the environment


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