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Meet the Teacher Class: Mandela PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER

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1 Meet the Teacher Class: Mandela 2017 - 2018 PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER
Trimley St Martin Primary School Meet the Teacher PLEASE SIGN THE REGISTER Class: Mandela

2 What’s this meeting all about?
Meet the teacher Year Expectations Assessment & Reporting Timetable Homework P.E. Cooking General Info School website

3 About me… I have been teaching for 21 years.
This is my 7th full time Year 6 class. I have taught Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5 and Y6 at TSM and YR, Y1 and Y2 in other schools. I am Assistant Head at the school, responsible for Literacy and Assessment I have a child at the school (therefore I only ask of you what I expect to do myself!) I have high expectations of both myself and the children in my care. I love my job!!

4 Changes for Sept 17 Assistant Headteacher- Mrs Matthews
New Y4 teacher- Mrs Bateman (maternity for Mrs Campbell) New Assessment and Reporting Framework Introduction of Social Media Policy

5 Year Group Expectations

6 End of Year 6 Expectations
Maths End of Year 6 Expectations This booklet includes the end of year 6 expectations for children in our school based on the new National Curriculum. These are the minimum requirements your child must meet in order to be graded as working at ‘National Expectation.’ All the objectives will be worked on throughout the year and will be the focus of direct teaching. Any extra support you can provide in helping your children to achieve these is greatly valued. If you have any queries regarding the content of this booklet or want support in knowing how best to help your child please talk to your child’s teacher. Spoken Language

7 Reading Writing

8 Assessing Without Levels
This year we have tweaked our assessment process to make it a working document that clearly tracks progress and identifies gaps The expectation is that every child is secure for their year group.

9 TSM Assessment Criteria
Year Group Commencing Commencing + Developing Developing + Secure Exceeding Year 1 1c 1c+ 1d 1d+ 1s 1e Year 2 2c 2c+ 2d 2d+ 2s 2e Year 3 3c 3c+ 3d 3d+ 3s 3e Year 4 4c 4c+ 4d 4d+ 4s 4e Year 5 5c 5c+ 5d 5d+ 5s 5e Year 6 6c 6c+ 6d 6d+ 6s 6e

10 Progress Report x

11 How well is my child doing?
Parents Evening OCTOBER Parents Evening FEBRUARY School Reports JULY Progress towards National Expectations grid January April July

12 Termly Reporting Why a new report? - We want children and parents to know actually what they have achieved -We want children and parents to know what they need to work on next - We want parents to work with the school to ensure progress

13 Behaviour for Learning
Why? -To highlight to children that it will be their Behaviour to Learning that will enable them to be successful in life, regardless of where they are academically. -A chance for those children who often struggle to receive recognition for commitment and dedication towards their learning. -A kick up the bum for those who may be coasting… they’ll soon be catching you!

14 BOOSTERS Don’t panic!

15 HOMEWORK Reading 5x per week Maths homework
Handed in to school >> Work marked and sent home >> Spelling / punctuation / grammar homework

16 (1) Reading 5x a week More New Banded books
Included examples of how to complete in the reading logs Letters will sent home by Mrs Matthews for not completing the minimum 3x per week.

17 (2) Maths HW Should be done independently
Meant to be a chance for children to recap, revisit basic skills Further challenge >> sideways not up Letters sent home by Mrs MacFarlane if not completed.

18 SPAG (3) – Should be done independently
Meant to be a chance for children to recap, revisit basic skills Further challenge >> sideways not up

19 Times Table Challenge Continues again this year.
Pupils will work towards the year group expectation. This may require some repeats in knowledge and x tables covered. This is to check the x tables have been retained and are embedded. (If too easy, within 3 weeks pupils can reach the platinum and blue topaz certificates. AIM – All pupils to achieve at least silver (National Expectation)


21 The Blue Topaz! In order to achieve Blue Topaz children must have completed Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum then: Support a child from their class to achieve a bronze / silver certificate by helping them practice, showing them ways of remembering and recalling their timetables under pressure as well as remembering particular patterns with learning the times tables.

22 Home School Agreement

23 Have you signed and returned to the office…
Home School Agreement Have you signed and returned to the office…

24 Pick Up Arrangements . Have you returned yours to the office

25 Uniform Children will be given spare uniform if they arrive at school without the correct uniform on. 2 chances only to forget P.E. kit and swim kit. Letter will go home regarding incorrect uniform and incorrect P.E. kit

26 Late Collection Children not picked up by 3:45pm will be taken to After School Club. Parents will be charged when they arrive to pick up their children.

27 Attendance & Holidays If a holiday request is
unauthorised it is an instant fine All schools in the Felixstowe cluster are following the same process Felixstowe Academy may be different as it is an academy.

28 Getting to speak to Teachers
After school is best Messages can be given to the adult who opens the gate. If the adult thinks the message requires a face to face chat with the class teacher the adult will let you into the building. (However - You may need to wait until 9:05am)

29 Who do I speak to about…? 1st >> Class Teacher
BULLYING 1st >> Class Teacher 2nd >> Senior Leader (Mrs Matthews, Mrs MacFarlane) 3rd >> Mrs Ross SEN 1st >> Class Teacher 2nd >> Mrs Lawrence

30 Who do I speak to about…? 1st >> Class Teacher
CHILD’S LEARNING & PROGRESS 1st >> Class Teacher 2nd >> Senior Leader (Mrs Matthews, Mrs MacFarlane) 3rd >> Mrs Ross CHILD PROTECTION 1st >> Mrs Ross or Mrs Matthews 2nd >> Mrs Mann (Governor) or Mrs Long (Chair of Governors)

31 Child Protection Report all child protection concerns to an adult >> preferably those listed on the following page. However small the information may be, we may already have other information about the child.


33 Safeguarding children is everybody's business!
We all share responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people, whether as a parent or family member, a friend or neighbour, an employer, or as a paid or voluntary worker. All members of the Trimley St Martin community can help to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people if we are all mindful of the children’s needs and willing and able to act if we have concerns. Definition of safeguarding In its simplest terms ' safeguarding' can be defined as 'keeping children safe from harm, such as illness, abuse or injury'. At Trimley St Martin, we are committed to ensuring that; Everybody working with children, young people and their families take all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children's welfare are minimised, and When there are concerns about children and young people's welfare, we take all appropriate actions to address those concerns, working to agreed local policies and procedures in full partnership with other local agencies.

34 Social Media Policy

35 Timetable

36 Weekly Timetable Facts about teaching arrangements in this class:
PE is on a Thursday (with Mr. Childs). Swimming is on a Wednesday (with Mr. Childs). Homework is collected in on a Wednesday and marked in class. Spelling Tests are on a Wednesday. New Homework is given out on a Wednesday. Guitars is on a Thursday. Mrs. Imlach will be teaching the children on a Thursday afternoon and all day Friday while I have Assistant Head release time. Cooking is on a Friday (subject to parental support).

37 P.E P.E. Kit needed in school on…
(1) Thursday – trainers, white t-shirt, royal blue shorts (in addition they may need a navy, black or royal blue tracksuit for cold weather) (2) Wednesday – swimming hat, towel, one piece swimsuit (girls), swimming trunks (boys)

38 Volunteers Sign up to what you can offer… DBS check will be needed
We will try to cater for all offers… however, there are some occasions / lessons where too many adults may be a hindrance. Cooking helpers are needed on a Friday. Please let me know if you can help with this. PTO


40 Volunteers Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sign up to what you can offer…
Class: __________________ Leave name Contact number Volunteers Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri AM PM Sign up to what you can offer… DBS check will be needed

41 ? Any questions? 16 16 of

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