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The best way to figure out who we are or who we want to be is to determine our personal values and Goals!

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Presentation on theme: "The best way to figure out who we are or who we want to be is to determine our personal values and Goals!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The best way to figure out who we are or who we want to be is to determine our personal values and Goals!

2 Values and Goals

3 What are Values? Anything that is DESIRABLE, WORTHWHILE, and IMPORTANT
Influenced by FAMILY, FRIENDS, TEACHERS, COACHES, TV, MOVIES, etc. Each person has DIFFERENT values which guide his/her daily decisions

4 Complete the Personal Value Survey in Your Notes

5 Needs vs. Wants Need: something necessary or required for life
Examples of needs?!? Food, water, clothing and shelter

6 How Much Money Does A Person Need?
Families in India earn $1.00 to $2.00 a day. Could your family live off $1.00 to $2.00 a day? What do you think families in India think they NEED? How do values influence needs? You need shelter, but do you NEED a mansion? You need clothes, but do you NEED designer clothes?

7 Needs vs. Wants Want: something unnecessary, but desired
May increase the quality of living or make a person happier Examples of wants?!?! iPod, XBox, designer clothes

8 You Decide! Needs or Wants? Car Nike Sneakers Hot Tub Computer Food
i-Pod Cell Phone Clothes

9 What is a Goal? Goal: something a person intends to accomplish

10 Why Set Goals? Would you set out on a cross-country adventure without a road map? Setting goals are like a road map: They provide DIRECTION They help you focus on the IMPORTANT things They help you keep the END RESULT in mind

11 Types of Goals Short-Term: can be accomplished within one year (days, weeks, months) Improving grades at school Making the basketball team Saving money to buy an iPod Long-Term: can be accomplished in more than one year Attending college Getting a great job Buying a new car

12 SMART Goals In order to set goals effectively, they need to be well written, or SMART! Specific – State exactly what is to be done Measurable – Include how the goal can be measured Attainable – Determine steps to reach the goal Realistic – Do not set goals for something unrealistic Time Bound – State when the goal will be met

13 SMART Education Goal Goal – “I want to attend college.” SMART goal –
Specific – I want to attend a four year college. Measurable – Because I want to attend a four year college, I will earn a B in algebra. Attainable – Because I want to attend a four year college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester. Realistic – Because I want to attend a four year college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester to prepare me for the college entrance exam. Time Bound – Because I want to attend a four year college, I will earn a B in algebra this semester to prepare me for the college entrance exam when I am a junior in high school.

14 SMART Financial Goals Goal – “I want to buy a new iPod.” SMART Goal –
Specific – I plan to save money for a new iPod. Measurable – I plan to save $100 for a new iPod. Attainable – I plan to save $100 for a new iPod by saving $20 from each babysitting job. Realistic – I plan to save $100 for a new iPod by saving $20 from each babysitting job and putting it into a savings account. Time Bound- I plan to save $100 for a new iPod by saving $20 from each babysitting job and putting it into a savings account every month.

15 SMART Goal Challenge! Supplies: Toothpicks and Mini Marshmallows
Task: Create a free standing tower using your supplies. The tallest tower wins! But….Before you build, work as a team and write down a SMART GOAL to serve as your road map! You must check it off with your teacher before you begin. Ready – Set – Build!

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