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The Nepal Ambassador Committee

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1 The Nepal Ambassador Committee
OCEAN Nepal The Nepal Ambassador Committee

2 What is OCEAN Nepal Orphan and ChildrEn Association of New Nepal

3 Our relationship with them
Kevin Brawn, former ACS teacher, came into contact with the orphanage nine years ago on a trip to Kathmandu. ACS has been sending student volunteers twice a year since then. “ The kids really opened my eyes; all I see in Abu Dhabi is luxury and the people here just want and want- but in Nepal they the bare necessities of life, and they were perfectly happy.”- Pearl Ware Pearl

4 Life in Nepal Images from the world of the children and family of Rajendra and Bimala - our OCEAN Nepal connection

5 Faces of Natural Disaster
Many natural disasters happen in more remote places where images of suffering evoke our sympathy and desire to help, but we do not know them. The earthquake in Nepal is the same - another tragic event. BUT in Nepal we have friends. We have a family that has opened their home to us for over 7 years. Over 250 ACS community members have travelled there. This connection is personal for many of us. Thank you for your continued support to help Rajendra rebuild Dhading and ensure a future for the children of OCEAN Nepal.

6 Since the earthquake on April 25 Rajendra has relocated the children to Dhading where his parents, and extended family live. Like many villages, over 90% of the homes cannot be lived in, but luckily the house of his father is still standing. pre earthquake view (from

7 One week after the quake, two former ASC teachers, Drew Davis and Kevin Brawn, were able to go to Nepal and help distribute over 2300 sacks of rice and anti-bacterial soap. More images available on the Ocean Nepal Earthquake Relief Page on Facebook.

8 The children will remain in Dhading until school begins and pending the condition of their home in Kathmandu. Rajendra is in Kathmandu and will have the house inspected.

9 Living conditions are primitive as these recently posted pictures show
Living conditions are primitive as these recently posted pictures show. Bless Rajendra for how he reports in a way to make us feel that things are okay.

10 Nepal Relief Committee
A group of dedicated students have stepped up and held a remarkable number of events in a short period of time. bakesales stargrams uniform sales ES Date Night Sponsored Swim Basketball Tournament

11 Over 10,000 raised as we work towards goal of enough (1) to keep everyone fed and in school for a year, (2) build a home, (3)make a difference, (4)show we can!

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