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Children’s Bedroom and Toys

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1 Children’s Bedroom and Toys
From Around the World

2 Children’s Bedrooms From Around the World
When James Mollison sought to bring attention to children’s rights, he began to think about what sorts of thinks were important to him as a child, and what defined him. As a child, your room is one of the very few ways you have to express yourself, which you’ll see in the following pictures of children’s bedrooms from around the world. No matter where they are or what their means may be, kids will make the most of what they have.

3 Alex, 9, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

4 Bilal, 6, Wadi Abu Hindi, The West Bank

5 Indira, 7, Kathmandu, Nepal

6 Ahkohxet, 8, Amazonia, Brazil

7 Dong, 9, Yunnan, China

8 Juan David, 10, Medellin, Colombia

9 Ryuta, 10, Tokyo, Japan

10 Joey, 11, Kentucky, USA

11 Anonymous, 9, Ivory Coast

12 Bikram, 9, Melamchi, Nepal

13 Tzvika, 9, Beitar Illit, The West Bank

14 Douha, 10, Hebron, The West Bank

15 Lamine, 12, Bounkiling village, Senegal

16 Rhiannon, 14, Darvel, Scotland

17 Risa, 15, Kyoto, Japan

18 Netu, 11, Kathmandu, Nepal

19 Children From Around the World Show Off Their Toys
It seems as if every country becomes to be recognized around the globe with a certain identity. Whether accurate or not, stereotypes begin to form about what people of a particular nation are like. These prejudices can lead us to jump to inaccurate conclusions about someone before getting a chance to know them. Fortunately, the innocence of children is one area where these notions have not yet been been ingrained in their minds. They simply want to play with each other, regardless of what they look like or where they are from. And though they made drastically different lives, you only need to take one look at the things they all turn to at play time to see alike we really all are. 

20 “Maudy” 3 years old from Kalulushi, Zambia

21 “Mikkel” 3 years old from Bergen, Norway

22 “Julius” 3 years old from Lausanne, Switzerland

23 “Tyra” 3 years old from Stockholm, Sweden

24 “Niko” 5 years old from Homer, Alaska

25 “Enea” 3 years old from Boulder, Colorado

26 “Chiwa” 4 years old from Mchinji, Malawai

27 “Pavel” 5 years old from Kiev, Ukraine


29 Sources From Nepal to Scotland: Children’s Bedrooms From Around the World CUBE BREAKER / April 14, 2014 Children From Around the World Show Off Their Toys & Remind Us How Alike We All Really Are CUBE BREAKER / March 28, 2014

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