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Bicycle Crash Reporting in the US

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1 Bicycle Crash Reporting in the US
International Cycling Safety Conference September 22, 2017 Patricia Kovacs Ohio Bicycle Federation Improving Ohio bicycling through legislation, education and shared ideas.

2 Outline Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria 5th Edition Updates
Problems with existing and proposed reports Proposal for improvements to bike crash reporting Uses of crash report data

3 MMUCC terminology Date element is an attribute of a crash
time location manner of collision Element attributes are enumerated values of a data element, such as manner of collision angle rear-end head-on

4 4th Edition Data Elements (2012)
Crash data elements Crash date and time Location: roadway names, intersection type First harmful event non-collision (immersion, rollover) collision (motor vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist) collision with fixed object (bridge, curb, guardrail, post) Manner of collision: angle, rear-end, head-on Weather conditions Light conditions Hit/Run (none, solved, unsolved)

5 Vehicle Data Elements Type: car, truck, bus
Direction of travel: from/to Traffic control device: stop, signal Sequence of Events Pre-crash action (straight ahead, changing lanes, overtaking/passing, turning right/left) Contributing circumstances (failure to yield, ran red light/stop sign, exceeded speed limit, wrong way) Vehicle defect (brakes, tire blowout, lamps)

6 Person Data Elements Name, Age, Address Injury, emergency transport
Seating position Safety equipment (seatbelt, child restraint, helmet) Condition (alcohol, drugs, drowsy, ill) Distraction (phone, electronic device)

7 Changes in 5th edition Fatal crash section – to improve FARS quality
Large Vehicle/Hazardous Cargo Automated vehicle capability (none, partial, full) New Non-Motorist Section Additional bikeway types Add origin/dest for school and transit Add distraction, DUI, point of contact Other miscellaneous changes

8 Major issues with bicycle crash reporting
Manner of collision Vehicle type does not include bicycle Pre-crash action Contributing circumstances

9 Manner of collision MMUCC states this applies only to 2 MOTOR vehicles
Angle Rear-end Head-on Rear-to-rear Backing Sideswipe – same direction Sideswipe – opposite direction Not a collision between two motor vehicles in transport – used for bicycle crashes (99.5% of Ohio bicycle crashes)

10 Vehicle type != bicycle MMUCC data element is MOTOR vehicle
Ohio DOES include vehicle type = bicycle So… we can derive manner of collision from vehicle attributes Right hook (MotoristFrom = CyclistFrom) AND (MotoristAction = Turning right)

11 Pre-crash Action Cyclist is not considered a driver
Non-Motorist Actions Entering or crossing location Walking, running, jogging, playing, cycling Working Pushing vehicle Approaching or leaving vehicle In Ohio, ~50% are “Walking… cycling”, 25% are “Entering or crossing”, 25% are other/unknown Useful driver actions: turning, changing lanes, overtaking

12 Contributing Circumstance
Non-Motorist Contributing Circumstances Improper crossing Darting Lying in roadway Failure to yield right of way Failure to obey traffic signs Not visible Inattentive Wrong side of road Why are cyclists the only drivers who “dart”? Useful driver circumstances: swerving to avoid obstacle, driving left of center

13 Dooring The only indication of dooring is by non-motorists “approaching or leaving vehicle” This value is not used for motorists (drivers) Derive from (MotoristAction = Parked) AND (MotoristImpact Like (“*side*”)

14 1, 2, 3, what are fighting for? Remove “not a collision between two vehicles in transport” from Manner of collision for car/bike crashes Bicycles are vehicles, add vehicle type = bicycle Add Dooring as a pre-crash action

15 Additional Vehicle Asks
Vehicle type: animal-drawn vehicle (for Amish) Traffic signs: share the road, bikes may use full lane Traffic signals: pedestrian signal, pedestrian hybrid beacon, rectangular rapid flash beacon, bike signal, bus signal Pavement markings: bike box, two stage turn queue

16 New pedestrian beacons

17 Additional Person Asks
Pre-crash action: opened car door into overtaking traffic Already included in Illinois crash report since 2011 18% of Chicago crashes are doorings in New Data Element Assistive Devices: wheelchair, guide dog, cane

18 Additional Roadway Asks
Edgeline presence/type: shoulder rumble strip, edgeline rumble stripe New Data Element Accessible Features: curb cut, audible signal, tactile pavement

19 Edgeline/centerline rumble stripes

20 Proposal Proposal reviewed by American Bicycling Education Association, League of American Bicyclists and Ride Illinois Proposal submitted to Governors Highway Safety Association and Ohio Traffic Records Coordinating Committee MMUCC Fifth Edition released summer, 2017

21 Final Fifth Edition Most proposals were NOT accepted.
Clarification of bikeway types Signed route Shared lane markings (sharrows) On-street bike lanes On-street buffered bike lanes Separated bike lanes Off-street trails/sidepaths New pre-crash actions related to walking/cycling on roadway, shoulder or sidewalk and whether with or against traffic

22 Ohio crash report analysis
Ohio Dept of Public Safety provides crash data in the public domain Data is downloaded quarterly Bicycle and pedestrian crashes are queried and normalized Manner of collision is derived Crashes are imported into Google Maps and users can view crash locations and select crash records.

23 Magic Happens

24 Google Map of bike crashes

25 Crash Attributes DocumentNumber 20166121778 CrashDate 08102016
CrashTime 1804 LocationRoad Livingston ReferenceRoad Burlington Latitude Longitude Collision Not collision between two vehicles in transport CollisionDerived Angle Severity Fatal HitSkip Solved Location Not a intersection Weather Clear Contour Straight level Light Daylight Error Unit Motorist

26 Motorist Attributes MotoristUnitType Mid size MotoristAge 41
MotoristGender F MotoristEvent Pedalcycle MotoristAction Straight ahead MotoristCircumstance Unknown MotoristLocation Zero MotoristFrom W MotoristTo E MotoristControl No controls MotoristImpact Right front MotoristCondition Normal MotoristDistraction No distraction MotoristSafety Unknown

27 Cyclist Attributes CyclistAge 69 CyclistGender M
CyclistEvent Motor vehicle in transport CyclistAction NonMotorist Walk, run, jog, play, cycling CyclistCircumstance Failure to yield CyclistLocation Shoulder/roadside CyclistFrom S CyclistTo N CyclistControl No controls CyclistImpact None CyclistCondition Normal CyclistDistraction No distraction CyclistSafety None

28 Derived Manner of Collision
CollisionDerived 2016 2016% Angle 935 63.6 Left cross 104 7.1 Rear-end 83 5.6 Right cross 53 3.6 Sideswipe, same direction 47 3.2 Right hook 44 3.0 Unknown 37 2.5 Single bike 35 2.4 Head-on 34 2.3 Left hook 33 2.2 Backing 17 1.2 Bike sideswipe car 14 1.0 Bike rear-end car 10 0.7 Bike rear-end parked car 8 0.5 Bike bike 7 Sideswipe, opposite direction 5 0.3 Bike sideswipe parked car 4 Dooring 2 0.1 1470

29 Cyclist at fault

30 Motorist at fault

31 Bikeway evaluation

32 Why look at crash report data?
Crash type analysis helps to focus education Roundabout safety Gahanna’s first roundabout crashes increased 11 to 49 per year Gahanna latest 2-lane roundabout added RRFBs in crosswalks! Traffic signal removal safety Signal management system upgrade requires review of all signals Smart Columbus will add automated and connected vehicles Legislative advocacy Hit & runs - 26% bicycle, 28% pedestrian crashes, look for improvements now that penalty increased Rear-ends and Sideswipes to support and evaluate 3’ law 9.4% Bicycling & Law, Bob Mionske, JD Ohio crashes: 8.8% in 2016 Increase highway speed limits to 70 in 2013 – highway injury and fatal crashes increased 8.7% in 2014.

33 Quality of crash report data
Lack of reporting of bike/pedestrian crashes “It’s only a bicycle” Property damage limits increased in 2012 from $400 to $1000, but all injury crashes must be reported, 84% bicycle, 90% pedestrian crashes result in injury Errors in reporting and judgment of fault In general, Columbus police are fair with bike crash reporting, but some problems occur Sidewalk cycling ban in Columbus leads to many cyclists at fault when hit in crosswalks

34 Future Update studies of specific projects in Ohio – sharrows, bike lanes, separated bike lanes using crash data and bike counts where available. Participate in review team updating Ohio crash report guidelines. Ensure we don’t step backwards.

35 Conclusion Bike and pedestrian crash maps available on OBF website Questions? Patricia Kovacs,

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