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Reading, writing & critical thinking

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1 Reading, writing & critical thinking
English 1301

2 Importance of reading well
Discuss Linear model of reading—information flows in one direction from the text to the readers Do you think that a text means something specific and you must read carefully to find the “correct” meaning?

3 Recursive reading this theory of reading suggests that our understanding of what a text means exists as a two-way transaction between the reader and the author. Back and forth dialogue between what the author is sying and what the reader thinks the author is saying. This means that the reader analyzes, reflects on, and questions the information in the text Meaning is somewhere between the reader and the text.

4 Reading needs to happen in three levels

5 Literal level Foundation of all human understanding
Knowing the meaning of words What happens in a text

6 Interpretive level Requires the ability to make associations between details, draw inferences from pieces of information, and draw conclusions about the material.

7 Critical thinking The most sophisticated form of rational abilities; is crucial for academic success and professional work. Thinking critically means you grapple with ides, issues and problems that surround you in your immediate environment and in the world at large. Continually questioning and analyzing the world around you. Taking apart an issue, idea, or problem, examining its various parts, then reassembling the topic with a fuller understanding of its intricacies.

8 goal Become a critical thinker and ultimately live a life consistent with your opinions on important issues Also, become a better scholar

9 truth Reading about what we write and writing about what we read makes us better at both.

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