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NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSBE Space SIG General Body Meeting
November 2016 Dial in number: Code: # URL for Screen Sharing:

2 FY16 Priorities Scope Control Involvement Consistency
Industry Relevance Youth Engagement Youth Engagement Industry Relevance Involvement Consistency Scope Control

3 Scope Control Clear focus for each technical project
Valid technical purpose Annual performance targets Sub-projects only where appropriate Clear purpose for each meeting held Enables Space SIG mission Advances Space SIG technical projects Specific role for every member

4 Involvement Consistency
Proper alignment between personal/career interests, areas of competence, employer priorities, and Space SIG role Stable membership within project teams Reliable officers and team members Predictable conference/meeting attendance Leadership and subject matter expert present Continuous influx of new participants Repeat attendance of prior participants

5 Industry Relevance Documented intersections between Space SIG research and industry needs/priorities Space SIG champions active in public and private sectors Engagement of industry program/project offices and C-suite executives Interaction with peer industry societies Detectable impact in federal executive and legislative policy development

6 Youth Outreach STEM engagement directly derived from ongoing Space SIG technical work ONE AND ONLY ONE Space SIG outreach for K- Undergraduate: NSBE JEDI DO NOT invent other student engagement Identifiable pipelines from NSBE Jr. and collegiate networks to aerospace hiring authorities Student technical experience developed through Space SIG guided research Local (city) Space SIG project research facilities/testbeds aligned with STEM development NSBE pipeline of future Space SIG members

7 Priority Alignment Action now for every Space SIG professional to achieve alignment with FY16 priorities Do you have a role in the Space SIG? What is it? Executive Advisor/Champion/Sponsor? {not yet activated} Board of Directors? Technical Project Team? Meeting Planning Team? JEDI Council? Does your role align with Personal/Career interests? Personal areas of expertise? Employer priorities?

8 Priority Alignment Action now for every Space SIG professional to achieve alignment with FY16 priorities Do you understand where your team aligns and intersects with space industry priorities? Which space industry programs align with your team? What is your team doing that is relevant? Is there a champion for your team? Is your team interacting with any industry program/project offices and/or C-suite executives? Is your team interacting with other space societies? Where is the impact of your team in federal space policy?

9 Priority Alignment Action now for every Space SIG professional to achieve alignment with FY16 priorities How is NSBE JEDI being implemented within your team? Do you have ANY K-12 or Undergraduate activity that is not FULLY integrated into NSBE JEDI? What JEDI activity do you have within your team? Which companies/agencies are you developing pipelines for your JEDI students? What Space SIG research are your JEDI students performing? Do you have any local facilities under development through JEDI? Do you have JEDI Padawans or Enclave members near graduation? What are their plans for Space SIG involvement?

10 Priority Alignment Action now for every Space SIG professional to achieve alignment with FY16 priorities What is the purpose for the Space SIG team you belong to? Do you know your team’s performance targets? Are you meeting them? Is your participation in your team reliable and consistent? Are you inviting new people to join? Have you registered for STS-2017?

11 What is the Space Technology Session?
The hands-on, engineering face-to-face working meeting of the NSBE Space SIG Analogous Concepts from Other Domains Design Charrette Programming Hackathon Business Retreat

12 STS General Overview Presentation
What Happens at STS? STS General Overview Presentation

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