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Welcome to Year 5 Class teacher Mr Foy.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5 Class teacher Mr Foy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5 Class teacher Mr Foy

2 Staffing: Mr Foy – Class Teacher Miss Eaves – PPA Cover and Science
Specialist teachers – Wednesday P.E Thursday – French T.A. Support – Mrs Hughes (Tuesday and Thursday) We would welcome parents to assist in any lessons where they feel confident in participating. Guided reading/ maths…?

3 School Day 8.40 School opens – soft start activities
8.50 School day begins 10.45 – break 12.15 – 1.15 lunch 3.15 finish

4 Timetable Punctuality Late arrivals Absences Timetable

5 Attendance and punctuality
Doors open at 8:40am School starts at 8:50am After 8:50 children come through office as late Persistent lateness – receive letter No improvement meeting with Head Holidays not authorised

6 Absences All periods away from the normal school day need to be confirmed in writing. If ill that day please contact the school office by 9am. Please give notice of any long term absences.

7 Timetable-Literacy Literacy- National curriculum Instruction writing
Persuasive texts Punctuation, grammar focus lessons. Spellings – focus on high frequency words in class. Comprehension/ spelling homework.

8 Timetable-Maths Effective differentiation within class as ability level less pronounced. LSA support . Assessment by white boards, written work, end of unit tests.

9 Timetable-Maths Cracking times tables – Class yr 5 activity
Boost instant recall of multiplication, division, geometry facts etc. 20 levels – 3 mins timed test. All correct , proceed to upper level. Requires practice of tables, division, adding , subtraction. Maths games at home? This will help with all aspects of maths. Eg fractions , percentages….

10 Timetable-History- Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece- Journey Through Space Aztecs and Mayans – Crime and Punishment Marlow

11 Timetable-Science First Term: Taken by Miss Eaves. Forces;
Earth and space; Living things; Energy.

12 Preparation: School uniform Equipment Planners Homework P.E. kit

13 How parents can help- appearance!
Ensure that school uniform fits eg tucking in of shirt for mass! Name tags on everything! (on shoes too!) Correct jumper or cardigan – not tracksuit top etc. Hair is tied up or correct length.

14 How parents can help- equipment.
Ensure your child has a pen that writes smoothly for best results! A spare too? Please check that all writing equipment on the list is available in a suitable case. Ruler/ whiteboard pen inc. Good quality colouring pencils that sharpen easily. An effective pencil sharpener that collects the shavings.

15 How parents can help – planners.
Examine planners regularly to see:- What homework has been set- children to complete. Any notes or replies from me or a member of staff. Use it to contact me or comment on the tasks set. Feedback is good!!

16 How parents can help – homework.
Check Homework Planner. Make sure they have a quiet TV free room to complete it. If you assist, please initial clearly where you have helped or at the bottom if it required constant supervision.

17 How parents can help – PE /PE Kit
PE is a vital lesson in your child’s development. All kit named including shoes. If not participating a note is needed.

18 Medical Issues: Inhalers Allergies Short term medication Absences

19 Inhalers Please ensure these are within date.
They have sufficient in them to work. Available in all locations within school. They are named and in their packaging. What are the conditions that exacerbate an attack? Is this info up to date? Do they really need to use it? Update.

20 Allergies –Important!! We need to know ALL known allergies and this information is up to date. Triggers - food, dust, material, insects, etc. Is Epipen required? If so in date/ named etc.

21 Homework: Amount Days set Spellings Reading

22 Homework- When/How Long.
Thursday: Maths (20min) Literacy (20min) Spellings. Extend if necessary. Due on Tuesday. Spellings test. Tables – Ongoing – Up to 12x with quick recall needed. Use games or challenges at home to improve.

23 Homework –Reading Ensure your child has an opportunity to read a book several times a week. It can be fiction or non fiction but needs to be appropriate for their reading ability. Make sure they understand what they are reading about by asking questions. Reading is a vital, essential skill.

24 R.E. Catholic school ethos-Lessons based on “Come and see“ programme.
All participants need to have respect for the many rituals during the day and mass. Celebrate Masses- Throughout the term- parents welcome. Assemblies- Class assemblies/ speakers.

25 Prayer Bags Bring home in rotation
Friday to return following Wednesday Share with family; learn about class saint Contents Notebook – write a prayer, add comments, ask for prayers.

26 Behaviour and Rewards Expectations House points Certificates
Reward systems

27 Behaviour expectations
No speaking when a teacher addresses the class. Puts hand up to answer questions. Engages in discussion. Engages in task quickly. Always tries their best regardless of ability. No talking when standing in line. Walks around the school.

28 House points Awarded for :- Effort Achievement Helping others
Going the extra mile.

29 Communication: Appointments-
After school – Its good to talk! Address issues quickly. Parents evenings Letters- Address to me and can copy AM. Planners

30 Parental Help: C.R.B. checked Visits to museums etc -
Guided reading/ Maths or other?

31 Thank you for attending Any questions?

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