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2016 ESEA Directors Institute Title III Directors

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1 2016 ESEA Directors Institute Title III Directors
ESL in Tennessee 2016 ESEA Directors Institute Title III Directors August 26, 2016

2 Jan Lanier Director of English Learner, Immigrant, & Migrant Programs Consolidated Planning & Monitoring Lori Nixon Assessment Design, Special Populations and Student Support Joann Runion Coordinator of English Learner Programming, Special Populations and Student Support

3 Our Priorities: Tennessee Succeeds
Let’s take a moment to look at TN Priorities under TN Succeeds… Where are ELs in these priorities? (They are part of every piece)

4 Instructional Programming
Use of appropriate data to determine ESL services (i.e. HLS, Parent interview, WIDA ACCESS placement test (W-APT)) ESL time (SBE Policy) Meaningful ESL Services Coordination of services: ESL, RTI², RTI²-B, SpEd Intervention Differentiated instruction: Tier I core instruction Monitoring progress: using multiple sources Student goal setting: Individual Learning Plans Region/district PLC’s: building capacity and district empowerment Collaboration – VERY IMPORTANT! Core instruction Understand Levels of Language Proficiency (BICS & CALPS) Content Instruction Contextual Supports Activating Background Knowledge Teaching Vocabulary- Vocabulary Usage Teaching Comprehension Strategies Differentiation of Instruction Opportunities for Students to Practice Measuring Performance

5 Example Individual Learning Plan for English Learners
Student Name: Birthdate: Grade Level: Current Date: Progress review should be based on the collection and analysis of data. A process for data collection needs to be in place. Sources could be Universal screener and progress monitoring Summative assessments, curriculum based measures for formative assessments Classroom assessments, quizzes, projects Student/parent/teacher feedback This document needs to be revised regularly to show growth and current needs of the student. Concentrate on 3-5 goals at a time. As goals are met, the plan needs to be revised with new goals. This plan may be used to help with scaffolding and accommodations. This plan should help ELs access core language acquisition instruction and with RTI2 intervention decisions. This should be shared with all of the EL’s teachers. Measurable Learning Improvement Goals: (Improvement goals should link to the learning outcomes. Consider issues of culture, engagement, behavior, attendance, skills.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Observed learning outcomes or improvements, data from progress monitoring on curriculum based measures: (Link to the Learning Improvement Goals. Note dates and rate of success that an improvement was noted. A record of progress monitoring will be available when teams review data.) Individual Learning plan developed by Jan Lanier Individual Learning Plan Group Share Bridge to Practice from PLC 1

6 Example Individual Learning Plan for English Learners
Student Comments: Teacher’s Comments: (When possible, include all teachers involved in the EL’s education when discussing a student in data meetings.) Parent (s) Comments: Accommodations needed to access core instruction: (e.g., visual, behavior charts, scaffolding. Also list skill based needs.) Individual Learning Plan Group Share Bridge to Practice from PLC 1

7 Resources WIDA: Differentiation of Instruction (Download Library)
Teaching English Language Learners –Effective Instructional Practices  TN Modules: Supporting English Learners in Language Acquisition (Under Summer Training Manuals and Modules) TN English as a Second Language Program Guide E-Plan Homepage RTI² Implementation Guide Updates Component 1.7: English Learners RTI2 Updates Universal Screening Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Example scenarios Decision making tree Assessing for a disability: Language difference or disability? Guiding questions to consider prior to a referral for special education Developmental stages in the acquisition of second language More example scenarios WIDA proficiency levels Individual Learning Plan template

8 Questions
(615) office (615) mobile (615) (615)


10 Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:
FRAUD, WASTE, or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste, or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at:

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