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Presentation on theme: "System."— Presentation transcript:

1 System

2 Systems TASK – Building a chair Cutting wood Polishing
Nail them together

3 A purposeful collection of inter-related components working together to achieve some common objective ( task, goal) Set of components 2 Work together 3 Perform a task or objective

4 Mobile is a system ? Set of components … work together

5 Objective- communication

6 Functional requirement non Functional requirement
(service) Eg: - can be able to get a call , SMS Non Functional requirement (limits) Eg- user friendly interface

7 Functional requirement non- Functional requirement
(Services ) Eg:- shall be able to call non- Functional requirement (Limitations) Eg:- price maintainability user friendly

8 House Non-Essential should Essential shall visitors room kitchen

9 System System is a set of interacting or interdependent entities,( components ) work together to perform a specific task

10 Subsystem is a set of elements, which is a system itself,
carries out a part of system task, it is independent

11 System boundary system boundary is a boundary that separates the internal components of a system from external entities.

12 School system Education Department Parents System boundary Teacher
Students Library

13 IS ( Information System )
Process Data Information Data is row facts Information is processed data , Information helps to make decision Process is set of instructions to turn data in to information It can be manual and automated processes. Computer-based information systems

14 System types

15 Open system and close system

16 Artificial system and Natural System (man made)

17 Information System Manual System Data process by manually Components
Filling cabinets, manual procedures, papers Eg: book keeping School registration and attendance system School library books index system Computer-based information systems Data process by automatically Components Collection of hardware, software, database ,telecommunication, Eg: Telephone billing system Results produced by the department of examination

18 Information System Manual System Computer-based information systems
School registration and attendance system Computer-based information systems

19 Information System Manual System Computer-based information systems
Talk and chalk method of education Computer aided learning

20 Information System Manual System Computer-based information systems
Slow Fast Less Accuracy More Accuracy Less Efficient More Efficient

21 SDLC, Systems Development Life Cycle
System investigation System analysis System design Software development / cording System Testing Implementation Maintenance

22 1. System investigation (User requirement)
A) preliminary investigation Identify the system and identify current problem

23 Feasibility study CAN WE DO ?
Propose one or more solutions to the problem How much it match with the organization

24 Feasibility study Technical feasibility Economically feasibility
Operational feasibility Time Organization feasibility

25 System analysis Preliminary study is done by
Gathering information ( Fact finding ) interviews questionnaires observation read existing documentation

26 Facts finding Methods Reading past records Interviews Questioner

27 System design How the individual parts will work
What will be the inter face look like What data will required

28 System design Logical system design Physical system design
System flow diagrams Data flaw diagrams Physical system design Interface, inputs, outputs, process, security

29 System design Flow charts Pseudo codes
Designing the data base structure design hardware, software specifications, data storage and methods. Design of security methods.

30 Software development Designs translate in to a code
write new programs, prepare documentation.

31 Using programming language
C, C++, VB, Java, Basics

32 Testing Check for errors


34 Unit test Intergraded test (with black box and white box test )
Testing Unit test Intergraded test (with black box and white box test )

35 Implementation Giving to the customer (user )
convert to new system, install hardware and software, train staff.

36 Implementation Direct change over Parallel running Pilot changeover
Phased changeover

37 Maintenance Changes after delivered to the customer
maintenance may be... perfective - to improve the performance of the system adaptive - to reflect changes in the business Corrective - to correct errors



40 Problem solving Step 1 Understanding the problem
Clearly understand the problem, Find the inputs

41 Step 2 Developing an algorithm for the problem
An algorithm is a sequence of steps used to complete a task.

42 Step 3 Writing the Computer program in Programming language ( VB)
Convert flow chart into programming code (VB code)

43 Step 4 Testing the computer program Check the accuracy of the program
Incase of errors, remove them (Debugging )

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