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An Institutional Snapshot

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1 An Institutional Snapshot

2 Five Campus in Central PA Click the pictures to learn more about each campus
Fig. 1: Gettysburg Fig. 2: Harrisburg Fig.3: Lancaster Online Learning Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) is the largest and oldest of the 14 community colleges in Pennsylvania. People not familiar with Harrisburg Area Community College are usually surprised, by the large, geographical area they serve, the number of programs offered and their influence in the surrounding communities. HACC offers classes at five campus locations in central Pennsylvania, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, York and offers a growing number of online classes. The student population is approximately at 22,000 students. HACC also has a growing number of online classes and offer 19 degrees that can be completed completely online. Click the pictures to see more information on each campus. Fig. 4: Lebanon Fig. 5: York

3 Institutional History Founded 1964
Community Colleges in Pennsylvania were established in accordance with The Community College Act of 1963 (Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2015). On February 14, 1964, HACC became the first community college in Pennsylvania. Classes started on September 21, 1964, for the first class of 426 students. HACC was first located at the former Harrisburg Academy site on Front Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. HACC had plans in development for a campus in Wildwood Park a few miles away. The city of Harrisburg sold 157-acre tract in Wildwood Park for $1.00 to HACC and on April 16, 1966 a 3.5 million dollar building project began. (HACC History, 2015)

4 Defining Moment: 1967 First community college accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. McCormick Library, Blocker Hall and Student were complete. HACC moved to its new campus in Wildwood Park, Harrisburg, PA. The year 1967 marked three key events in HACC's history. First, HACC became the first Pennsylvania community college accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Second, construction of McCormick Library, Blocker Hall, and a student center completed. Thirdly, HACC moved to its new campus in Wildwood Park in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (College Fact Sheet, 2015)

5 Carnegie Classification
HACC is exclusively a two-year community college under public control. HACC is a very large two-year school with a high number of part-time students. (The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, ). HACC offers transfer degrees to four-year institutions in Business Administration, Communications, Philosophy, Social Sciences and Marketing; career degrees in Business Management, Business Studies, General Studies, Gerontology, Health Care Management, Health Science, Technology Studies and Web Development and Design; certificates in Gerontology, Technology Studies, and Web Development and Design; and diplomas in Geospatial Technology, Gerontology, Technology Studies. HACC’s focus is vocationalization developing programs and curriculum to prepare students for careers in specific jobs that employers in the area find relevant to their needs. The community college’s goals are to develop their students to be productive citizens in the regional area the college serves. (Carnegie Classification Lookup & Listings, )

6 Administration Leadership Structure
Board of Trustees President Chief Human Resources Officer VP, College Advancement VP, Academic Affairs/Provost VP, Finance Chief Information Officers VP, Student Affairs Chief of Staff Executive Assistant Office of the President Administrative Assistant to the President Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) has a complex organizational structure with a central leadership model, campus leadership model at each of the five regional campuses and a leadership structure for Virtual Online Learning. The central leadership oversees college-wide administrative functions for finance, student affairs, academic affairs, college advancement and information technology. Each of these areas has a senior leader (CFO, VP of Student Affairs,  VP of Academic Affairs, VP of College Advancement,  and CIO) reporting to the President.

7 Campus Leadership President VP, Gettysburg Campus
VP, Harrisburg Campus VP, Lancaster Campus VP, Executive Director, Lebanon Campus VP, York Campus Executive Director, Virtual Learning At the campus level, there is a Campus VP that oversees fundraising and community engagement for the geographical area of their campus, budgeting, and day-to-day operations. The Campus VP has directors/deans managing each of the functional areas of finance, student affairs, academic affairs, college advancement and information technology. In the organizational chart, the directors/deans have a solid reporting line to the Campus VP and a dotted reporting line to the centrally managed functional area. Virtual Online Learning has an Executive Director reporting to the President.

8 Student Affairs Fig. 5: HACC Students
HACC offers a wide range of student affairs, success and support services to all students. As a community college, the dynamic of student engagement is different since the students do not live on campus and services typically offered at a residential college are not available. Examples of some of the services offered are advising and counseling, athletics, career services, child care, disability services, global education, international student resources, student government association and tutoring (Harrisburg Area Community College, 2015). HACC focuses on supporting the whole student. Being a commuter college presents a particular challenge in communicating the student services available. Community College students typically fall into the non-traditional category. Many students come to campus take their classes and leave. The social activities are not well attended as students do not stay on campus. Students have many responsibilities outside of the college interfering with social activities available on campus. Fig. 6: HACC Nursing Students

9 Three Levels of Tuition
College Funding 81 % of Student Receive Financial Aid 64% Receive Aid from Grants or Scholarship Three Levels of Tuition In-District: $162.50/credit In-State: $207.00/credit Out-of-State: $250.00/credit HACC enrollment is typically lower income students with a high need for financial aid. This is evident in the 81% of all students receive some form of financial aid. Over half of the students (64%) receive aid in the form of grants or scholarships (Institute of Education Science, ). HACC's tuition structure is unique because there are three levels of tuition:  In-District: a tuition rate for students who live in sponsoring school district. In Pennsylvania, school districts provide funding to their local community college that allows the college to reduce tuition rates for students living in this school district. In-State: a tuition for students who do not live in a sponsoring school district but live in the state of Pennsylvania.  Out-of-State: for out-of-state students.

10 Percent Distribution of Core Revenue, by source: Fiscal year 2013
Revenue Sources Percent Distribution of Core Revenue, by source: Fiscal year 2013 State and local government primarily provide HACC's revenue with a combined 46% coming from these sources. Next, is tuition and fees at 37%. The small percentage of local appropriation (5%) has changed recently. (Institution Lookup, 2015) Over the last few years, there has been ongoing negotiations between HACC and their sponsoring school districts to reduce the amount of funding provided. Area school districts are under increased pressure to cut cost while maintaining programs as they also are feeling the pain of reduced state and federal funding. In working with the school districts, HACC has reduced their contribution over the next few fiscal years. (Murphy, 2013) $8 million $6 million $5 million $4 million School districts have threatened to reject HACC’s budget and pull their sponsorship. However, the charter agreement and state law creating community colleges makes that unlikely unless Legislature changes the law. The continuing challenge for HACC will be to provide quality programs at the low tuition and fees community college with dwindling support from the government.

11 Percent Distribution of Core Expenses, by function: Fiscal year 2013
The percentages of HACC’s expenses is representative of the student focused purpose of the community college. Instruction, student services, and academic support make up 66% of expenses. These three areas are all directly related to student success. (Institution Lookup, 2015)

12 Student Diversity The diversity of students is not what one would expect from a community college as only 31% of the students are minorities. Community Colleges typically have a higher percentage of minority students due to lower tuition costs and the availability of funding for students in lower income brackets. The racial groups by percentage of student population are: 68.9 % Caucasian 10.6% African-American 9.9 % Hispanic/Latino 3.1 % Asian 2.2% Two or more races 2.4 % Unknown 1.9 % Non-resident alien .3% American Indian or Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander The gender breakdown is 62.6 % female and 37.4% male. The higher percentage of females students supports the fact Nursing is the top major at HACC with 19.1 % of the students enrolled in the Nursing program. (Harrisburg Area Community College, 2015). Nursing continues to be a profession primarily pursued by females.

13 HACC is Making a Difference
Mission Statement Creating opportunities and transforming lives to shape the future - TOGETHER. Vision Statement HACC will be the first choice for a quality and accessible higher education opportunity. A teacher affects eternity, and can never tell where the influence stops. - Henry Brooks Adams In conclusion, HACC is focused on their vision of being the first choice for a quality and accessible higher education opportunity and their mission of creating opportunities and transforming lives to shape the future – together (Harrisburg Area Community College, 2015). HACC is different from other institution of higher education due to its focus on training students for work in the local community and their lower tuition costs. HACC works closely with local businesses to meet their needs. Faculty and staff at HACC find a rewarding environment to work. A career at a community college offers the opportunity to change the lives of students who may not have been able to afford and experience the benefits of higher education if not for the community college.

14 References Carnegie Classification Lookup & Listings. ( ). Retrieved from The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education: College Fact Sheet. (2015, July 05). Retrieved from Harrisburg Area Community College: Fig1. (May 2015) HACC Gettysburg Campus. Retrieved July 5, 2015 from Flickr: Fig2. (January 2015) HACC Harrisburg Campus. Retrieved July 5, 2015 from Flickr: Fig3. (July 2014) HACC Lancaster Campus. Retrieved July 5, 2015 from Flickr: Fig4. (January 2015) HACC Lebanon Campus. Retrieved July 5, 2015 from Flickr: Fig5. (May 2015) HACC York Campus. Retrieved July 5, 2015 from Flickr: Fig 6. (April 2015) HACC Students. Retrieved August 8, 2015 from Flickr: Fig 7. (April 2015) HACC Nursing Students. Retrieved August 8, 2015 from Flickr: HACC History. (2015, July 05). Retrieved from Harrisburg Area Community College: HACC Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan. (2015, July 05). Retrieved from Harrisburg Area Community College: Institution Lookup. (2015, July 05). Retrieved from National Center for Education Statics: Murphy, J. (2013, April 04). HACC plan cuts school district costs. Retrieved from Pennlive:

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