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Presentation on theme: "OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SLOVAK REPUBLIC"— Presentation transcript:

Dušan Dacho, Director Dept. for ODA and Humanitarian Aid, MFA SR

2 Strategic documents Mid-term ODA strategy 2003 – 2008
Yearly National Programmes Humanitarian aid guidelines Law on ODA nu. 617/2007

3 The ODA Law principles, goals, tools, planning tools, mechanism of implementation competence of line ministries, coordination position of MFA status and role of the National Agency (SAIDC) novelisation of the law on competencies of central governmental bodies novelisation of the budgetary laws

4 The Slovak ODA Structure
National Parliament State budget approval (ODA programme) Government State budget and policy (ODA programme) MFA Definition and Management of the National Development Policy and Coherence with EU and other donors Project Commission Projects Assessment and Selection, Coordination Min. of Agriculture Min. of Education SAIDC Implementation of the National Development Policy and the ODA Programme Min. of Environment NGO’s Min. of Finance local authorities educational bodies businesses other state administration bodies Min. of Interior

5 Territorial priorities
Programme countries Serbia Montenegro Priority countries Afganistan Albania Belarus Bosnia and Hercegovina Kazachstan Kenia Kirgizstan Macedonia Mongolia Mozambique Sudan Tadjikistan Ukraine Uzbekistan Kde SR poskytuje rozvojovú pomoc?

6 Sector priorities Programme Countries
Civil society, social system a regional development Market economy and infrustructure Integration in int´l organisations, especially EU Other Priority Countries democratic institutions a market economy technical a social infrastructure environmental protection, agriculture, food security and ude of natural resources

7 Slovak ODA in numbers Year Budget % ODA/GNI 2002 257,6 mil. SKK 0,024 2003 550,0 mil. SKK 0,046 2004 975,7 mil. SKK 0,072 2005 1 740 mil. SKK 0,120 2006 1 638 mil. SKK 0,103 2007 1 652 mil. SKK 0,093 Koľko prostriedkov SR vynakladá na rozvojovú pomoc?

8 2007 Projects structured by applicants and realizators
V r zvýšený (dvojnásobný) objem pomoci SKK (cca EURO) bol vymedzený na rozvojové vzdelávanie, zvyšovanie verejnej informovanosti, budovanie kapacít a projektové monitorovanie. Okrem toho bolo vymedzených ešte 5 mil. SKK na spolufinancovanie slovenských projektov odsúhlasených Európskou komisiou.

9 Challenges Mid-term ODA Strategy 2009 – 2013 Increase of budget Improvemnt of efficiency Adoption of „Country strategy papers“ bilateral agreements with all priority countries

10 Thanks for your attention
Contact Odbor rozvojovej pomoci Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí SR Hlboká 2, Bratislava tel. (02) fax (02) web Thanks for your attention


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