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Patient Safety in Austria, Czech Republic, and Slovak Republic

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1 Patient Safety in Austria, Czech Republic, and Slovak Republic
By Jack Burtis

2 Overview Introduction 2009 EU Council Recommendation on Patient Safety
Comparing patient safety between AT, SK and CZ Challenges facing patient safety Conclusion and Recommendations Questions

3 Introduction Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in US
Global issue – 197,000 deaths due to ADR estimated per year in EU Economic burden – 79 billion Euro per year in EU Preventable

4 Patient Safety Reform in EU
Council Recommendation 2009/C151/01 Started the discussion on patient safety in the EU Determined that 1/10 hospitalized patients harmed by medical errors All member states agreed patient safety was an issue Implemented 2 fold plan to address patient safety

5 Objectives for Patient Safety Reform
Objectives at the member state level Prioritize PS in public health policies Empower patients Establish reporting and learning systems on adverse events Imbedding PS in education and training for healthcare workers Implement strategies on prevention and control of HAI Objectives for the EU level Propose common terminology and indicators Exchange best practices Further develop and research on PS

6 Background on Healthcare Quality
2015 Euro Consumer health index Austria – ranked 12th Czech Republic – ranked 13th Slovakia – ranked 24th 2015 GDP and Percent spent on Healthcare Austria – $374 B (11%) Czech Republic – $181.8 B (7.4%) Slovakia – $86.6 B (8%)

7 Background on Healthcare Quality

8 Empowering Patients Empowering Patients is an objective that needs improvement Evident due to: low reporting of adverse event Poor communication with hospital staff on patient safety info Lack of written consent given to patients

9 Reporting and Learning Systems
EU Member State Name of the reporting system for incidents Level How Incidents are reported Austria Regional CIRS Network Local Reporting and learning system Regional (Stand-alone) Local PC/Laptop Slovakia Mandatory reporting of incidents and voluntary reporting of errors in the provision of hospital healthcare. National Paper Czech Republic Nationwide incident reporting system

10 Training on Reporting Systems
Member State No Training Staff Meetings Reporting form is self-explanatory Training of all health professionals supervisor E-Learning Instructions / guidelines on reporting Austria X Czech Republic Slovakia

11 Best Practices for Reporting Systems
Employees need to understand the benefit of reporting incidents Top management needs to spread message that systems are blame free and non punitive Feedback needs to be given with results of investigation and preventive measures taken Need to be kept anonymous to remove self-interest and promote interest in the incident

12 Challenges Facing Patient Safety
Financial – Sustainability issues Funded by government grants Interoperability No universal standard for medical errors – causes interoperability errors between member states Transparency of data Data on medical errors are difficult to access Changing culture The shift to a culture of safety is difficult

13 Patient Safety Assessment in Slovakia Hospital
Strengths Perception of Safety Organizational Continuous learning Handoffs and transitions Continuous improvement Weaknesses Teamwork across different units Non-punitive response to error reporting Management support for patient safety Staffing and communication in smaller hospitals

14 Conclusion PT safety & medical errors are a global health concern
EU Counsel set objectives for improving PT safety Slovakia, Czech Republic and Austria still have room for improvement Main issues in terms of engaging patients, Interoperability and meaningful use of reporting systems

15 Questions?

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