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"7th Grade" Vocabulary list "7th Grade" Vocabulary list

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1 "7th Grade" Vocabulary list "7th Grade" Vocabulary list
pg 1 elective n. an optional academic course or subject catechism n. religious instruction; a book of religious teachings raza -style a non formal style of hand shake used between Chicanos saludo de vato a slang greeting used between Chicano friends. ese Chicano slang for friend or brother scowl n. a facial expression of dislike or displeasure; quiver v. to shake or tremble from fear or cold ferocity n. the quality or state of being fierce, savage, or relentless propelled v. to drive, or cause to move, forward or onward conviction n. a fixed or strong belief anxious adj. fearful of what may happen; troubled; worried linger v. to be slow in leaving or going away; to continue or persist pg 2 trudge v. to walk slowly and heavily, as though with great effort portly adj. heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout scan v. to examine closely or view quickly but thoroughly; "Bon Jour" French phrase meaning "Good day" populace n. all the inhabitants of a place Tres bien. Parlez-vous Francais? French for "Very Good. Do you speak French?" bluff v. to mislead or deceive; to fake pg 3 Le bateau est sur l'eau French for "the boat is on the water" sheepishly adv. in a shy, bashful, or embarrassed way As a group, find and mark the above listed words within your copy of the short story. "7th Grade" Vocabulary list pg 1 elective n. an optional academic course or subject catechism n. religious instruction; a book of religious teachings raza -style a non formal style of hand shake used between Chicanos saludo de vato a slang greeting used between Chicano friends. ese Chicano slang for friend or brother scowl n. a facial expression of dislike or displeasure; quiver v. to shake or tremble from fear or cold ferocity n. the quality or state of being fierce, savage, or relentless propelled v. to drive, or cause to move, forward or onward conviction n. a fixed or strong belief anxious adj. fearful of what may happen; troubled; worried linger v. to be slow in leaving or going away; to continue or persist pg 2 trudge v. to walk slowly and heavily, as though with great effort portly adj. heavy or rotund in a stately manner, stout scan v. to examine closely or view quickly but thoroughly; "Bon Jour" French phrase meaning "Good day" populace n. all the inhabitants of a place Tres bien. Parlez-vous Francais? French for "Very Good. Do you speak French?" bluff v. to mislead or deceive; to fake pg 3 Le bateau est sur l'eau French for "the boat is on the water" sheepishly adv. in a shy, bashful, or embarrassed way As a group, find and mark the above listed words within your copy of the short story.

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