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3 Speaker Audience Presenter

4 COMMUNICATION! WRITTEN LANGUAGE more complex longer sentences
sophisticated words no repetitions impersonal style SPOKEN LANGUAGE simpler shorter sentences simple words repetitions personal style eye-contact Don’t read in presentations (or speak as if you do)!

5 It’s like speaking to your grandmother ...
simple enough clear enough loud enough (... and all this in line with high professional standards!)

6 LANGUAGE Use spoken language!: simple and clear (KISS)
Use appropriate phrases (signalling –RB) Avoid slang, but do not be too formal Do not reproduce texts orally by heart!

nervous? (preparation → confidence) be organised, fluent, brief, relaxed, natural (!) hostile questions possible (anticipate them!) establish rapport with the audience ↓ body language:eye-contact, tone of voice, ... visual aids, surprising facts, stories, anecdotes, jokes, acting, questions to the audience, personal experience, …


Purpose Why? Audience To whom? Content What? Structure How?

10 PREPARATION: What? How? What is the correct order?
final content organisation brainstorming preliminary content organisation putting it into words rehearsing researching the topic

11 PREPARATION: What? How? Phase 1 brainstorming
Phase 2 preliminary content organisation Phase 3 researching the topic Phase 4 final content organisation Phase 5 putting it into words Phase rehearsing

12 What would you talk about in a presentation on ...?

13 PREPARATION: What? How? ↓ Content Collecting ideas Selecting ideas
Grouping ideas Sequencing ideas STRUCTURE OF THE MAIN PART

14 PREPARATION: Putting it into words
Step 1 – ‘speech’ writing? (preparation) – SPOKEN LANGUAGE! Step 2 – reading aloud? (preparation) Step 3 – key points (preparation) Step 4 – notes on cards? (not in our classes) Rehearsal! Rehearsal! Rehearsal!

1. OPENING greeting/welcoming the audience introducing yourself/institution/your team introducing the subject explain the structure of your presentation explain how to deal with questions hints: capture people’s interest relate the subject to them memorise the opening

2.MAIN PART (BODY) presenting 3-4 main points Structure: e.g. signaling the start of each part, handing over to next speakers, …

3. END summarising main points thanking the audience inviting questions (Q&A session)

A rule of thumb is … …tell your audience what you are going to say, say it, then tell the audience what you have said.

The audience will find it easier to understand the structure of your presentation if you use SIGNALLING DEVICES (RB:pp.83-90) PHRASES TO USE (RB: pp.84-85)

20 Opening a presentation (OUP EAP, U1a)
1. What is the speakers’ background? 2. What will they talk about? (Structure of their presentation?) 3. What phrases do they use that are typically used in presentations? Based on: OUP EAP, U1a

21 Phrases used in presentations
Who says what? (OUP EAP, U1a) Just to give you a brief overview, … I’m going to talk about … Firstly,… First, I’ll talk about …, and then I’ll tell you about … I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.

22 Opening a presentation (OUP EAP, U2a)
We are going to be looking first at … The aim of this lecture is to give you an understanding of … I’d like to begin with an overview of …, and after that, … We can move on to …, Finally, we’ll take a brief look at …

23 Opening a presentation (OUP EAP, U2a)
We are going to be looking first at the United Nations. The aim of this lecture is to give you an understanding of the UN from a number of different perspectives. I’d like to begin with an overview of te structure of the UN, (…), and after that, we… We can move on to the purpose of the UN, (…), and finally, we’ll take a brief look at the history of the organization (…)

24 Model presentation
What are the strong points of this presentation? Are there any weak points?

Do not make your slides look like this: U ostvareno je 4% više turističkih dolazaka i 3% više noćenja u odnosu na  2005., a procjenjuje se da će i noćenja i dolasci u sljedećem razdoblju rasti po godišnjoj stopi od 3 do 5%. Prihod od međunarodnog turizma iznosio je 7.31 milijardi USD za prvih devet mjeseci 2006.godine. Hrvatska raspolaže sa postelja u hotelima i u privatnom smještaju, u kampovima i 50 marina s vezova duž cijele obale. Prednosti su očuvana prirodna bogatstva i okoliš, kulturno i povijesno nasljeđe, blaga mediteranska klima i blizina europskih tržišta, te ekološki zaštićene destinacije. Hrvatski turistički proizvod poštuje autohtone regionalne specifičnosti, kroz različite oblike selektivnog turizma:nautički turizam, ronilački turizam, krstarenje na motornim jedrenjacima, turizam na seoskim domaćinstvima, itd.

26 Good slides visually logical avoid full sentences (use key words)
pictures, charts, ....

27 Types of charts (1) How good is your General English
Types of charts (1) How good is your General English? CEF, n= FEB students, 1sty (13/14)

28 Types of charts (2)

29 Types of charts (3)

30 Types of charts (4)


32 Making slides to support a talk
ALIBABA: THE COMPANY THAT MADE EBAY A DWARF B2B, C2C, e-commerce set up/establish/found, launch market share consumer/buyer, seller dispatch, release innovative imitation rampant fraud survey

33 Checking comprehension and use of slides https://hstalks
Dr. Shen: Let’s look at another case… What did Alibaba do when they saw eBay’s success on the Chinese market? How did Taobao do on the Chinese market? What was its success due to? (What was innovative about Taobao’s service?) Dr. Shen: The point that I want to emphasize is that … 5.Finish the sentence above. 6. How do Chinese products compare to the US, Germany or Japan? Use of slides 7.What makes Dr. Shen’s slides easy to follow? See RB (pp Ex.I) and make a list. (e.g. She uses … when she mentions …, )

34 How can a talk be made effective?
1. What advice is provided by Mark Powell? 2. What techniques do the speakers in the videoclips below use to make their talk more interesting?

35 Slide organization (visual logic)
GLOBALISATION TIME PERIOD Who goes global? 1.0 1492-early 1800s Countries 2.0 Companies 3.0 2000- today Individuals

36 Writing a paragraph According to T. Friedman, globalization is not a new phenomenon. It started with countries going global in the period between 1492 and the early 1800s. After that, companies went global in the 19th century,and finally, since around the year 2000, it has become possible for individuals to globalize themselves. All this shows that globalization is an ongoing process which takes place at many different levels.

37 Reading assignment Book excerpt Untouchables

38 Reading assignment Who are the untouchables?
How does one become untouchable in the flat world?

39 Optional viewing See what Thomas Friedman says about the speed of the global change. How is his talk related to the title of the book?

40 Language of presentations (revision)
Signalling devices (signposting)

41 Fill in the missing words:
We all know that a presenter should establish a good with the audience. This is where eye is very important. Ok, let’s get Let me expand (elaborate, clarify) that a little later. My presentation is into two parts. I will first discuss the problem of our profits and then I will turn our strategy. If you have any questions, don’t to ask. Please feel to me if you have any questions. I have told you about the advantages of this strategy. Let’s now move its disadvantages.

42 Key to the exercise: We all know that a presenter should establish a good rapport with the audience. This is where eye-contact is very important. Ok, let’s get started. Let me expand (elaborate, clarify) on that a little later. My presentation is divided into two parts. I will first discuss Ø the problem of our profits and then I will turn to our strategy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions. I have told you about the advantages of this strategy. Let us now move on to its disadvantages.

43 Fill in the missing words:
Let me now hand to John who will tell you about the major weakness of our product. To up, I would like to remind you the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Good morning, I’d like to thank you all for here today. My today is to tell you about our strategy. I’ll quickly recap now. As I have already pointed , our strategy has a major weakness. Finally, may I thank you all for such an attentive audience.

44 Key to the exercise: Let me now hand over to John who will tell you about major benefits of our product. To sum up, I would like to remind you of the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Good morning, I’d like to thank you all for being here today. My purpose today is to tell you about our strategy. I’ll quickly recap now. As I have already pointed out, our strategy has a major weakness. Finally, may I thank you all for being such an attentive audience.

45 PRESENTATIONS – Technicalities
4-5 speakers, tot min. application list - office door, Nov (Room 15) business topic: linked with the syllabus (after the topic is done in class); reliable sources, referencing before the presentation: 1. check the topic with the teacher informally 2. office hours: a) slides: layout,content, spelling b) signalling phrases

46 Assessment rapport (eye-contact, loudness, communication!) language:
a) presentation phrases! b) appropriate style c) vocabulary/grammar content & structure (creativity, research effort, clarity, sources mentioned, …) professional manner (body language, preparedness)

47 Be creative, enthusiastic and prepared!
But above all, … Communicate! Be creative, enthusiastic and prepared!

48 COMPETITION ORGANIZE YOUR TALK early March 2017 See for yourself!
(follow the links at the bottom to see the presentations from last year)

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