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Lua Extending References:

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1 Lua Extending References:
“Programming in LUA, 2nd ed.”, Roberto Lerusalmschy Chapters 24-28 “Lua Reference Manual” (included in Lua installation or online)

2 Overview Write a module (in C) that can be run in Lua.
Lua “world”  C “world” Lua Makes heavy use of a virtual stack No Lua/C types Lua does all the memory management without our help. Python: Reference counting (helping Python with memory mgmt) A ton of conversion functions Many Py_xyz/C types. We’ll explore most of the techniques needed to embed a Lua interpreter in ssuge.

3 Font / Color conventions
-- lua code… print(“Lua code”) -- lua comment // C code printf(“%s”, “C-code”); // C comment #define LS lua_State * L int lua_gettop(lua_State * L); int lua_gettop(LS); // short-hand.

4 Simple Example We’ll create a module (dll in windows):
A variable A function A simple class The module itself is useless, but it illustrates Converting between Lua and C data Using things in a different “universe” Simpler than the lab I had planned Embedding lua in ssuge I’ll save that for Lab1 in ETGG3802

5 Step1: Create the project
[Do it together] Remember to remove the release and x64 In the real lab, I don’t want you to include all lua.c files in the project! Test program v 1.0 [Do it!] What we just did: Created a new (empty) module on the Lua Stack and returned it to the lua interpreter (lua_State*) -- test01.lua local m = require “test“ -- [discuss search]

6 Step1, cont. Run it! Sources of errors:
Make sure the .dll is in same folder as .lua Visual C++ debugger doesn’t work! Lua doesn’t really have a debugger OK, it sort of does, but… …it can’t inspect C code. My (bad) solution: Lots of printf statements!

7 Lua State object The environment When running Lua on the command line
There is one lua_State * object It is passed to all C code run through the command line interpreter. Later (in ssuge, next semester), we'll create a single state (the "Lua World") lua_State * luaL_newstate();

8 Using the documentation
Your best friend in this lab… (Scroll down a bit to the Index) # items popped from stack # items pushed onto stack One of these: “-” never raises an error “m” could raise out-of-mem error “e” could raise an error “v” could raise an error on purpose

9 Lua Stack The way data is exchanged between C and Lua. Indices:
1 to n: first, second, …, last -1 to –n: last, next-to-last, …, first “meta” (virtual) indices – not really on stack. Globals Registry

10 Step2: test program, v2.0 Requires us to add (C) function(s) and add them to the module [Do it!] -- test02.lua local m = require “test" print(m.adder(5, 3)) -- 8 print(m.adder(5.2, 3.1)) print(m.adder(“abc”, 5)) -- error

11 Functions to manipulate the stack
// Gets the top (i.e. the number // of things on the stack.) int lua_gettop(LS); // Removes elements (or add’s nils) // to resize the stack void lua_settop(LS, int num); // Pushes a copy of the indexed value // to the top of the stack void lua_pushvalue(LS, int index);

12 Functions to manipulate the stack, cont.
// Removes the indexed value and // collapses the “hole”. int lua_remove(LS, int index); // Moves the top element to the given // index. void lua_insert(LS, int index); // Pops the top value and replaces the // value at the given index with it void lua_replace(LS, int index);

13 Functions to get values
int lua_isnumber(LS, int index); int lua_tointeger(LS, int index); double lua_tonumber(LS, int index); int lua_isstring(LS, int index) char * lua_tostring(LS, int index); Another method: int luaL_checkint(LS, int index); // error-check char * luaL_checkstring(LS, int index)

14 Functions to add values to the stack
lua_pushinteger(LS, int val); lua_pushnumber(LS, double val); lua_pushstring(LS, char * val);

15 A handy debugging tool void stack_dump(lua_State * L) { int i;
char type_str[256], value_str[256]; printf("===========\n|STACK DUMP\n===========\n"); for (i=1; i<=lua_gettop(L); i++) value_str[0] = '\0'; if (lua_isboolean(L, i)) sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "boolean"); if (lua_toboolean(L, i))sprintf_s(value_str, 255, "true"); else sprintf_s(value_str, 255, "false"); } else if (lua_iscfunction(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "cfunction"); else if (lua_isfunction(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "lua-function"); else if (lua_islightuserdata(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "lt-user-data"); else if (lua_isnil(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "nil"); else if (lua_isnone(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "<none>");

16 A handy debugging tool, cont.
else if (lua_isnumber(L, i)) { sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "number"); sprintf_s(value_str, 255, "%f", lua_tonumber(L, i)); } else if (lua_isstring(L, i)) sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "string"); sprintf_s(value_str, 255, "%s", lua_tostring(L, i)); else if (lua_istable(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "table"); else if (lua_isuserdata(L, i))sprintf_s(type_str, 255, "user-data"); printf("|\t[%d]: type='%s', value='%s'\n", i, type_str, value_str); } // end the for loop printf("===========\n|END STACK DUMP\n===========\n");

17 Step3: test program, v3.0 local m = require("lua_extending") --print(m.adder(5, 3)) --print(m.adder(5.2, 3.1)) --print(m.adder("abc", 5)) --for k, v in pairs(m) do -- print(k .. " " .. tostring(v)) --end x =, 3.7) y =, -0.2) z = q ="surprise-me") print(z) -- <0.0, 0.0i> z = nil -- Triggers g.c. on z print(x) -- <4.2, 3.7i> print(q) -- A random complex with values print(x + y) -- <6.1, 3.5i> print(x:magnitude())

18 Review: metatables Any table (call it A) can optionally have a meta-table (call it MT) A metatable can hold special meta-methods __index(table, key): called if we try to use a non-existent field in A __newindex(table, key, value): similarly if we try to modify a non-existent field in A __tostring(table): convert to a string __add(lhs, rhs): used when using + __gc(table): called when the table is “destroyed”. For OOP, we set the metatable of instances to the class table.

19 Step5: Create the Complex “class" back-end
3 sub-steps Create the C structure Create methods Associate this new class with the module [Do it!]

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