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Saying what Students want and do not want to do.

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Presentation on theme: "Saying what Students want and do not want to do."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saying what Students want and do not want to do.
Querer Saying what Students want and do not want to do.

2 REPASO Can you name all 10 subject pronouns and what they mean?

3 Introducción To say what you or others want, use a form of the verb QUERER. Just like “SER”, this verb has how many forms?

4 6 forms of QUERER

5 Using QUERER Just as with GUSTAR, you can use a noun or an infinitive after a form of QUERER to say what you and others want or want to do.

6 Ejemplos Yo quiero Taco Bell. Tú quieres alquilar videos con amigos.
Sr. Garcia, ¿quiere usted comer la comida mexicana? Nosotros no queremos jugar al béisbol. Vosotros queréis ver televisión con la familia. Raquel y Jorge (ellos) quieren leer los libros de misterio. I want Taco Bell. You [informal] want to rent videos with your friends? Mr. Garcia, do you [formal] want to eat Mexican food? We don’t want to play baseball. Y’all [in Spain] want to watch tv with your family. Raquel and Jorge (they) want to read mystery books.

7 Practiquemos With a partner write 4 original sentences using the verb QUERER and our Unit 4 vocab. Remember to translate your sentences too. When you are done, I will come around and stamp your paper. I will be taking a 5 point participation grade based on completion.

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