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Imagine … There are candles lit everywhere in dark spaces

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine … There are candles lit everywhere in dark spaces"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagine … There are candles lit everywhere in dark spaces
The date… is 1500 you’re in a Medieval Catholic Church You walk… in from south side (from the light) You see… dark stained glass (red/brown) On the walls… beautiful paintings On the floor… of stone with straw upon There are benches… at side for elderly On the ceiling… beams painted gold, angels look down A rood screen…can walk no further The screen…painted with saints in gold leaf The floor…brass inscriptions of dead Beyond…screen is alter of stone Priest…finely dressed clothes Look above to see …rood beam & minstrels gallery

2 WHY? Imagine … The music stops … The candles are blown out …
The Priest swaps his clothes for plain garments The stone alter changes to a simple wooden one The screen is chopped up… Saints faces are scoured out… The rood beam is destroyed and crosses so none survive WHY?

3 The Reformation: Key question- Why did people criticise the Catholic Church in the early 1500’s? L.O. To be able to describe the problems in the Catholic Church in 1500 To be able to explain the criticisms that people made To be able to develop the counter argument and see a different perspective To be able to explain the connection between Renaissance and Reformation Intro – enquiry question & LOs ISM – ‘heaven and hell’ picture and discussion with feedback using post-its Starter / recap – quick recap on essentials with verbal gap fill (students write down enbolded key words in their exercise book) Visual learning stimulus task – close eyes and imagine … verbal recap with partner on what they saw / can remember and what changes … discussion and feedback initial thoughts on why such changes might happen Active learning development task: give out heads and tails cards & task to find as many criticisms as possible in 3mins … quiet recall as students sit down to write out as many criticisms as they can remember in spider diagram Plenary: Work in pairs to make a protest banner (catchy slogan) … show to class … discuss how they think the Church would respond / arguments in their favour Hwk: write a short letter to a friend criticising or supporting the church

4 Pope- Rome- Purgatory- Indulgence- Salvation- Reformation New words ?
To be able to describe the problems in the Catholic Church in 1500 To be able to explain the criticisms that people made To be able to develop the counter argument and see a different perspective To be able to explain the connection between Renaissance and Reformation Pope- Rome- Purgatory- Indulgence- Salvation- Reformation New words ?

5 Why was the Church so important to people in Medieval times?
Power, fear Why was the Church so important to people in Medieval times? Heaven and the afterlife Health Village life Education Birth, marriage, death Monks and monasteries Tax / tithes

6 Why criticise the Church?
People began to criticise the Church in the 1500s … Find your ‘match’ to discover what these criticisms were Once you are matched find out as many criticisms made about the church as possible in the time you have Independently write down all the criticisms you can remember on your sheet Ready, steady, go countdown clock

7 Luther decided to make an official Protest.
Martin Luther was a key person who felt that some priests, bishops, archbishops, even the Pope himself did not behave well and devote themselves to their duties in the ways they should. Luther decided to make an official Protest. He drew up a list of 95 complaints which he called his ‘95 theses’ and posted them on the church door at Wittenburg in 1517 hoping for a debate with the educated university people of the town. I started my protest with a list of 95 points, which I pinned to the Church notice board!

8 What did I – Luther - believe? Why do you think I was so significant?
What impact would my ideas have on ordinary people? What impact would my ideas have on the Catholic Church? What do you think my next step is?

9 My Protest Banner … Work in pairs to create your own protest banner
Catchy slogan? Key criticism? Sweeping criticism?

10 Pope is God’s representative on earth
My Protest Banner Work in pairs to create your own protest banner Catchy slogan? Key criticism? Sweeping criticism? Priests are link to God Traditional, familiar, 1000 years How do you think the Catholic Church might respond? What arguments would defend the Church? Work in pairs ready to feedback to the class Priests understand Bible Decoration shows glory of God

11 Pope- Rome- Purgatory- Indulgence- Salvation- Reformation New words ?
To be able to describe the problems in the Catholic Church in 1500 To be able to explain the criticisms that people made To be able to develop the counter argument and see a different perspective To be able to explain the connection between Renaissance and Reformation Pope- Rome- Purgatory- Indulgence- Salvation- Reformation New words ?

12 Homework It’s 1517 Write a letter criticising some of the practices and ideas of the Catholic Church You should try to use the terms and keywords from today’s lesson ( if you feel you need some help or want to double check then see next slide) Try to stretch your thinking by considering what you think the response of the catholic church would be and bring that into your letter in some Maybe read of the Luther article from the BBC History magazine?

13 Homework- some words to help if you need them
Remember to look back at your sheet for ideas and the cards we used in the walking around activity are on a word document on the VLE It’s 1517 Write a letter criticising some of the practices and ideas of the Catholic Church indulgences pardons Martin Luther theses Latin The Bible Wealthy Heaven Monasteries Reform

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