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Learning Targets I can explain weather conditions and climate in relation to annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. (3A) I can describe the physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Targets I can explain weather conditions and climate in relation to annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. (3A) I can describe the physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Targets I can explain weather conditions and climate in relation to annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. (3A) I can describe the physical processes that affect the environments of regions. Some examples are weather, tectonic forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. (3B) I can explain climate factors and how they influence climate regions. (4A) I can describe different landforms and the physical processes that cause their development. (4B) I can explain the influence of climate on the distribution of biomes in different regions. (4C) I can list renewable/non-renewable resources. (8C) I can identify climate regions. (9A) I can describe how climate and resources affect the location and patterns of economic activities. (11C) I can examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on natural resources. (19C)

2 Chapters 3 & 4 Climate Natural Resources Natural Processes


4 Climates are mainly grouped by latitude.
for information purposes only; not on test Equator – receives the most solar energy each year. The farther you get from the Equator, the colder it gets.

5 World Climates Polar Middle Latitudes Tropics Middle Latitudes Polar
Always Cold Polar Middle Latitudes Temperate – That means juuuuust right. Tropics Always Warm 2, 10 Temperate – That means juuuuust right. Middle Latitudes Polar Always Cold

6 Which climate never gets cold?
Equator 10 and short answer #3 The tropics never get cold because they have direct sunlight all year round.

7 ENORMOUS Biodiversity
Tropics Always Wet ENORMOUS Biodiversity Always Warm 1

8 1 continued

9 two different tropical climates
Tropical wet and dry – has a wet season for part of the year and a dry season for part of the year Tropical humid – wet all year round Short answer #5

10 Where are most deserts found?
around 30 degrees north and south of the Equator 11


12 High Latitude Climates
50 degrees North Short answer #6 Equator = degrees latitude 50 degrees South long, cold winters and short, warm summers

13 Earth System Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Biosphere

14 Land Back out to sea Middle Latitudes Middle Latitudes
We live in a middle latitude climate. What two types of devastating storms do we experience? Land Middle Latitudes 6, 9, short answer #7 Middle Latitudes Back out to sea

15 Why do hurricanes always hit us???
Ocean currents force all Atlantic storms directly into the Gulf or the East Coast.

16 The 3 factors that affect the climate of the world.
Ocean Currents – previous slide summer wind High Mountain Ranges Prevailing Winds – direction wind blows during different seasons. winter wind


18 Ocean Currents Setup for next slide

19 3 Factors That Affect Ocean Currents
Varying Ocean Temperature Wind Earth’s Rotation USE GLOBE

20 Orographic Effect mountain o c e a n VERY cold air Windward side
Leeward side HEAT warm / dry air cool / wet air Rain Shadow WIND #’s 3 and 4 can be explained using this slide and the next slide. mountain cool / wet air desert o c e a n

21 Monsoons Monsoons are wind systems that reverse directions thereby causing wet and dry seasons. 20

22 Natural Resources 16,17,18,19,21

23 Fossil Fuels 18

24 Renewable Nonrenewable
16, short answer #12

25 What happens when we use too many fossils fuels?
environmental problems – acid rain, etc. health problems 21 economy too dependent upon fossil fuels

26 Hot Spring 17 Geothermal Energy

27 Aquifer Subsurface water that is usually found near ground water.

28 Drought and its affect on the water table
If the water table gets any lower than its usual level, it could cause slumping and settlement of the land around it. 23

29 Benefits of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling
We use less non-renewable resources. We decrease pollution. 19 We cause less damage to the environment.

30 Natural Processes 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

31 Hydrologic Cycle solar power causes evaporation
Gravity causes rain to fall Wind causes clouds to move. 24, short answer #11

32 The Four Layers of the Earth
Short answer #8

33 How are landforms created?
erosion weathering 25 tectonic processes

34 Tectonic Processes volcanoes folds faults trench – ridge –
deep valley marking a plate collision ridge – two plates moving away from each other subduction – one plate slipping under another plate subduction zones trench ridge 28, Reinforce #25, short answer #10 volcanoes folds faults

35 Erosion – Wind Ice Water
Natural removal of solid material by wind, water and ice. Wind Ice 26, 27, reinforce #25, short answer #9 Water

36 Flooding Flooding can cause: 1. Drowning of people and animals
2. Pollution in drinking water 3. Severe erosion 22

37 Social Studies Skills

38 Arkansas


40 Learning Targets I can explain weather conditions and climate in relation to annual changes in Earth-Sun relationships. (3A) I can describe the physical processes that affect the environments of regions. Some examples are weather, tectonic forces, erosion, and soil-building processes. (3B) I can explain climate factors and how they influence climate regions. (4A) I can describe different landforms and the physical processes that cause their development. (4B) I can explain the influence of climate on the distribution of biomes in different regions. (4C) I can list renewable/non-renewable resources. (8C) I can identify climate regions. (9A) I can describe how climate and resources affect the location and patterns of economic activities. (11C) I can examine the environmental, economic, and social impacts of advances in technology on natural resources. (19C)

41 Study Guide It would be a GREAT idea if you printed the study guide to this unit and completed it before the test. NO!!! It will not be for a grade or extra credit. It can be found on my web site calendar on today’s date. There are pieces of paper behind the student computer monitor with my web address on them. me if you have any questions.

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