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The Crash and its Solution

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Presentation on theme: "The Crash and its Solution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Crash and its Solution
1929 Crisis The Crash and its Solution

2 The USA in the 1920s

3 The USA in the 1920s It was an age of consumerism
There was a desire of enjoying life Some social groups lived in a situation of poverty: African-Americans Women Farmers

4 The Economic Boom After WW1 the US was not directly affected and they sold their products The economic boom affected society Motor industry grew rapidly

5 The Economic Boom Causes: Isolationism Technology
Out of foreign affaris High tariffs Technology Mass production (automobiles) Hire purchaseHigher demand for goods Shares

6 Industry Traditional such as coal and textile did not prosper
As a response to high American tariffs other countries put high tariffs too Mass production techniques

7 Agriculture Farmers were encouraged to produce more during WW1
After war they continued producing more than what they could sell Prices dropped

8 Social Problems Few people were extremely rich
42 per cent of population lived below the poverty line

9 Racism There were lots of nationalities
Tolerance began to be under attack The Ku Klux Klan started in the South but spread to other parts of America

10 Causes of the Depression
The offer was higher than the demand Too much food was produced Banks were too small Speculation on the stock market Wall Street Crash

11 The Crash Animation:

12 Effects of the Depression
Unemployment Industrial production dropped House-building fell Banking system collapsed People death from starvation

13 The New Deal

14 The New Deal: Agencies TVA: flood control and dam building
National Recovery Administration AAA: solve agriculture problems CCC: offered jobs for conservation projects PWA: constructed public buildings

15 New Deal’s Results Possitive:
People trusted businesses again and started investing Old people and disabled people got pensions Workers had better wages and more rights Millions of jobs were created Industry and agriculture began to recover FDR won the 1936 election Roosevelt was very popular America remained a democracy

16 New Deal’s Results Failures:
Blacks and women did not have equal rights Many small farmers and city workers especially blacks remained out of work In 1939 there were 9 million unemployed in America The Depression did not end until WWII

17 New Deal. Conclusion There was quite a lot of opposition to the New deal: Some people said it gave FDR too much power Republicans said it would make things worse Southerners said it interfered too much in local government Businessmen sait it was an attack on free enterprise and made it too hard to make profits The Supreme Court said some bits of it were unconstitutional

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