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Presentation on theme: "US HISTORY II CLASSROOM RULES & EXPECTATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Breen

2 Teacher Information My Teaching Philosophy:
Address & Phone Number ext Originally from Oklahoma, the Navy brought us to Virginia 3 years ago 5th year teaching 1st year at YMS Previously at GHS My Teaching Philosophy: I believe that students who are challenged, engaged, and supported through their educational experiences develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for their learning. I also work on cultivating global citizenship skills for each student.

3 Subject Overview US History II begins with Reconstruction and US geography and we make our way through to the modern period 1st Quarter -US Geography -Reconstruction -Westward Expansion -Industrialization -Immigration 2nd Quarter -Progressive Era -American Imperialism -WWI 3rd Quarter -The Jazz Age -The Great Depression & New Deal -WWII 4th Quarter -Cold War Policies & Conflicts -Civil Rights Movement/Social Change -Globalization, 21st Century Issues

4 Classroom Expectations & Procedures
Be prepared Be responsible Be respectful BYOT privilege Consequences Verbal warning Student conference Seat change Parent contact Infraction notice As students arrive, they will ensure they have all necessary supplies Begin working on “Do Now” Place homework on desk ready to be checked Make sure desk is free of trash and all supplies are taken Write down homework

5 York County Grading Scale
Grading Policy Grade Breakdown Tests/Projects: 40% Quizzes: 30% Classwork: 20% Homework: 10% Grades will be posted weekly on Aspen Portal. York County Grading Scale A B C D 63 and below F

6 Classwork & Homework The type of instruction students receive during class will vary depending on topic and progression through the unit There will be a mix of teacher-led instructional time for new concepts and information Followed by collaborative and individual practice Group work will be used frequently to discuss and analyze ideas Homework will be assigned as needed to support extra practice outside the classroom Most work will be completed in class and turned in before student leaves Any assignments not completed can be done for homework and returned the next class block Absent students will be allowed to make up work according to the number of days missed Per the YMS handbook, homework will not be accepted after 2 class blocks Work turned in within that time will be deducted a letter grade for each day late

7 Blended Learning Some examples would include:
Seventh and eighth grade students in English, science, history, Algebra I, Advanced Geometry, and World Language courses will integrate blended learning for eight hours beyond the school day More information will be shared in the coming weeks, but access to technology will be required (personal device, library computer, etc.) Some examples would include: Watching a video and responding to viewing questions Posting on Edmodo for a class discussion Etc.


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