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Deterministic Chaos and Rhythms of Life

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1 Deterministic Chaos and Rhythms of Life
Dr. Thomas Caraco

2 Ecological Complexity Background
Outline Ecological Complexity Background Discrete-Time Self-Regulation Overcompensation Population Dynamics: Route to Chaos Evolution to Edge of Chaos?

3 Chaos: Research Significance
Biological, Physical and Social Sciences Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics Generator of Chaos and Complexity New Perspective on Law of Causality “Very Similar” Cause ”Very Similar” Effect?

4 Chaos: Ecological Significance
Population Regulation before 1975 Physical Factors  Random Fluctuations Density Dependence Stabilizing New Perspective on Density Dependence Constancy to Chaotic Complexity

5 Simple Model, Complex Dynamics
Robert M. May Logistic Map in Ecology General Paradigm for Emergence of Chaos Challenge: Distinguish Deterministic Chaos from Stochastic Flux

6 Discrete-Time Logistic Growth
Density-Dependence: Self-Regulation = Intraspecific Competition Assume: Individual’s Contribution to Next Generation Declines Linearly with This Generation’s Density

7 Discrete-Time Logistic Growth
Time t, Population density 𝑥 𝑡 0 < 𝑥 𝑡 <1 Occupied fraction of environment Individual contribution to next generation 𝑥 𝑡+1 𝑥 𝑡

8 Annual Life Cycle Population Density: x(t) Map to x(t+1)
Individual Reproduction Density-Dependent

9 Logistic: x(t+1) =  {x(t) – [x(t)]2}
Universality: “All” single-peaked maps show same increase in dynamic complexity!

10 Nonlinear Map: x(t+1) =  {x(t) – [x(t)]2}
Increase Fecundity 

11 Behavior of Map: Dynamics
1 <  < 3 Equilibrium Node Any Initial Density  Same Equilibrium r = 2.9

12 Dynamics  = 3.3 Bifurcation: Equilibrium 2-Cycle Periodic Dynamics
Time Symmetry r = 3.3

13 Dynamics  = 3.56 Bifurcation: Increased Complexity
Equilibrium 4-Cycle Increased Complexity r = 3.56

14 Bifurcation Cascade Period-Doubling Route to Chaos
Infinite Number of Bifurcations Feigenbaum Point  = … Chaos

15 Deterministic Chaos Bounded Aperiodic No State Repeats! Not Random!
Close to Extinction Aperiodic No State Repeats! Not Random! Correlations Sensitive Dependence Initial Conditions

16 Bifurcation Diagram “Route to Chaos” Periodic Windows Universality
Strange Attractor

17 Fractal Behavior Self-Similarity Scale Invariance Repeating Geometry
Signature of Chaos

18 Real Populations Chaotic?
Within Populations Favor Faster Growth Complex Dynamics, Fluctuations  Extinction Among Populations Dynamic Stability  Persistence Evolve to Edge of Chaos?

19 Lack of Data; Require Lengthy Records
Real Populations Remove Random “Error” “Reconstruct Map” Test for Divergence Lack of Data; Require Lengthy Records Costantino et al Science 275: Ellner & Turchin Amer. Naturalist 145: Olsen & Schaffer Science 249:

20 Chaos in lab?

21 Chaos in nature?

22 Small mammal: latitude and dynamics

23 Childhood Disease

24 Lessons from Simple Nonlinearities
Universalities: Stability  Complexity Equilibrium  Non-Equilibrium Small Parameter Changes  Qualitative Change in Behavior Chaos: Small Change in State  Quantitative Divergence of Systems Bifurcations Sensitivity Initial Conditions

25 Lessons from Simple Nonlinearities 2
Chaos: Emergence of Fractal Order Break Symmetry of Past & Future Non-Random Behavior, Correlations Ecological Complexity  Loss Predictability Bifurcations Sensitivity Initial Conditions STOP

26 Fractal Physiology “… Diseases were explained in terms of disharmony and imbalance; the goal of medicine was to restore … balance.” V. Ng (1990), Madness in Chinese Culture “Compelling examples of chaotic dynamics are found in periodic stimulation of biological oscillators.” D. Kaplan & L. Glass, 1995

27 Human Heart & EKG

28 Fractal Dynamics of Human Heart Rate
Classical Paradigm Equilibrium  Homeostasis “Average” Rates Novel Hidden Variability

29 Fractal Process (Inter-beat Interval thru Time)
Self-Similarity Sub-unit Statistically Identical to Whole Scaling Between Time Windows  : Self-Similarity Parameter (DFA)


31 Scaling Rate Variability
Periodicity <  < 0.5 Random (Uncorrelated Noise)  = 0.5 Fractal (Power Law Behavior, Long Range Correlations) <   1 Random Walk  > 1

32 Complexity of Heart Beat Dynamics
Fractal-Type Variability: Inter-beat Interval No Characteristic Time Scale Generates Long-Range Organization Order in Chaotic Signal

33 Heart Rate: Healthy Subject Inter-beat Interval Fractal

34 Heart Rate: Healthy, Disease, Aging

35 CHF Patients Clinical Utility Complexity Loss

36 Meditation: Heart Rate ?

37 Fractal Dynamics of Human Walking

38 Human Gait Fractal

39 Walking Rate & Stride Dynamics

40 Gait in Aging & Disease

41 Huntington’s Disease Low Severity (Score>10)  Fractal Gait
Severe (Score < 4)  Periodic Gait

42 Heart Dynamics Health: Fractal Over 1000’s Heartbeats
Persistently Chaotic Sleep-Wake Cycle Cardiovascular Disease: Loss of Complexity Random, Periodic Heart Rate Complexity Can Predict Survival

43 Gait Dynamics Health: Fractal Over 1000’s Strides
Persistent Across Pace Neurodegenerative Disease: Loss of Complexity Random Gait Complexity May Predict Injury

44 Loss of Fractal Complexity
EEG: Epilepsy Respiration: Sleep Apnea White Cell Count: Myelogenous Leukemia Blood Pressure: Kidney Function

45 Fractal Physiological Rates
How? Complex Regulation Mechanisms Effective Different Time Scales Information Content Why? Adaptive Significance? Inhibits “Mode-Locking”: Response Scale Maintains Organism’s Functional Plasticity Respond at Multiple Scales of Time

46 Sudden Cardiac Death Kills ½ Million Annually in U.S.
Ventricular Fibrillation Uncoordinated Shivering; Multiple Modes Myocardial Infarction  Fibrillation ¼ Male SCD, Ages 20-64, No Infarction

47 EKG: Faint Current, Body’s Saline
Cardiac Cycle: Phases Spatial & Temporal Organization Local Current, Local Voltage Voltage: Spatial Diffusion, Couples Locations Different Location, Different Phase

48 Electrical Heartbeat Time t, Spatial Location x
V(t, x) Membrane Voltage g(t, x) Ion channel conductance K Diffusion coefficient

49 Time & Space: Isochrones

50 Singularity: Time Breaks Down

51 Phase Singularities Rotors in Excitable Media Myocardium
Excitable, Biological Oscillators Has Phase Singularities, “Clock” Breaks

52 Singularities & “Re-entrants”

53 Attractors: Electrical Activity
Normal Oscillation Almost Periodic, Functional Space-Time Chaos (Turbulence) Re-entrant Waves Rotor(s) Induced by Singularity Fibrillation, Dysfunctional Alternate Attractors, Fibrillation cartoon

54 Citations http://reylab.bidmc.harvard/tutorial/DFA
Keener, J.P Heart attacks can give you mathematics. Goldberger, A.L Nonlinear dynamics, fractals, and chaos theory: implications for neuroautonomic heart rate control in health and disease. In Bolis, C.L. & Licinio, J. (eds) The Autonomic Nervous System. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Alligood, K.T., Sauer, T.D. & Yorke, J.A Chaos: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems. Springer, New York, NY. Kaplan, D. & Glass, L Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics. Springer, New York, NY.

55 “The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.” St. Augustine

56 “People who wish to analyze nature without using mathematics must settle for a reduced understanding.” Richard Feynman

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