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The Scientific Method 6 Steps to Follow!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method 6 Steps to Follow!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method 6 Steps to Follow!

2 The Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a series of steps scientists follow to answer a question or solve a problem. There are 6 main steps.

3 Step 1: Ask a Question Scientists ask questions based on observations from their surroundings An observation is information from your 5 senses. An observation is a fact. An observation is different than an inference. An inference is something you think, based on an observation and what you already know.

4 Step 1: Ask a Question Scientists ask questions based on observations from their surroundings The question must be about something that can be tested by an investigation. The question must be about something that you can measure. This kind of question is called a “testable question.”

5 Step 1: Ask a Question For example, I think Batman is the best superhero. My brother thinks Superman is the best superhero. Who is right? Is that a testable question? Can you find the answer by measuring?

6 Step 1: Ask a Question Are these testable questions? (Can we measure the results?) Can Batman or Superman carry more weight? Can Batman or Superman run a mile faster? Can Batman or Superman fly through the air for a longer period of time? Is Batman or Superman’s cape better? Can Batman or Superman jump higher?

7 What kind of insulation keeps the heat out of the house the best?
Step 1: Ask a Question Is this a question that can be answered with the Scientific Method? What kind of insulation keeps the heat out of the house the best? Yes! You can design an experiment to measure how much heat is kept out of the house.

8 What brand of gum tastes best?
Step 1: Ask a Question Is this a question that can be answered with the Scientific Method? What brand of gum tastes best? No! The answer is a matter of opinion and cannot be proven through an experiment. You could find out which brand of gum most consumers like best, but not what is best.

9 What is the best time to plant tomatoes in Chandler?
Step 1: Ask a Question Is this a question that can be answered with the Scientific Method? What is the best time to plant tomatoes in Chandler? Yes! The answer can be proven through an experiment.

10 Step 2: Research Do background research about the topic. (Find out what other scientists have already learned.)

11 Step 3: Form a Hypothesis
Take an educated guess about what you think the answer is to your question.

12 Step 4: Test your hypothesis
Plan the experiment Set up an experiment to test your question. Your experiment tests whether your hypothesis is supported or not.

13 Step 4: Test your hypothesis
Plan the experiment It is important for your experiment to be a fair test. A fair test changes only one factor (variable) at a time. All other conditions stay the same.

14 Step 4: Test your hypothesis
Plan the experiment Make a list of materials needed What type of supplies and equipment will you need to complete your experiment?

15 Step 4: Test your hypothesis
Plan the experiment Make a list of materials needed Conduct the experiment Carefully record your data Organize your data using a graph or chart

16 Step 4: Test your hypothesis
Plan the experiment Make a list of materials needed Conduct the experiment Repeat your experiment several times to make sure that the first results weren't just an accident.

17 Step 5: Analyze Your Results
Look at your results. Decide what the answer to your question is and ask: Was my hypothesis supported or not supported by the results? Do I need to conduct the experiment again?

18 Step 6: Communicate Results
Record your results clearly so that others can understand them. Include your data in a graph or chart.

19 Step 6: Communicate Results
There are many ways to communicate your results.

20 Do you remember the 6 steps to follow?
The Scientific Method Do you remember the 6 steps to follow? 1. Ask a Question 2. Research 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Test your Hypothesis 5. Analyze your Results 6. Communicate Results

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