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department Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics

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1 department Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bioinformatics
research group BiomatH Towards better models for describing mixing using compartmental modelling: A full-scale case demonstration U. Rehman1), W. Audenaert1), C. De Mulder1), Y. Amerlinck1), M. Arnaldos2), S. R. Weijers3), O. Potier4), I. Nopens1) 1) BIOMATH, Department of Mathematical Modelling, Statistics and Bio-Informatics, Gent, Belgium. 2) Acciona Agua S.A., R&D Department, Barcelona, Spain 3) Waterschap De Dommel, Boxtel, Netherlands 4) Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Nancy Cedex, France B-IWA nocturnal @WWTmod Annecy 2016

2 Next generation flowsheet models
Simple flowsheet models ASM, TIS, simplified aeration/settling Increased unit process knowledge Increasing model complexity Compartmental models Next generation flowsheet models Computational fluid dynamics 3D base for WWT models

3 Example: Cup of coffee CSTR model TIS model CM CFD

4 Eindhoven WWTP, the Netherlands
Bioreactor under study

5 Compartmental model Stepwise determination
Longitudinal compartmentalization Vertical compartmentalization Flux calculations

6 Final compartmental network
TIS model CM CFD model

7 conclusions CFD-Biokinetic model: detailed knowledge of the process variables (i.e. concentrations) CM based on both hydrodynamics and CFD-biokinetics A Dynamic CM will reduce calibration efforts and uncertainties

8 Thank you

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