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FY17 Controller Call Series
The presentation will begin momentarily *Thank you to everyone who has been forwarding past invitations to this call series to support communications.….. *Welcome to anyone who is new to this series *New format this month – no caller assist. If volume exceeds capacity we will update future calls. Most likely follow this format through summer March 2017
Unit Controller Calls – March 7 & 9
Kronos Analytics (Parker Williamson) eVAR Process (Carol Smith) eVAR Required Documents Update eVAR Webform Portal Demo eVAR Q&A Questions Unit Controller Calls – March 7 & 9 Unit Controller Call March 2017
Time for Progress Analytics
T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Time for Progress Analytics
The Time for Progress Analytics Dashboard is our next step toward becoming best in class in managing our workforce. The dashboard will provide: Timely insight into how efficiently and effectively we are managing our labor Never before visibility such as: FT/PT Ratio Actual vs Schedule Unscheduled Overtime T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Time for Progress Analytics Dashboard
T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Security Access to the Kronos Dashboard
Info Security Access to Kronos is required to use the dashboard: All VPs and DMs have access to their units and will have dashboard access All GMs and Managers that have access to the frontline employees (AKA – they manage time and attendance in their unit) will have it. For those of you that need access to the dashboard… T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Complete the Information Security Request Form
Review how unit controllers and finance professionals can request access T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Analytics Training and Resources
Ingenium Course Now Available Keyword Search: Analytics Course assigned to DMs, GMs and Unit Managers this month Analytics Toolkit Weekly Discussion Topics Presentation Deck with Talking Points Lead with Labor Quiz Analytics Overview Lead with Labor Video FAQs The Analytics Dashboard is available from within Kronos. The Analytics toolkit provides you with many resources to help keep labor performance top of mind. For example, - You can use the Weekly Discussion Topics to have conversations with your teams around labor issues and share best practices - You can use the presentation deck with talking points to reinforce important aspects of labor optimization with your employees - And GMs can even test their knowledge by completing a five question quiz and be entered to win a $100 Esteem Pass Analytics Job Aid (aka How-to Guide) T4P - Lead with Labor Program
Market Labor Resources
Market Labor Leads Rob O’Connell – Overall Business Operations Support Bob Schondelmeier – Corporate Services, Hospitals and Seniors Tom Wilson – Universities, Schools, Government and Leisure Market Labor Team Jessica Townley – Schools Parker Williamson – Hospitals and Universities Megan Corcoran – Corporate Services Kristen Andolina – Leisure, New Account Openings and Scheduling Support SVP/RVP Labor Partners Hospitals – Paul Fite, Dina Ciaffone, Janet Hall Universities – Cal Thetford, Dave Hanson Schools – Chuck Thomas Seniors – Mike Hollen Corp Serv. – Dave Kimball Govt. Serv. – David Bennett Leisure – Open Canada – Lisa Ranger
Questions? T4P - Lead with Labor Program
eVAR Electronic Vendor Action Request Training and Resource Guide
March 2017 May 2015
eVAR Workflow and Outcomes The eVAR Process
Introduction Changes to VAR Process eVAR Workflow and Outcomes The eVAR Process eVAR Required Documents eVAR Webform Portal Your Participation for the New Process eVAR At-A-Glance Document Resources Agenda Here is what we’ll cover during our time together today: And finally, review the eVAR At A Glance document to answer questions and provide contact information
eVAR Timeline December January February March April
Begin to socialize with Stakeholder Groups: SO, Finance, and Segments Begin Pilot Phase: Education and Implementation for selected cost centers Pilot Phase Completion and Process Adjustments North America Communication and Education Process Process Release North America Wide
Process is led by CPS Call Center and Setup is completed by AP
What is the VAR process? VAR = Vendor Action Request form is utilized to setup new suppliers in the AP system Additional documents are required for setup RAMs provide the approval today Process is led by CPS Call Center and Setup is completed by AP As most of you know already, the Vendor Action Request form or VAR is a paper form submitted to establish a new vendor number in the AP system Additional documents such as the Vendor W-9 or W-8 for Canadian vendors, Indemnity Agreement, Certificate of Insurance, Supplier Diversity Business Profile are also required. Additionally the vendor should be registering via the Supplier Diversity Portal.
Process is led by CPS Call Center and Setup is completed by AP
What is the VAR process? VAR = Vendor Action Request form is utilized to setup new suppliers in the AP system Additional documents are required for setup RAMs provide the approval today Process is led by CPS Call Center and Setup is completed by AP Why are we changing the process: Paper VAR process is inefficient and time-consuming Current VAR process opens door for missing information The new eVAR process will allow stronger governance over supplier setup As most of you know already, the Vendor Action Request form or VAR is a paper form submitted to establish a new vendor number in the AP system Additional documents such as the Vendor W-9 or W-8 for Canadian vendors, Indemnity Agreement, Certificate of Insurance, Supplier Diversity Business Profile are also required. Additionally the vendor should be registering via the Supplier Diversity Portal. Our goal is to speed the process for new vendor numbers while providing opportunities to use contracted suppliers already in the SDX system and ensure that new vendors meet our SDX standards
eVAR Changes Current process Automated process
Paper process faxed or scanned/ ed Webform with ability to attach required documentation Documentation held in individual departments Smartsheet will hold all submissions with final documents stored in COLD Inconsistent follow up on missing paper work Smartsheet will track received documents and store attachments Governance/approval process not uniform Governance review by Service Ops teams and tracked in Smartsheet Our VAR process will be updated to include: An electronic webform to upload required documents A centralized record retention system for archiving all documents submitted An electronic tracking and review process led by Service Operations. Current site charges will continue for use of non-contracted vendors. Sites charged for supplier setup Site charges will continue for supplier setup
eVAR Workflow Cost Center verifies if a contracted supplier is available Contracted Supplier is available via My Supplier Locator or Actionable Datasets & Tools Use Contracted Supplier & Pay any invoices if applicable No Contracted Supplier is available Cost Center completes eVAR submission & uploads documents Cost Center receives required Vendor documents Governance Review is completed within 3 business days Accounts Payable issues Vendor Number & s to cost center This is a high level review of the eVAR Process: Initially The cost center should use the My Supplier Locator tool and refer to the Actionable Datasets & Tools by Segment. Links to these will be available on the eVAR webpage The cost center should forward the complete eVAR Document Packet to the Vendor for completion. The vendor should return the fully executed required documents to the cost center The cost center will then complete the new eVAR webform and upload all required documents via the webform The governance team will review the request and approve or reject the request within 3 business days If approved Accounts Payable will issue the vendor number and to the requesting cost center
eVAR Webform – Review Process
eVAR Review by RAM/RPM, Supply Managers, Product Quality Assurance & Risk Management Request Approved Request Denied Accounts Payable issues Vendor Number Vendor Number ed to requestor RAM/RPMs will provide contracted vendor or work with the requestor to find a suitable alternative Requestor to be notified (and DM if Site Operator made request) There are two possible outcomes based on the review……. Request approved and Vendor Number will be issued & ed to the cost center Request denied and a contracted supplier or alternate source for the products & services will be provided. Supply Management or the RAM can work with the cost center to find the appropriate supplier
eVAR Webform – Requests from Reviewers
Reviewers may request updated or additional documents Timeframe for eVAR Submission Additional Requests Level 1 review of eVAR submission has incomplete or missing documents eVAR will be automatically rejected and returned to the requestor for resubmission Level 2 review of eVAR submission identifies incomplete or missing documents & will notify requestor Requestor will have 30 days from date of submission to submit documents After 30 days eVAR will be rejected and returned to requestor for resubmission Food Safety Audit A vendor has 90 days to submit a certified NSF audit from an accredited auditing agency provided in the Schedule 2 Supplier Audit Guidelines of the Indemnity Agreement After 90 days eVAR will be rejected and returned to requestor for resubmission In some cases a reviewer may request additional documents that extend the eVAR beyond the 3 day Governance Review. Once a reviewer has requested documents from the cost center for an eVAR submission, the documents must be returned within 30 days or the eVAR will be rejected. The eVAR submission will then need to be resubmitted with all required documents after 30 days. Food vendors that require a Food Safety Audit could potentially take longer than 3 days. These reviews are processed by Product Quality Assurance and updates will be provided by that department.
eVAR Pre-work & Required Documents
eVAR Part One eVAR Pre-work & Required Documents
eVAR Webform – Contracted Suppliers
Review the following tools to verify that another contracted supplier isn’t available My Supplier Locator Actionable Reports by Market for Segment specific suppliers Canadian users should utilize their supplier resources Provides opportunities to use of contracted suppliers already in the Sodexo system Supplier Governance ensures that new vendors meet our Sodexo standards Links to these tools can be found on the VAR webpage As stated earlier the goal is to provide opportunities to use contracted suppliers already in the SDX system and ensure that new vendors meet our SDX standards Using the My Supplier Locator tool and reviewing Actionable Reports from the What to Buy Where webpage will help direct cost centers to contracted vendors Incorporating Supplier Governance with the VAR process ensures that new vendors will meet our Sodexo standards
eVAR Webform – What are the Required Forms
AF Topic outlines the Vendor Authorization & Control policy and required forms for new vendors (changes to be reflected March 2017) Required Forms include: W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification W-8 for Canadian vendors doing business in US Payment Document that clearly states the Remit to Address Indemnity Agreement Certificate of Liability Insurance Supplier Diversity Business Profile Confirmation of Supplier Diversity registration For Food Vendors Supplier Information Form Product Quality Assurance Letter of Intent AF Topic provides details regarding submission for a new vendor number and should be reviewed regularly for changes to requirements There are 6 required documents for Non-Food Vendors & 8 required documents for Food Vendors
eVAR Webform – Where are the Required Forms
The eVAR Vendor Packets can be found on the eVAR webpage or in the Forms Library on SodexoNet Required Forms have been packaged together for easy download from the eVAR webpage There are 7 Vendor Packets including: eVAR Vendor Packet – Food Vendors eVAR Vendor Packet – Non Food Vendors eVAR Vendor Packet – Subcontractors eVAR Vendor Packet – Temporary Services eVAR Vendor Packet – Non Profit Organizations eVAR Vendor Packet – Information Technology Vendors eVAR Vendor Packet – Valet Services There is a coversheet that provides detailed information regarding requirements and completion details Required documents have been packaged with a detailed coversheet into 7 distinct vendor packages that can be downloaded from SodexoNet via the VAR webpage or the Forms Library. The full eVAR Vendor Package should be sent to the vendor for completion
eVAR Webform – Who completes the Required Forms
The eVAR Vendor Packet should be sent in full to the new vendor for completion The vendor should complete all required documents prior to returning to the cost center The vendor should also register at the Sodexo Supplier Diversity Registration and submit the Confirmation with the other required documents Sodexo.ivsportal.Net The vendor should complete all documents in full prior to returning to the cost center for submission of a new vendor number
eVAR Webform – How do we review the Required Forms
The vendor packet should be returned to the cost center or requestor preferably by in PDF format Ensure that all documents are included, signed and dated if needed The Indemnity Agreement should be returned with all pages Insurance level & risk category circled on first page All schedules returned and submitted with eVAR The Certificate of Insurance is a single page document and should include: Appropriate levels of insurance from the Indemnity Agreement or contract Sodexo listed as an additional insured and certificate holder (refer to the sample Certificate of Insurance) confirmation that they have registered on the Supplier Diversity Business portal The cost center should verify that they received completed, signed and dated documents from the vendor The coversheet can be used as a checklist for the required documents Missing or incomplete documents should be either returned or requested from the vendor prior to the submission of an eVAR for a new vendor number Help for reviewing documents can be found on the eVAR webpage on SodexoNet
eVAR Webform – When do we submit the Required Forms
Fully executed required documents should be submitted with the eVAR submission eVAR submissions should not be submitted until ALL required documents have been received from the vendor eVAR submissions with incomplete or missing documents will be automatically rejected and returned to the requestor with details for resubmission Once the cost center has reviewed the completed vendor packet, ensured that all documents have been received, are completed, signed and/or dated, the cost center can submit an eVAR for a new vendor number Please keep in mind that incomplete eVAR submission could be rejected or delayed due to incomplete information
eVAR Webform – Additional Documents
There may be additional documents needed based on the type of eVAR being submitted Additional or Optional Forms include: Subcontract – fully executed by both parties Indemnity Agreement is not required if a subcontract is submitted Supplier Governance documents Are based on the response of the Supplier Governance questions Contractual – provide copy of page from contract Buy Local/Sustainable – provide copy of initiative Diversity/Small Business – provide copy of requirement Client Request/Preference – provide written request from client If the vendor has a subcontract for products or services and is signed by both the vendor and Sodexo, please include with the other documents. This will speed the issuance of the vendor number Supplier Governance questions will require documentation. Please upload the required documentation. Failure to do so may delay the processing of the eVAR submission.
eVAR Webform Portal eVAR Part Two
The link for the eVAR Webform Portal is available on SodexoNet and can be saved as a link on Internet Explorer as a Favorite.
Completing the eVAR Webform
After opening the eVAR webform, answer all questions pertaining to the request Be sure to enter the 8 digit cost center from which the Vendor will be paid No dashes or space is required Select the Account Service Type of the cost center Enter Complete cost center name Name of the person completing the form Contact number for that person
Completing the eVAR Webform
Select the RAM for the cost center from the list A map of the RAM coverage areas is available on the eVAR webpage Select the Sysco Distribution House or Other Distribution House If the cost center is a FM unit, select the Network Service
Completing the eVAR Webform
Enter all information for the requested Vendor
Completing the eVAR Webform
Using the Supplier Vendor Diversity Business Profile complete the Diverse Supplier & NAICS Code From the Certificate of Insurance Form, complete the Certificate of Insurance Amount, Expiration Date and if Sodexo is listed as an additional insured Also provide the Estimated Annual Spend the cost center anticipates spending with the vendor annually
Completing the eVAR Webform
Validate if the requested vendor is: Current/Former Sodexo employee has any interest in this business Current/Former Sodexo employee has a personal relationship in business If “Yes” for either of these questions, Supervisor Approval is required Provide the Supervisor’s Name & Title Then upload written approval from the Supervisor when submitting
Completing the eVAR Webform
Indicate if the cost center has already made a recent purchase with the vendor Determine if there is an immediate need to purchase from this supplier: Review AF Topic regarding policy enhancements for P-Card usage rather than setting up a new or one time use supplier If it is determined that payment can be made via P-Card, select “N/A” for remainder of the survey and submit the form If the vendor does not accept P-Card payments, contact the Accounts Payable department for assistance
Completing the eVAR Webform
Does the Vendor provide Product(s) Service(s) Onsite Service(s) Provide a detailed description of the product(s), service(s) or onsite service(s) provided by the vendor
Completing the eVAR Webform
It is important that vendors that require a subcontract agreement are identified early in the review process If a vendor has a subcontract agreement signed with Sodexo, include a copy of the subcontract agreement with the other documents at the end of the webform If a subcontract has not been signed but might be required, answer the questions to determine if a vendor requires a subcontract agreement
Completing the eVAR Webform
These questions are designed to determine the type of requested vendor Is this a FOOD or FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Vendor FOOD PRODUCT is identified to be sold or used as ingredients FOOD SERVICE is identified as provided by companies other than Sodexo to support operations If the vendor provides a FOOD Service, the vendor may require a subcontract
Completing the eVAR Webform
If this is a FOOD SERVICE vendor, a subcontract may be required For Food Service vendors, please contact Brian Turner at for additional assistance with the subcontract process
Completing the eVAR Webform
Please answer if the Vendor provides Facilities Management services such as Electrical, HVAC, Landscaping, Pest Services, etc. If this is a Corporate Services Facilities Management cost center: Check the box Select N/A for all remaining answers and submit Contact your District Manager or Regional Vice President for segment specific subcontract processes
Completing the eVAR Webform
As part of the Supplier Governance incorporation with the eVAR process, it is required that prior for submission for a new vendor number: Search the My Supplier Locator tool for potential contracted suppliers already established by Supply Management that provide the products or services being supplied Review the “Actionable Datasets & Tools” for Segment specific approved suppliers for the products or services being supplied
Completing the eVAR Webform
These questions are designed to fulfil the Supplier Governance review of the request At least one option should be selected Documentation such as a contract, client letter/ or diversity requirements should be submitted with the request Only one option should be selected Select N/A for the other three selections Diversity or Small Business could be selected as a second option
Completing the eVAR Webform
Upload all required documents from Vendor and documentation for the required /requested use based on Supplier Governance questions Upload individually or as a single file To enter individual documents, click “Upload” and select the file To enter the next document, click “Upload” and select the next file Missing documentation may result in the rejection of your request and will delay the review of the request
Completing the eVAR Webform
The final step is to provide any comments regarding the request and select whether or not to send a copy of the responses and submission to your Submit the request once all questions have been answered and all required documentation has been uploaded The eVAR will be reviewed within 3 business days The requestor will receive confirmation of the issued Vendor Number or denial of the request
eVAR (Vendor Action Request) At-A-Glance
What’s Changing Things to consider before submitting New web form provides the ability to: electronically submit required documents track approval process and store documents for review hold all submissions with final storage in COLD Faster payments for single use vendors via enhanced P-Card Process Supplier Governance led by Service Operations teams Enhanced Vendor Action Request packages for specific suppliers Before requesting an alternative supplier, ask yourself: Did I check My Supplier Locator? Did I check the Actionable Datasets by Segment? If Canadian, did I check my Vendor Resources? Is this an emergency use or purchase? Why Supplier Governance Matters Pcard Purchase or New Supplier? Utilizing contracted suppliers that conform to Sodexo standards ultimately protects Sodexo, our clients and our customers It provides a higher level of Vendor Safety in the Supply Chain Using contracted suppliers adheres to Sodexo’s food & service standards Establishes process for Subcontract Agreements for On-Site Food & Facility Management Service Providers P-Card AF policy changes now allow use of P-Card for emergency purchases from suppliers A new supplier will be requested via the eVAR process for long term & high volume purchases Tools/Resources on Sodexo Net Contact Us US Electronic Vendor Action Request (eVAR) Webform CA Electronic Vendor Action Request (eVAR) Webform My Supplier Locator Tool Actionable Datasets by Segment New VAR packets on VAR webpage Client Procurement Services (CPS) Call Center or **Canada Users** Please contact Daniel Kong for assistance with any Canadian cost centers or the French version of the eVAR Please contact: Accounts Payable Support Center
Your Questions & Comments
Resources Questions? Unit Controller Network Call Materials
UFS Launch site Kronos Analytics eVAR Client Procurement Services (CPS) Call Center or Accounts Payable Support Center on SodexoNet Thank you for your participation, your time, and for your support of this very important call series. Resources for the topics covered on today’s call are listed here. Copy of today’s deck can be obtained by visiting the Controller Corner on the UFS launch site The Agenda for our next month’s call is being finalized. Invitations will go out by the first of next month with planned agenda information. If you are aware of a particular topic that would be helpful to the Controller Network, please reach out to me, or send an to the UFS Administrator mailbox so we can collect and build this call series with your ideas. 46
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