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Project Overview Tassilo Tiemann

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1 Project Overview Tassilo Tiemann
Improved Forage-Based Livestock Feeding Systems for Smallholder Livelihoods in the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam (CLV) Development Triangle Project Overview Tassilo Tiemann

2 Background Southeast Asia increasing demand for livestock products (nutrition transition) Smallholder livestock production systems in SEA are often inefficient and not market oriented Access to technologies for improving livestock production leads to increased food security and reduced poverty

3 Background The CLV Development Triangle was created in 2002
The included provinces are amongst the poorest of each of the countries GDP mainly derived from agriculture The purpose of the CLV-DT is to strengthen the border provinces of all three countries by developing the region

4 Location of the CLV

5 Why this project? The infrastructural development of this region brings opportunities as well as threats: Better market access New product opportunities Increased competition Disease risk Smallholders are particularly disadvantaged in making use of these opportunities and especially prone to threats

6 Overall Goal Livelihoods of poor livestock farmers in the CLV , in particular women and those of ethnic minority background, are improved through adoption of forage-based livestock feeding and management technologies

7 Program Components The program aims to:
Improved smallholder livestock production systems through forages Improved market access Knowledge sharing and capacity building

8 Strategy & Approach 1) Targeting resources, markets, and livelihoods
Assessment of current livestock production through baseline study in each country Assessment of existing market links for livestock producers

9 Strategy & Approach 2) Discovering opportunities for improvement
Livelihoods analysis, problem diagnosis participatory HH livelihoods strategy planning Evaluation of options for new forage and livestock related income opportunities

10 Strategy & Approach 3) Strengthening capacities
Use of stakeholder platforms as an entry and leverage point for local research and capacity building, e.g. Learning Alliance Facilitating linkages between farmers and other market stakeholders

11 Strategy & Approach 4) Testing innovations
Testing feed and animal management options on- farm (participatory) and on-station Trainings, field schools, and farmer field days on forage production, feed processing/utilization and livestock production Exposure visits and trainings on successful systems Development of integrated approaches on-farm encouraging more efficient resource-use

12 Strategy & Approach 5) Sharing and dissemination
Learning and communication between implementing agencies Learning alliances on country and international Links to local governments, research and development projects, and NGOs for scaling-up Extension materials on crop and livestock results Research publications

13 Thank you

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