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Radiation Belt Storm Probes (Van Allen Probes) Launched 30 August 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Belt Storm Probes (Van Allen Probes) Launched 30 August 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Belt Storm Probes (Van Allen Probes) Launched 30 August 2012
Movie courtesy of NASA

2 Van Allen Probes Science Objectives, Instruments, & Data
Brett Anderson Dartmouth College 16 June 2013 GEM Student Tutorial Artistic rendering courtesy of NASA

3 Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP)
Launched: 30 August 2012 4:05 am EDT Cape Canaveral, FL Atlas V Rocket Renamed: 9 November 2012 Van Allen Probes

4 Van Allen Probes Orbit Information
Identical spacecraft Equatorial orbit Perigee: ~1.1 RE Apogee: ~5.8 RE 9 hour period Complete MLT coverage over whole mission Spin stabilized, ~5 RPM Spin axis towards sun One satellite laps the other every ~75 days for simultaneous observations over a range of spacecraft separations Expected lifetime: 2014 – 2015 RBSP THEMIS Spacecraft lap twice per quadrant (4-5 laps/year) for simultaneous observations over a range of s/c separations. 600 km perigee to 5.8 RE geocentric apogee for full radiation belts sampling.

5 Van Allen Probes Science Objectives
Discover which processes, singly or in combination, accelerate and transport radiation belt electrons and ions and under what conditions. Understand and quantify the loss of radiation belt electrons and determine the balance between competing acceleration and loss processes. Understand how the radiation belts change in the context of geomagnetic storms.

6 Van Allen Probes What measurements are made?
Particles & Plasma - Electrons + Protons & Ions Fields Magnetic Electric Waves The Van Allen Probes have the best instrumentation to be launched into the heart of the radiation belts, ever! Detection sensitivity Energy resolution Temporal sampling cadence Two spacecraft are better than one! Especially since their separation distance varies! Artistic rendering courtesy of NASA

7 Van Allen Probes Instrumentation
Particles & Fields Van Allen Probes Instrumentation Particles & Plasma Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite (ECT) Dr. Harlan Spence, The University of New Hampshire RBSP Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) Dr. Louis Lanzerotti, The New Jersey Institute of Technology Relativistic Proton Spectrometer (RPS) Dr. David Byers, National Reconnaissance Office (*not pictured) Dr. Joseph Mazur, Aerospace Corporation (at left) Fields Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) Dr. Craig Kletzing, The University of Iowa Electric Field and Waves Suite (EFW) Dr. John Wygant, The University of Minnesota Assembly and Operation Johns Hopkins University — Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL)

8 Particles & Fields Diagram courtesy of NASA

9 EMFISIS Data Whistler-mode Chorus Waves
FIELDS (Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science) EMFISIS Data Whistler-mode Chorus Waves Frequency kHz Color: Wave Power Burst Mode = High time resolution! Waveform Whistler-mode Chorus is capable of: Accelerating AND Depleting radiation belt electrons! (microburst precipitation) Figure courtesy of Craig Kletzing

10 Particles & Fields Diagram courtesy of NASA

11 EFW Data Low frequency electric fields
(Electric Field and Waves) EFW Data Low frequency electric fields Data: Ex from RBSP-B and RBSP-A on October 13, 2012 Two Spacecraft! Slightly different orbits separation ~1/3 of orbit = Better Spatial & Temporal Resolution! > 5-hours Ex (mV/m) Spacecraft Perigees Low frequency waves at outer edge of radiation belts might be responsible for rapidly accelerating electrons! Also…for depleting electrons! Ex (mV/m) UT 13 October 2012 Figure courtesy of Craig Kletzing

12 Particles & Fields Diagram courtesy of NASA

13 ECT Data Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT)
Particles (Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite) ECT Data Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) 6 5 L* 4 3 2 1 4.5 MeV Color = Flux 31 August 2012 16 October 2012 Meridional Projection of REPT Electron Flux Video courtesy of LASP

14 ECT Data Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT)
Particles (Energetic Particle, Composition, and Thermal Plasma Suite) ECT Data Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) 4.5 MeV Interplanetary Shock Waves Baker et al., 2013

15 Van Allen Probes The Van Allen Radiation Belts are highly dynamic!
With the Van Allen Probes, we are beginning to see much more detailed structure and behavior! We still don’t know a lot about the radiation belts. The Van Allen Probes have the best instrumentation to be launched into the heart of the radiation belts, ever! So, there’s LOTS of data to be looked at, LOTS of science results to be discovered, and lots to be learned about the radiation belts.

16 Mission of Opportunity BARREL
Particles Mission of Opportunity BARREL Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses P.I. Robyn Millan, Dartmouth College Scientific Goals: Determine total relativistic electron loss rates to atmosphere Characterize spatial structure of precipitation Determine relative importance of various types of precipitation BARREL payloads measure bremsstrahlung x-rays at ~35 km, incident from “precipitating” radiation-belt relativistic electrons The BARREL array of 5-8 balloon-borne payloads simultaneously detects precipitating electrons over 8-10 hours of MLT Two Antarctic campaigns of 20 identical payloads, each January 2013, completed January 2014

17 Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
P.I. Xinlin Li Launched: 13 September 2012 Last contact: 7 March 2013 Measures Electron & Proton Flux on a Low Earth Orbit CSSWE RBSP OUTER RADIATION BELT Electrons CSSWE At the University of Colorado we are building the Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment Our orbital requirements are 450 to 600 km and >55 degree inclination The CSSWE is also measuring relativistic particles 8 6 L 4 2

18 Advertisement for Focus Group: Magnetic Field Mapping
Fields & Particles Advertisement for Focus Group: Magnetic Field Mapping Sessions in Salon D: Monday at 10:30 Focus on “conjunctions” of Van Allen Probes and other experiments (THEMIS, BARREL balloons, CSSWE cube sat, ground-based data, etc…) Monday at 1:30 Tuesday at 10:30 Focus Group Organizers: Eric Donovan Elizabeth MacDonald Robyn Millan RBSP spacecraft Magnetic footprints L-shells BARREL Payloads Image courtesy of Alexa Halford

19 Check it out on the web!

20 Check it out on the web!

21 The End



24 Van Allen Probes Instrumentation
ECT HOPE MagEIS REPT RBSPICE RPS EFW EMFISIS Search-Coil magnetometer Flux-Gate magnetometer Diagram courtesy of NASA


26 K&R figure of energy of particles in rad belts EMFISIS Data slide:
Pictures of Pis K&R figure of energy of particles in rad belts EMFISIS Data slide: KHz top plot vertical axis, color=“wave power” No counts on lower plot vertical axis EFW Data slide: Take out all the facts at bottom, except UT. Take out vertical axis labels Point out when apogee, perigee, etc… Point out which aspect of science objective, each data slide is dealing with.

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