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The Prevail® Incontinence Management Program

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1 The Prevail® Incontinence Management Program


3 Incontinence can look and feel many different ways
Urinary incontinence is… Rushing to make it to the bathroom Sometimes leaking urine when you laugh, cough or sneeze Needing to use the bathroom often Feeling like you are still full The experience of soiling your bed or your clothes

4 Who is affected by incontinence?
Incontinence affects people of ALL ages young and old Estimated MILLION adult Americans are affected. (1) million with severe symptoms additional ~ 20 million with occasional light symptoms (2) 80% of the incontinent population is female over 50 years old. (2) Pregnancy, menopause and other life conditions can affect bladder control 15% of men over 60 years old and half of men treated for prostate cancer (2) 50% of diabetics suffer from incontinence due to nerve damage and overweight (3) Incontinence is a condition that many people experience and it affects people of ALL ages, young and old It’s estimated that between million adult Americans are affected. When we look at senior populations, roughly 25 million Americans are affected over the age of 65 Women are the highest population to have incontinence, with 80% of those affected are female over the age of 50 It’s not uncommon for men to experience incontinence, as 15% of men over 60 have been diagnosed with the condition. Incontinence is also experienced by diabetics as 50% of this population suffers from incontinence due to nerve damage and being overweight. (10 4i Independent Research 2013 National Association for Continence (2) National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

5 There are 6 types of incontinence
5/15/2018 Review each kind…relate to the possible audience experiences Stress incontinence Reflex incontinence Urge incontinence Overflow incontinence Functional incontinence

6 Stress Incontinence 5/15/2018
Stress incontinence is the loss of a few drops of urine. Most common in women and can occur in men. Stress incontinence is often described as “dribble of urine”. Typically occurs with laughing, coughing, sneezing, or exertion. Can occur with exercising like running, jumping or riding a bike. Common causes of stress incontinence are pelvis surgery or trauma, obesity or weak pelvic muscles. Often women who have given birth will experience stress related incontinence.

7 5/15/2018 Urge Incontinence Urge incontinence is when you experience frequent, strong and sudden awareness to urinate but can’t always make it to the restroom in time. People often experience urge incontinence when they have a urinary tract infection, kidney stones or tumors located in the urinary system. Bladder irritants also can cause urge incontinence. These are food and beverages in our diet that irritate the bladder. For example: citrus fruits, alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods.

8 5/15/2018 Mixed Incontinence Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and urge incontinence. It can occur in both females and males. Common causes of mixed incontinence are: -pelvic trauma or surgery -childbirth -obesity -urinary tract infections -tumors or stones -bladder irritants

9 Overflow Incontinence
5/15/2018 Overflow Incontinence Overflow incontinence is when the bladder has become too full of urine and the excessive starts to overflow ultimately causing and incontinent episode. People who have overflow incontinence will feel an increase in frequency and urgency to urinate. Overflow Incontinence is commonly caused by urethral obstructions, enlarged prostate (BPH), certain medications and someone who may have a spinal cord coordination.

10 Reflex Incontinence 5/15/2018
Reflux incontinence occurs with no warning, the person cant tell they need to urinate. Individuals who may have a brain tumor, spinal cord injury, suffered a stroke or any other neurological disorder are more likely to have reflux incontinence

11 Functional Incontinence
5/15/2018 Functional Incontinence People who suffer from functional incontinence are usually aware of the need to urinate but are unable to get to the bathroom. This can be due to immobility, cognitive impairment or environmental barriers. A person can suffer with more than one type of incontinence. An example would be an individual with a neurological condition may suffer with both urge and functional incontinence. Because of the nerve damage this will make controlling the urine difficult.

12 Incontinence can have a significant impact on a person’s life
Mobility – impaired mobility can hinder ones ability to make it to the restroom in time. Falls – are associated with incontinence due to people often have impaired/decrease mobility with urgency and fall on the way or in the restroom Infection – Urinary Tract Infections often occur due to improper peri care with incontinent episodes. Skin Health – most environments break down the skin and jeopardize good skin health. Readmission – if someone is incontinent, and they are attempting to use the bathroom at night, when having a mobility issue, they are at risk for falls. Falls can be concerning and at times you may end up with a break or a fracture sending you to the hospital. Nutrition – at times, diets may need to be altered, and some of your favorite foods may need to be limited, as it aggrivates the condition Socialization – people may not feel comfortable being social for a concern that there will be an accident that cause embarrassment

13 5 options to manage incontinence
There are many treatment and management options that may improve resident’s level of incontinence and quality of life.

14 Changes in diet may assist in managing incontinence
Certain foods act as diuretics and certain drinks may irritate the bladder. Reducing or eliminating them from the diet may improve urine control. Foods & beverages that are bladder irritants include: Foods and beverages that are bladder irritants include: Coffee Citrus fruits Water Spicy foods Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages Decreasing bladder irritants may improve urgency which can lead to urinary incontinent episodes.

15 Medicine and exercise have also proven to be effective ways to manage incontinence
5/15/2018 Certain medications can impact incontinence Diuretics (water pills), sedatives, muscle relaxants, narcotics, antihistamines, antipyschotics/ antidepressants OTC cold remedies The pelvic muscles control leakage and manage sudden urges. Stronger muscles give patients more time to get to the bathroom. Kegel exercises help because they help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support the bladder and help close the urethra. Give examples of meds

16 Improve dignity by choosing the right product

17 Incontinence solutions for varied needs
Multiple product lines in each of the product categories provide options to manage cost and customer satisfaction

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