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The Sun-Earth-Moon System

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1 The Sun-Earth-Moon System
Chapter 27 Notes The Sun-Earth-Moon System

2 Tools of Astronomy Astronomers study radiation (light) emitted or reflected by distant objects Visible light, radio waves, X-rays, UV, infrared, microwaves, and gamma rays are all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) All EMR travels at the speed of light Different types of telescopes detect different types of EMR

3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

4 Telescopes A telescope’s purpose is not to magnify objects, but to collect and focus light. Visible light: Refracting (lenses) Reflecting (mirrors) Radio telescopes:

5 Space-based Telescopes
Earth’s atmosphere blocks some types of EMR can distort visible light; some telescopes are located above the atmosphere. Here are a few of them: Hubble: visible light Chandra: X-rays Spitzer: Infrared

6 Space-Based Astronomy
Robotic spacecraft Cassini (Saturn): 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: 2006 New Horizons (Pluto): 2006 Human space flight International Space Station Spinoff technology More than 1400 different NASA technologies passed on to commercial industries

7 Exploring the Moon

8 History of the Moon The Moon is about the same age as the Earth (4.5 billion years old) Interior: layered, but no tectonic activity Surface: Highlands: mountains Maria: impact basins filled with lava Rilles: valleys created by flowing lava

9 Moon Map

10 Moon Map A “Mercator” map of the Moon

11 Formation of the Moon Impact Theory: Currently accepted theory based on the Moon’s geology and computer simulations

12 Time is based on Astronomy
Day: one complete rotation (plus ~4minutes) Year: one complete orbit around the Sun Month: based on one cycle of lunar phases Seasons: caused by Earth’s tilt Solstices: summer and winter Equinoxes: “equal night” spring and fall Sun’s maximum height is called the zenith. The zenith varies depending on latitude and time of year

13 Moon Phases Waxing: getting larger Waning: getting smaller
Crescent: less than ¼ size Gibbous: greater than ¼ size

14 Lunar month vs. sidereal month
It takes 27.3 days for the Moon to make one complete orbit around the Earth It takes 29.5 days for the Moon to complete one cycle of phases

15 Synchronous orbit The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth
The Moon spins one time on its axis each time it goes around the Earth There is no “dark side of the Moon”

16 Solar Eclipse Earth passes through Moon’s shadow
We see the Sun blocked Only occurs during new moon phase (why not every new moon phase?)

17 Lunar Eclipse Moon passes through Earth’s shadow
We see the Moon darkened Only occurs during full moon phase

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