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Integrated Communications Week 3 Value Proposition

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1 Integrated Communications Week 3 Value Proposition
By Barbara de Waard BSc MSc MCIM MInstF

2 Value Proposition (LO3, LO4)

3 Effective Communications
COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS to deliver customer value CREATIVE BRIEFS based on customer knowledge MESSAGING for specific customer responses MANAGING external agencies and partners

4 Customer Value CVP CUSTOMER VALUE PROPOSITION: The combined benefits that your product or service will deliver to its target audience IDENTIFYING USP (Unique Selling Point) What do I want or need? What problems do I need to solve? What do I expect from this product or service? What benefits do I get from it? Why this one?

5 Identifying USP

6 Models of Communication

7 Consumer Communication
Message Strategies COGNITIVE: Consumers make rational decisions based on pieces of information or arguments presented i.e. product’s attributes and benefits “Knowing” Cognitive strategy: presenting a rational argument AFFECTIVE: Consumers make decisions based on emotions and feelings “Feeling” Affective strategy: appealing to emotion CONATIVE: Consumers behaviour in a given set of circumstances “Doing” Conative strategy: elicit direct consumer response

8 Hierarchy of Effect models
Figure 3.3. of your Companion Guide (p35) – summary of Hierarchy of Effects Models

9 Sample message strategies

10 Consumer Purchase Decisions
Matrix by Paola Cassone from “ The Message is the Medium” 2009 Note: FCB planning grid and other high vs low involvement Know Feel Do Feel Know Do

11 Figure 2.1 The FCB grid Where involvement is high
Attitude precedes trial Figure 2.1 The FCB grid Source: Vaughn, R. (1980), ‘How Advertising Works: A Planning Model’, Journal of Advertising Research, 20(5), 27–33. Reproduced with permission of ARF, New York.

12 Models of Attitude Apple make computers, MP3 players, Mobile Phones Apple products are expensive Apple are famous for good design Apple products look cool and stylish They make me feel trendy and smart Their latest advert is really funny I’m going to buy a Mac because there Is an Apple store at the end of my street, FCB Grid (Vaughn 1986, RPG (Rossiter and Percy 1997)

13 Campaign Planning INPUTS PLANNING COMMUNICATION - Media Selection
- Customer Insights - Media Selection - Creative ideas to engage Target Audience INPUTS PLANNING COMMUNICATION - Define Target Audience and Message - Desired Outcomes (Awareness, Leads Traffic, Sales - Mechanisms for monitoring and measuring - One step , Two step or Multi flow - Opinion Leaders - Communication Networks

14 Group Exercise Discussion sample adverts:
Form groups of 4 to 6 Nominate one person taking notes Spend 20 minutes on discussion Each group to report their findings (15 mins.) Discussion sample adverts: What are the objectives of this campaign and how do they relate to your organisation’s value proposition? Can you explain the desired positioning and brand image ?

15 Planning tools SOSTAC® Planning model by PR Smith

16 IMC PLanning TO WHOM? WHY? WHAT? HOW? (Creative) WHERE? WHEN?
HOW OFTEN? (Media)

17 The Creative brief History of Product or Service Market, Competition
Campaign Objectives (Metrics) Target Audience Product features and benefits Rationale/Evidence for consumer benefit USP/ Value Proposition Budget, Constraints

18 Media Strategy Media Choice? Timing and duration?
Coverage of Target Audience? Frequency? Budget? Which media are most appropriate?

19 Media Selection and Planning
Size of Audience Nature of Audience Technical suitability Cost-effectiveness Measurement Selection: Planning: Impact, Circulation, Readership Reach, Frequency, OTS Duplication, GRP Pulsing, Intermittent, Continuous, Flighting

20 Digital Revolution

21 Creative process : Models
CLIENT LED: Client carries out strategic thinking and agency assists with execution for media and communication channels LEAD AGENCY: One agency responsible for creating communications strategy, which is coordinated through specialists agencies ( context bias or content bias) VIRTUAL: Client directs key people from different agencies (PR, Advertising, DM) to coordinate campaign ONE STOP SHOP: Large agency groups develop communications, using specialists within their umbrella

22 Top Ad Agencies

23 Agency Selection Agency types: Full Service PR Sales Promotion
Media Buying Design Digital (Web design and SEO/PPC) Trend: Professional procurement managers to purchase agency services

24 Agency Management What agency services are you responsible for procuring or managing? ‘ Agency as Partner’ mindset Clear understanding of cost and fees Agency should add value Part of the team (act early) Alternative views, ‘objectivity’ Clear written briefs Agree and match deadlines Calendar, Gantt chart

25 Resources

26 Summary VALUE PROPOSITION and USP are cornerstones for building your communication campaign and must be based on customer knowledge To develop effective communications, you can apply tools such as Communication Models and Consumer Purchase models to formulate your MESSAGE STRATEGY PLANNING TOOLS or FRAMEWORKS should be used to cover the fundamental questions (To Whom, Why, What, How etc.) and the CREATIVE BRIEF is a vital element to pull these together. Selecting, managing and evaluating EXTERNAL (PROMOTIONAL) AGENCIES is one of the marketer’s core competencies, for which you should develop knowledge and skills

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