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In charge vegetables section MALIK RASHEED Sb

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1 In charge vegetables section MALIK RASHEED Sb
Vegetable section In charge vegetables section MALIK RASHEED Sb

2 Crops Open field vegetabes Tunnel vegetables

3 Tunnel Vegetables Tunnel Farming:
Growing of off-season crops under controlled environmental conditions or we can say growing vegetables is tunnels which are covered with polythene sheet of different guages as tunnel farming.

4 Types of Tunnel There are three types of tunnel according to their width, height and length used in our country for growing vegetables. High tunnel Walk-In tunnel Low tunnel

5 Construction of Walk-in Tunnel:

6 Construction of Walk-in Tunnel:
Material used in Tunnel: Steel pipes, iron rods, Wires, Measuring Tape, Polythene sheet, Mulching sheet, plastic net etc Land Preparation Preparation of Steel Pipes: Fiting of iron pipes: .

7 Construction of Walk-in Tunnel:

8 Pipe to pipe distance is 12ft. .for tunnel establishment.
Then we bind them with wire to maintain their shape proper. Already prepared, net of strong threads are then hang for the training of plants in case of vegetables like cucumber.

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