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Introduction Presented by: Love Lor.

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1 Introduction Presented by: Love Lor

2 GALACA Enterprises presents
MEMRISTOR The MISSING LINK of ELECTRONICS L7VHixNQ Produced by: Love Lor VP Market Research (GALACA Enterprises)

3 Presented by: Aaron Martin
Memristor Operation 101 Presented by: Aaron Martin

4 V = IR R = ρ L/A Back to the Basics OHM’s LAW RESISTANCE
Depends on length (L),cross-sectional area (A), and material (ρ) VARIABLE RESISTANCE Potentiometer (manual) V = IR R = ρ L/A

5 Beyond the Basics MEMRISTANCE Atomic Level R = ρ L/A

6 Cross-Bar Memristance

7 What to Expect

8 Presented by: Alex Hundich and George Yousif
Pragmatic Impact Presented by: Alex Hundich and George Yousif

9 New Transistors Solid-State Memristors can be combined into devices called crossbar latches Crossbar latches are the main feature of current transistors Transistors are the main building block of modern electronics Memristor development predicts that we can make a new type of transistor 10 times smaller than the ones today

10 Solid-State Memory Crossbar latches allow greater density hard drives with much greater speeds GALACA researches have prototyped memory using memristors that fit 100 gigabytes on one square centimeter (not cubic) This version of memristive memory is 10 times faster than the fastest memory today (DRAM) Emulating the behavior of a single memristor, Chua showed, requires a circuit with at least 15 transistors and other passive elements. The implications are extraordinary: just imagine how many kinds of circuits could be supercharged by replacing a handful of transistors with one single memristor. The most obvious benefit is to memories. In its initial state, a crossbar memory has only open switches, and no information is stored. But once you start closing switches, you can store vast amounts of information compactly and efficiently. Because memristors remember their state, they can store data indefinitely, using energy only when you toggle or read the state of a switch, unlike the capacitors in conventional DRAM, which will lose their stored charge if the power to the chip is turned off. Furthermore, the wires and switches can be made very small: we should eventually get down to a width of around 4 nm, and then multiple crossbars could be stacked on top of each other to create a ridiculously high density of stored bits.

11 Instant-On Computers Current flowing through a memristor alters its electrical resistance Retains that state after power is turned off This is a perfect feature for nonvolatile memory This coupled with tinier circuits could lead to instant-on computers.

12 Mimic Brain Neurons Memristors can be used to make brain-like circuits because they “remember” the amount of current that has flowed through them Researchers recently developed flexible memory circuits The potential of the memristor goes far beyond computer hardware. If you know anything about how your brain works, you might be able to see the similarity of memristor behavior to that of synapses. Right now, we are designing new circuits that mimic aspects of the brain. The neurons are implemented with transistors, the axons are the nanowires in the crossbar, and the synapses are the memristors at the cross points. A circuit like this could perform real-time data analysis for multiple sensors. Think about it: an intelligent physical infrastructure that could provide structural assessment monitoring for bridges. How much money—and how many lives—could be saved?

13 Artificial Synapse Professor Leon Chua (first hypothesized the memristor) proposed an application as an “artificial synapse” in a circuit designed for analog computation Similar to the idea of mimicking brain neurons Medical applications are probably the most promising future for memristor applications

14 Model Unicellular Organisms
A recent simple linear circuit with a memristor was used to model adaptive behavior of unicellular organisms The circuit became trained of periodic pulses so that it could anticipate the next pulse Similar to the behavior of slime molds that are subjected to periodic changes in their environment This type of learning circuit may find applications in pattern recognition (A.I.)

15 …what’s next? Since memristors are such a new development the all of the potential applications have yet to be thought of There are endless possibilities of applications of memristors “The most valuable applications of memristors will most likely come from some young student who learns about these devices and has an inspiration for something totally new.” Experts say that this component will break barriers that people never thought they would see I’m convinced that eventually the memristor will change circuit design in the 21st century as radically as the transistor changed it in the 20th. In case you did not know - the transistor was lounging around as a mainly academic curiosity for a decade until 1956, when a ground breaking app—the hearing aid—brought it into the marketplace. My guess is that the real ground breaking app for memristors will be invented by a curious student who is now just deciding what EE courses to take next year.

16 Presented by: Ashley Wafers and Cutis Bouchard
Q and A Presented by: Ashley Wafers and Cutis Bouchard

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