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To Do: monday bell ringer

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1 To Do: monday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. In September 1846, a german astronomer, Johann Galle became the first to observe the planet Neptune. The eighth plant, Neptune is named for the roman god of the Sea. Neptune is about 30 times farther from the sun then planet earth is. It is also large than our planet. Sometimes Neptunes orbit crosses that of Pluto; (11 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book. Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

2 answer In September 1846, a German astronomer, Johann Galle, became the first to observe the planet Neptune. The eighth planet, Neptune, is named for the Roman god of the sea. Neptune is about 30 times farther from the sun than planet Earth is. It is also larger than our planet. Sometimes Neptune's orbit crosses that of Pluto.

3 Review reading test Put away your pencil!
Take out a highlighter. A highlighter is the ONLY thing that should be on your desk. As I read the answers you will highlight the questions you missed. We will then review using numbered heads together.

4 THEME Jenna and the Black Cat

5 To Do: TUESDAY bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. The story of Johnny Applesede has become some thing of a legend. But did you know that their is a real men behind the Johnny Appleseed myth. John Chapman, who was born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1774 planted apple orchards as he traveled west with the setlers. He own 1,200 acres of orchards from Pennsylvania to Illinois. Some people say Johnny went barefoot and wear a cofee sack for a shirt and a tin pan as a hat! (10 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

6 answer The story of Johnny Appleseed has become something of a legend. But did you know that there is a real man behind the Johnny Appleseed myth? John Chapman, who was born in Massachusetts on September 26, 1774, planted apple orchards as he traveled west with the settlers. He owned 1,200 acres of orchards from Pennsylvania to Illinois. Some people say Johnny went barefoot and wore a coffee sack for a shirt and a tin pan as a hat! 

7 Reading DIA 1. Log into V-Portal to access Eduphoria
-Login using 1ALPHA Code (do not need -The password is your birthday Read the questions and answer choices carefully. Take your time and do your best! Read a book when you are finished.

8 To Do: wednesday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. Ring! Ring! In September 1878, Emma M Nutt became the first female telephone operator. She took her post in boston, Massachusetts. She was pay just $10 a month for her werk. Emma must have injoyed her job. She continued to work as an operator for 33 year every time you here an operator say What city, please?" you should think of Emma Nutt. (10 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

9 answer Ring! Ring! On September 1878, Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator. She took her post in Boston, Massachusetts. She was paid just $10 a month for her work. Emma must have enjoyed her job. She continued to work as an operator for 33 years. Every time you hear an operator say "What city, please?" you should think of Emma Nutt. 

10 Fsa mODELS Underline the claim of the essay in red.
Review claims and evidence using an FSA model. Underline the claim of the essay in red. Underline the reasons for the claim in blue. In each body paragraph, highlight the evidence. In each body paragraph, underline the reason in blue. Do you think they did a good job supporting their reason with evidence? Why or why not?

11 To Do: wednesday bell ringer
As you come in… Take out a book to read. D.E.A.R – Drop Everything And Read! Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

12 Drop everything and read
Take out a book and read silently for this class period. You should be bringing a book from home or using a book from my library that you will read all the way through.

13 Fsa mODELS Rubric Scores Why do you think this writer earned a 10/10?
Which part of the rubric do you think the 9/10 lost points on and why? What is the main difference between the level 9 and 10 paper from the level 7? Why do you think the 7/10 lost points? What part of the rubric domain do you think they scored the lowest on? Why do you think the 6/10 lost points? What part of the rubric domain do you think they scored the lowest on?

14 To Do: Thursday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. in September 1985, Dr. Robert Ballard made an amazing discovery! Seventy-five year after the ocean liner Titanic had sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean, ballard and his team founded the ships remains about 350 miles from newfoundland, canada. Nearly a year later, Ballard used a submersible craft named alvin and an underwater robot called Jason Jr. To explore the reck. (10 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

15 answer In September 1985, Dr. Robert Ballard made an amazing discovery! Seventy-five years after the ocean liner Titanic had sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean, Ballard and his team found the ship's remains about 350 miles from Newfoundland, Canada. Nearly a year later, Ballard used a submersible craft named Alvin and an underwater robot called Jason Jr. to explore the wreck. 

16 Debate: should fidget spinners be allowed at school?
Vocabulary pg. 9 Text Scavenger Hunt pg. 1

17 To Do: friday bell ringer
As you come in… Write only the corrections on your whiteboard. october is a good time to harvist pumpkins. they can be used for many different purpose. Some are carved into jack-o’-lanterns, while others are baked into deserts and breads. Pupkin seeds can be a special treat when roasted The bigest pumpkin ever recorded waighed over 1,800 pounds. Thats as much as a car! (10 errors) Work on incomplete work or read a book when you are done. Have a pencil ready for the class period. Please sit in your assigned seat. Character Trait - RESPECT How will you show respect today?

18 answer October is a good time to harvest pumpkins. They can be used for many different purposes. Some are carved into jack-o’-lanterns, while others are baked into desserts and breads. Pumpkin seeds can be a special treat when roasted. The biggest pumpkin ever recorded weighed over 1,800 pounds. That’s as much as a car!

19 thinkcerca Finish any incomplete baseline testing! Evidence lesson
CERCA set on Hurricanes or Storm Surf depending on what was assigned. Complete each step. Early Finisher Zoo Brochure project Answer the questions in a word document on Vportal. You will use this for creating your brochure. Once you have researched all the information, create a 6 panel brochure on copy paper. You must have the name of the zoo, location, costs, jobs, accreditation, student learning, animals, and exhibits.

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