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ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-Dspace Workflow Integration

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Presentation on theme: "ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-Dspace Workflow Integration"— Presentation transcript:

1 ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-Dspace Workflow Integration
Mike Shallcross A2 March 27, 2015

2 Background $355,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ( ) Partnership with U-M Library IT Integrate functionality of ArchivesSpace, Archivematica, DSpace in an end-to-end workflow 2014 BHL reorganization: combined paper/digital processing operations BHL currently hosts 1+ TB of digital archives in Deep Blue 3/27/2015

3 Project Goals Facilitate creation/reuse of metadata
Streamline the ingest and deposit of content in repository Find solutions that meet BHL needs but are flexible and extensible to suit wide varieties of practice among libraries and archives 3/27/2015

4 Challenges/Opportunities
Loss of Associate Director Nancy Deromedi Unsuccessful developer search (April-July 2014) Meet BHL requirements as well as the unique needs of different institutions MLibrary moving to Hydra repository 3/27/2015

5 Progress! Budget reallocation: contract with Artefactual Systems
New staff: Archivist for Digital Curation Max Eckard & Project Archivist Dallas Pillen Artefactual Systems site visit: Jan Review current procedures and collections Define use cases Analyze existing functionality of platforms, identify development needs ASpace U-M Workflow diagrams and development roadmap 3/27/2015

6 Features AM: updates AS accession record in transfer
New AM ‘Appraisal and Arrangement’ tab Review and appraise content (deaccession unnecessary material as needed) Create AS archival objects; drag and drop content to associate with description and create AM: create/update resource component and digital object records in AS Automate deposit of AIPs in DSpace; update AS with handles 3/27/2015

7 Acquisition and Transfer

8 Arrangement and Appraisal Tab

9 Appraisal 3/27/2015

10 Arrangement and Description

11 SIP Creation and PREMIS Rights

12 AIPs (AM) = Digital Objects (AS) = Items (DSpace)

13 Managing Content ASpace: administrative, descriptive, and rights metadata AM: track ingest/processing status Repository: manage content and associated technical/preservation metadata 3/27/2015

14 On Deck… Initiate agile development cycles.
Solicit feedback and user stories from community via ASpace Jira project. Share workflow and concepts at SAA and iPRES. Project blog. 3/27/2015

15 Development Features AM: updates AS accession record in transfer
New AM ‘Appraisal and Arrangement’ tab Review and appraise content (deaccession unnecessary material as needed) Create AS archival objects; drag and drop content to associate with description and create AM: create/update resource component and digital object records in AS Automate deposit of AIPs in DSpace; update AS with handles 3/27/2015

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