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Exploring Ideas and Opportunities

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1 Exploring Ideas and Opportunities
Entrepreneurship Unit 11, Lesson 1 Ask students to explain the best resources to learn about entrepreneurship and careers. Then explain how the Internet is one of many valuable sources of information. The Small Business Administration also has a wealth of information for aspiring entrepreneurs.


3 Look for Ideas Opportunities - Possibilities that arise from existing conditions Ideas - Thoughts or concepts that come from creative thinking Hobbies and Interests Past Experiences Discovery or Invention Explain to students that a career will consume years of their life. Students must select careers that they enjoy. Enjoyable careers often times are an extension of the individual’s interests and hobbies.

4 Investigate Opportunities
Compare Different Opportunities Is there a market in my community for this kind of business? How much money will it take to start this business? How many hours a week will I have to work to run this business? One of the best strategies for learning about different careers is to interview people who currently have those careers. Tell students that is not too early to start interviewing successful entrepreneurs and business people to find out what it takes for success.

5 Investigate Opportunities (continued)
Compare Different Opportunities Does my background prepare me to run this kind of business? How much money will I make running this business? What are the risks associated with this business? Ask students to compile a list of risks associated with different entrepreneurial ventures. Then ask students to list characteristics about their backgrounds that have a positive impact if they choose to become entrepreneurs.

6 Setting Goals Set specific financial goals before starting a business.
Goals should be measurable and easily attainable in the time allotted.

7 Non-financial Goals Money is important; however, it is not the only reason for running a business. Non-monetary Reasons for Running a Business Gain Personal Satisfaction Serve a Community Need Be in Charge Since a career will consume four to six decades of an individual’s life, it is important to choose a career that gives an individual personal satisfaction. There is not much advantage to a high-paying job that makes a person feel miserable.

8 Assignments Opportunity Assignment #1:
Students will define and provide an example of an opportunity from their own life. The student will explain if they acted on this opportunity and what influenced their decision in a one-page typed report. Non-financial Rewards Assignment #2: Students will interview entrepreneurs to find out what non-financial rewards are important and why. Then students will prepare a one-page typed report that explains “Top Reasons for Becoming an Entrepreneur.”  Letter to the SBA Assignment #3: Students will write a letter to the Small Business Administration. The letter must include the student’s interest in starting a small business, it must be specific about the type of business, and ask what specific services the SBA provides to people who wish to start this type of business.

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