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The history of the Superhero!

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Presentation on theme: "The history of the Superhero!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The history of the Superhero!
Learning Objective/Kaupapa: Develop our understanding of changes in the superhero genre so we can make informed connections and comparisons between texts that are different in time, culture and literary tradition, exploring their influence. Use a range of reading strategies to extract, infer from and apply information. The value is….. Respect and DIVERSITY The Competency is …..MANAGING SELF Homework – Complete the reading in the S drive folder entitled … and make an A4 revision card summarising the key ideas. ALWAYS DUE END OF DAY ON A WEDNESDAY! Do Now/ Nā Mahi: Read the extract and take notes summarising the main events in the history of horror.

2 What sort of reading strategies do you already know about?
Learning Objective/Kaupapa: 1. Develop our understanding of changes in the horror genre so we can make informed connections and comparisons between texts that are different in time, culture and literary tradition, exploring their influence. 2. Use a range of reading strategies to extract, infer from and apply information. 1.UNDERSTAND THE HISTORY OF GENRE SO WE CAN…. Look at texts from different times, cultures and film traditions. Compare and contrast Look at them in context – how they affect the world and how the world affects them 2.Read actively when writing and using notes from a text. What sort of reading strategies do you already know about?

3 Active reading. In pairs.
Peer teachers Emily TK Tutorial Table Taylor Jasmine Tipa Jade Active reading. In pairs. 1. Topic sentences give us clues. As you read, highlight all the topic sentences. 2. Key word selection. Select between 3 and 6 key words in each paragraph. 3. Gloss Create a glossary box where you write the words you need to look up in the dictionary for their meaning. 4. Summarise Use bullet points, diagrams and symbols to summarise each paragraph when you complete each paragraph. 5. Think, Link and Shrink. Think about what you already know. How does this help you to understand the text? Write additional notes around your summary to help you remember this useful previous knowledge is relevant. Link your ideas to other learning and to real examples and to the context of the text. Get rid of any information that is not relevant to shrink the amount of notes you take.

4 Example. 1930s - Dracula, Frankenstein movies
1950s - Horror >> Sci-Fi – ‘Invasion of body snatchers’

5 Example 1930s - Dracula, Frankenstein movies
1950s - Horror >> Sci-Fi – ‘Invasion of body snatchers’ Glossary Pastiche – a film that imitates a previous film. Different from parody because it celebrates rather than mocks the work it imitates. Parody – a film that mocks the film it imitates.

6 Example 1930s - Dracula, Frankenstein movies
Based on truth – Vlad the impaler Less media exposure Example Body horror 1930s - Dracula, Frankenstein movies 1950s - Horror >> Sci-Fi – ‘Invasion of body snatchers’ Glossary Pastiche – a film that imitates a previous film. Different from parody because it celebrates rather than mocks the work it imitates. Parody – a film that mocks the film it imitates. Links to Cold war and fear of invasion by Russians Links to Frankenstein

7 In groups, identify the 5 most important ideas from the text.

8 Progress arrow I need to know what you still feel unsure about.
Did we achieve the Learning Objective/ Kaupapa? How do we know?

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