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MRSPTA Back-to-School Packet

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1 2017-2018 MRSPTA Back-to-School Packet
Millstone River School PTA, Inc. 75 Grovers Mill Road, Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Phone: (609)   MRSPTA Back-to-School Packet located online at For your information, we include the following: Welcome Letter from MRSPTA Co - Presidents PTA Board & Key Committee Chair Contact Information Calendar of PTA-Sponsored Events Corporate Proceeds Program Details Forms (can also be found on PTA website Membership Form School Spirit Clothing order form Millstone River School PTA

2 Dear Millstone River School Families, A warm welcome to our new 3rd and 4th graders and a welcome back to our returning students! The staff and PTA want to welcome all the students into the Millstone River School Community! Now is a great time to join the PTA. Becoming a member provides needed funds for student activities and family events. Membership also allows you to be an active volunteer in PTA events, but only if you want to be involved. Volunteering is not required. This year we have 4 exciting membership options to chose from; ranging from a basic membership to an enhanced membership which includes event tickets and MRS merchandise. (See the PTA Membership Form at the end of this document for more details.) The MRS PTA executive board has been working hard this summer planning events for the school year which include: student assemblies, family fun nights and staff appreciation events. We already had our first event – the Welcome Back Breakfast for Staff on Sept 5. The staff was very appreciative and it started this school year on the right note. Below are a few of the exciting events planned this year: 2017 Student Assemblies: 3rd grade – “Superhero Math or Cyber Squad “(February) 4th grade – “The Brain Show” (April) 5th grade – “Even Small Crayons make Bright Marks” (Hard topics are discussed in fun ways in December). New PTA Event: Theater Week - April 30 to May 4 Theater week is an interactive opportunity for your child to be part of a live theater production. The first 150 students to register for the production will get to perform on May 4, 2018 at 7pm. Rehearsals will be after school from 3:30 to 5:30 April 30 - May 4. More details will follow as the date draws near. Family Fun Nights: Our Family Fun Nights are designed for your children to associate school with fun. As we know, children who enjoy school, perform better academically and socially. Following is the list of Family Fun Nights. Please remember to check your PTA s for details on these events listed on the following page.

3 Family Fun Nights Dates: 10/10 Pajama Night with Ms. Bonino 6:30 pm
10/27 Decorating Pumpkins together 11/30 Candy Bingo 12/08 Movie Night 01/26 Fitness Night (tentative) 02/23 Winter Party (snow date 3/2) 03/10 Science Fair - (snow date 3/17) 04/12 Brain Show 05/04 The Rotten Princess – A Fun Musical Fundraisers: The MRS PTA conducts various fundraisers throughout the year to fund the events listed above; as well as, student programs (e.g. From Trash to Treasure, Homefront projects) and gifts (e.g. some new gym equipment, subsidizing new stage curtains). Please support the following events to help raise money: Book Fair (October 9 – October 13), Cookie Dough Sale (January), Silent and Live Auction at Winter Party (February 23), Boxtops (all year) , Amazon Smile (all year) and McCaffrey’s receipts (all year). Back to School Night and General PTA Meetings: *Please come early to the Back to School Nights (Sept 27 & Sept :30 pm) to meet members of the MRS PTA and to learn more about us. *MRS and Town Center are having a joint meeting at Town Center on September 26 at 9:00 am. Our superintendent, Dr. David Aderhold, will be speaking on how the new housing developments will effect our school district. *Please join us at our first general membership meeting on Wednesday, October 25 at 9:30AM in MRS room C103. Communication: Our events will be ed to you every Tuesday. They will be short and explain the event(s) for that week only – so please read the MRS PTA s. All events, PTA meetings, fundraisers , and announcements are on our website at or on our Facebook Page at Visit the website and Facebook site often, as information is always being updated. On behalf of the Millstone River School PTA, we once again would like to extend a warm welcome and best wishes for a fun and successful school year. Sincerely, Salena & Nola - Co-Presidents

4 2017-2018 Millstone River PTA Executive Board
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us using the s listed below: Salena Desiano, Co-President Aloka Bagchi, VP Programs Nola Maingi, Co-President Nancy Chen, VP Membership Jalpa Upadhyay, Treasurer Barbara Kelly, Recording Secretary Saima Shabab, VP Fundraising

5 Calendar of PTA-Sponsored Events for 2017-2018
(subject to change or cancellation) September January 9/5 Welcome Back Breakfast for Teachers & Staff 7:30AM 1/2 Schools reopen 9/6 First Day of school 1/5 School supple sale, café 9/6 -9/7 Bus Help 1/16 PTA Joint General Membership Meeting with Village, 9:15 at Village School – Melissa Pearson Mathematics Supervisor 9/13 Executive Board Only - 9:30am, C103 1/17 PTA Executive Meeting, 9:30 am, rm C103 9/21 School Closed 1/15 Schools Closed, Martin Luther King Jr. Day 9/25 PTA Joint General Membership Meeting, 9:00 am, Town Center, Dr. David Aderhold 1/18 - 1/19 Early Dismissal: Conferences 9/27 Back to School Night for 5th Grade, 7pm 1/26 Family Fun Night: Fitness Night 9/28 Back to School Night for 3rd & 4th Grades, 7pm February October 2/2 10/2 Chipotle Restaurant Fundraiser 2/14 PTA General Membership Meeting - 9:30 am, C103 10/6 Bookfair Set-up 2/16 School Closed, Professional Development 10/10 Family Fun night: Pajama Night with Ms Bonino 6:30 pm 2/23 Winter Party (snow date 3/2) 10/9 -10/13 Bookfair School supple sale, cafe March 10/19 3/2 10/17 Record Breaker (Rain Date 10/20) 3/7 PTA Executive Board Meeting, 9:30 am, rm C103 10/16-10/18, 10/20 Early Dismissal: conferences 3/9 10/26 PTA General Meeting, 9:30 am, rm C103, HIB, Adoption of Budget 3/12-3/16 10/27 Family Fun Night: Decorating Pumpkins together 3/10 Science Fair - (snow date 3/17) 3/30 November 11/3 April 11/9 -11/10 Schools Closed 4/2-4/6 Schools Closed: Spring Recess 11/15 PTA Joint Meeting wi Village, 7pm, at Village: Police speak on Cyber Security 4/12 Family Fun Night: Brain Show 11/16 Restaurant Fundraiser - Romeo's 4/13 11/22 Early Dismissal, K-12 4/18 PTA Executive Board / General Membership Meeting, 9:30 am, rm C103 11/23-11/24 Schools Closed for Thanksgiving Recess 4/27 Early Dismissal K-5, Conferences 11/30 Family Fun Night: Candy Bingo Staff Appreciation Luncheon - start by 1 pm 4/30 Theater Week - 3:30 to 5:30 pm - Gym December 12/1 May 12/8 Family Fun Night: Movie Night 5/1-5/4 Theater Week - 3:30 - 5:30 pm - Gym 12/22 Early Dismissal K-12, Winter Recess 5/4 Family Fun Night: The Rotten Princess - A Fun Musical 12/25 -1/1 Schools Closed, Winter Recess 5/7-5/11 National Teachers Appreciation Week TBD Family Fun Day: Trenton Thunder 5/11 PTA General Meeting,Reflections Awards Ceremony & PTA Elections 9am, cafeteria 5/17-5/18 Field Days (Rain Dates 5/23,5/25) 5/28 Schools Closed, Memorial Day June 6/1 School Supply Sale, Café 6/5 Carnival (rain date - 6/12) 6/6 PTA Executive Board Meeting, 10 am 6/20 Last Day of School, Early Dismissal K-12, High School Graduation

6 Support Millstone River through the following:
Corporate Proceeds Support Millstone River through the following: Box Tops for Education All you need to do is collect Box Tops and tape them to a sheet of paper. Each Box Top submitted earns us 10 cents. We will run contests throughout the year! The expiration date must be included on the Box Top. No more than 25 Box Tops to a sheet. Make sure you write your teacher’s name and your child’s name on each sheet. You can also use the Collection sheets attached at the end of this packet. McCaffrey’s Receipts MRS PTA earns 1% of all receipts collected. Please put receipts in an envelope with your child’s name and their teacher’s name.

7 Support Millstone River through the following
Corporate Proceeds Support Millstone River through the following Amazon Smile We are very excited to introduce the Amazon Smile program, a simple and automatic way for you to support Millstone River School. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. To set up your account, click on the link and it will automatically set your charity to “Millstone River Sch PTA” (ID#33640). Once you do that, just go to whenever shopping and Millstone River will receive the benefits.

8 Copy This Sheet as Many Times as You Want!!!!
Six Students will Win a Gift Card to Red Berry Here is how: Fill as many sheets as you can to help raise money for fun activities in your school. Tape 25 UnExpired Box Tops to this sheet. Write your name and your next year’s teacher’s name. Hand back to your teacher by October 13 Name: ______ Teacher’s Name (9/2017): ___


10 Show your Millstone River Pride With Millstone Spirit Wear!
Millstone River PTA Eagle Gear Form Return Order Form with Payment (check payable to “MRSPTA” or cash) to your Child’s Teacher in an envelope marked “PTA Spirit Wear”. All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Please contact Laurie DeJong at if you have any questions. Child’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Teacher/ Grade: _____________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Phone# ________________________

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